Unfortunately, [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install) is required for the build process. Running any form of containerized workload on windows is currently unsupported. More info [here](https://podman.io/docs/installation#windows). From my understanding, WSL also requires virtualization extensions to be enabled in the BIOS, which is not always the case for all users.
It is possible to run the code on Windows, but this will be without the use of containers or any other build tools that are not available on Windows.
You will also eventually need to install the database server, which will not be containerized.
My recommendation would be to make WSL your primary development environment if you are on Windows. This will drop you into an Ubuntu environment, in which you can follow the instructions above.
If you're still dead set on using windows ou will need the following:
- [Go](https://go.dev/)
- [Node & npm](https://nodejs.org/en/)
- [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) / [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) / [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) (This is undecided so far)
With some grit and determination, you can get it to work. It's not recommended, but I (Imbus) will try to help you.