diff --git a/client-solid/src/Components/Comment.tsx b/client-solid/src/Components/Comment.tsx
index d78fa0a..c706750 100644
--- a/client-solid/src/Components/Comment.tsx
+++ b/client-solid/src/Components/Comment.tsx
@@ -7,15 +7,23 @@ export function Comment(props: { comment: PublicComment }): JSXElement {
   const [content, setContent] = createSignal<string>("");
   createEffect(() => {
-    setCreationDate(new Date(props.comment.created_at).toDateString());
+    const date = new Date(props.comment.created_at);
+    if (!isNaN(date.getTime())) {
+      setCreationDate(date.toDateString());
+    } else {
+      // Set creation date to an empty string or any default value when the date is invalid
+      setCreationDate("");
+    }
   return (
-      <div class="py-5">
-        <time class="text-xs opacity-50">{creationDate()}</time>
-      </div>
+      {creationDate() && ( // Render creation date only if it's not an empty string
+        <div class="py-5">
+          <time class="text-xs opacity-50">{creationDate()}</time>
+        </div>
+      )}
       <div class="">{content()}</div>
       <div class="divider" />