2024-03-24 00:00:32 +01:00

70 lines
1.7 KiB

#include "i2c.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <util/twi.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void I2C_init() {
// Set the prescaler to 1
TWSR &= ~(1 << TWPS0);
TWSR &= ~(1 << TWPS1);
// Set the bit rate to 100kHz
TWBR = ((F_CPU / 100000) - 16) / 2;
uint8_t I2C_start(uint8_t addr) {
// Send the start condition
TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWSTA) | (1 << TWEN);
// Wait for the start condition to be sent
while (!(TWCR & (1 << TWINT)))
// Load the address of the slave device
TWDR = addr;
// Clear the TWINT bit to start the transmission
TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN);
// Wait for the address to be sent
while (!(TWCR & (1 << TWINT)))
// Get the status of the transmission
uint8_t status = TWSR & 0xF8;
// Return true if the slave acknowledged the address
return (status == TW_MT_SLA_ACK || status == TW_MR_SLA_ACK);
void I2C_stop() {
// Send the stop condition
TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWSTO) | (1 << TWEN);
// Wait for the stop condition to be sent
while (TWCR & (1 << TWSTO))
uint8_t I2C_write(uint8_t data) {
// Load the data into the data register
TWDR = data;
// Start transmission of data
TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN);
// Wait for the data to be sent
while (!(TWCR & (1 << TWINT)))
// Return true if the data was sent
return (TWSR & 0xF8) == TW_MT_DATA_ACK;
uint8_t I2C_read(uint8_t ack) {
// Enable TWI, generate ACK (if ack = 1) and clear TWI interrupt flag
TWCR = (1 << TWINT) | (1 << TWEN) | (ack << TWEA);
// Wait until TWI finish its current job (read operation)
while (!(TWCR & (1 << TWINT)))
// Return received data
return TWDR;