local function unsetBinding(action) local key1, key2 = GetBindingKey(action); if key1 then SetBinding(key1, nil); end if key2 then SetBinding(key2, nil); end end local function setBindingRM(key, action) unsetBinding(action); if SetBinding(key, action) then print("Set binding " .. key .. " to " .. action); else print("Failed to set binding " .. key .. " to " .. action); end SaveBindings(1); end -- https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/BindingID local myBinds = { ["1"] = "ACTIONBUTTON1", ["2"] = "ACTIONBUTTON2", ["3"] = "ACTIONBUTTON3", } local function setAllBinds() setBindingRM("CTRL-2", "ACTIONBUTTON1"); setBindingRM("1", "ACTIONBUTTON2"); print("Bindings set") end -- Define a function to handle the /hello command local function HelloCommandHandler(msg, editbox) setAllBinds() end -- message('loaded') print("test") -- Register the /hello command SLASH_BINDS1 = "/binds" SlashCmdList["BINDS"] = HelloCommandHandler