Brand new typescript API interface generated from swagger

This commit is contained in:
Imbus 2024-03-29 19:36:47 +01:00
parent 8d5329146d
commit d2b4bf2a89

frontend/src/API/GenApi.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
/* eslint-disable */
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* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ## ##
* ## AUTHOR: acacode ##
* ## SOURCE: ##
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
export interface TypesNewUser {
/** @example "password123" */
password?: string;
/** @example "username123" */
username?: string;
export interface TypesToken {
token?: string;
export type QueryParamsType = Record<string | number, any>;
export type ResponseFormat = keyof Omit<Body, "body" | "bodyUsed">;
export interface FullRequestParams extends Omit<RequestInit, "body"> {
/** set parameter to `true` for call `securityWorker` for this request */
secure?: boolean;
/** request path */
path: string;
/** content type of request body */
type?: ContentType;
/** query params */
query?: QueryParamsType;
/** format of response (i.e. response.json() -> format: "json") */
format?: ResponseFormat;
/** request body */
body?: unknown;
/** base url */
baseUrl?: string;
/** request cancellation token */
cancelToken?: CancelToken;
export type RequestParams = Omit<FullRequestParams, "body" | "method" | "query" | "path">;
export interface ApiConfig<SecurityDataType = unknown> {
baseUrl?: string;
baseApiParams?: Omit<RequestParams, "baseUrl" | "cancelToken" | "signal">;
securityWorker?: (securityData: SecurityDataType | null) => Promise<RequestParams | void> | RequestParams | void;
customFetch?: typeof fetch;
export interface HttpResponse<D extends unknown, E extends unknown = unknown> extends Response {
data: D;
error: E;
type CancelToken = Symbol | string | number;
export enum ContentType {
Json = "application/json",
FormData = "multipart/form-data",
UrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Text = "text/plain",
export class HttpClient<SecurityDataType = unknown> {
public baseUrl: string = "//localhost:8080/api";
private securityData: SecurityDataType | null = null;
private securityWorker?: ApiConfig<SecurityDataType>["securityWorker"];
private abortControllers = new Map<CancelToken, AbortController>();
private customFetch = (...fetchParams: Parameters<typeof fetch>) => fetch(...fetchParams);
private baseApiParams: RequestParams = {
credentials: "same-origin",
headers: {},
redirect: "follow",
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer",
constructor(apiConfig: ApiConfig<SecurityDataType> = {}) {
Object.assign(this, apiConfig);
public setSecurityData = (data: SecurityDataType | null) => {
this.securityData = data;
protected encodeQueryParam(key: string, value: any) {
const encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(key);
return `${encodedKey}=${encodeURIComponent(typeof value === "number" ? value : `${value}`)}`;
protected addQueryParam(query: QueryParamsType, key: string) {
return this.encodeQueryParam(key, query[key]);
protected addArrayQueryParam(query: QueryParamsType, key: string) {
const value = query[key];
return any) => this.encodeQueryParam(key, v)).join("&");
protected toQueryString(rawQuery?: QueryParamsType): string {
const query = rawQuery || {};
const keys = Object.keys(query).filter((key) => "undefined" !== typeof query[key]);
return keys
.map((key) => (Array.isArray(query[key]) ? this.addArrayQueryParam(query, key) : this.addQueryParam(query, key)))
protected addQueryParams(rawQuery?: QueryParamsType): string {
const queryString = this.toQueryString(rawQuery);
return queryString ? `?${queryString}` : "";
private contentFormatters: Record<ContentType, (input: any) => any> = {
[ContentType.Json]: (input: any) =>
input !== null && (typeof input === "object" || typeof input === "string") ? JSON.stringify(input) : input,
[ContentType.Text]: (input: any) => (input !== null && typeof input !== "string" ? JSON.stringify(input) : input),
[ContentType.FormData]: (input: any) =>
Object.keys(input || {}).reduce((formData, key) => {
const property = input[key];
property instanceof Blob
? property
: typeof property === "object" && property !== null
? JSON.stringify(property)
: `${property}`,
return formData;
}, new FormData()),
[ContentType.UrlEncoded]: (input: any) => this.toQueryString(input),
protected mergeRequestParams(params1: RequestParams, params2?: RequestParams): RequestParams {
return {
...(params2 || {}),
headers: {
...(this.baseApiParams.headers || {}),
...(params1.headers || {}),
...((params2 && params2.headers) || {}),
protected createAbortSignal = (cancelToken: CancelToken): AbortSignal | undefined => {
if (this.abortControllers.has(cancelToken)) {
const abortController = this.abortControllers.get(cancelToken);
if (abortController) {
return abortController.signal;
return void 0;
const abortController = new AbortController();
this.abortControllers.set(cancelToken, abortController);
return abortController.signal;
public abortRequest = (cancelToken: CancelToken) => {
const abortController = this.abortControllers.get(cancelToken);
if (abortController) {
public request = async <T = any, E = any>({
}: FullRequestParams): Promise<HttpResponse<T, E>> => {
const secureParams =
((typeof secure === "boolean" ? secure : &&
this.securityWorker &&
(await this.securityWorker(this.securityData))) ||
const requestParams = this.mergeRequestParams(params, secureParams);
const queryString = query && this.toQueryString(query);
const payloadFormatter = this.contentFormatters[type || ContentType.Json];
const responseFormat = format || requestParams.format;
return this.customFetch(`${baseUrl || this.baseUrl || ""}${path}${queryString ? `?${queryString}` : ""}`, {
headers: {
...(requestParams.headers || {}),
...(type && type !== ContentType.FormData ? { "Content-Type": type } : {}),
signal: (cancelToken ? this.createAbortSignal(cancelToken) : requestParams.signal) || null,
body: typeof body === "undefined" || body === null ? null : payloadFormatter(body),
}).then(async (response) => {
const r = response as HttpResponse<T, E>; = null as unknown as T;
r.error = null as unknown as E;
const data = !responseFormat
? r
: await response[responseFormat]()
.then((data) => {
if (r.ok) { = data;
} else {
r.error = data;
return r;
.catch((e) => {
r.error = e;
return r;
if (cancelToken) {
if (!response.ok) throw data;
return data;
* @title TTime API
* @version 0.0.1
* @license AGPL (
* @baseUrl //localhost:8080/api
* @externalDocs
* @contact
* This is the API for TTime, a time tracking application.
export class GenApi<SecurityDataType extends unknown> extends HttpClient<SecurityDataType> {
login = {
* @description Logs in a user and returns a JWT token
* @tags Auth
* @name LoginCreate
* @summary Login
* @request POST:/login
loginCreate: (body: TypesNewUser, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<TypesToken, string>({
path: `/login`,
method: "POST",
body: body,
type: ContentType.Json,
format: "json",
loginrenew = {
* @description Renews the users token.
* @tags Auth
* @name LoginrenewCreate
* @summary LoginRenews
* @request POST:/loginrenew
* @secure
loginrenewCreate: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<TypesToken, string>({
path: `/loginrenew`,
method: "POST",
secure: true,
format: "json",
promoteToAdmin = {
* @description Promote chosen user to site admin
* @tags User
* @name PromoteToAdminCreate
* @summary PromoteToAdmin
* @request POST:/promoteToAdmin
* @secure
promoteToAdminCreate: (NewUser: TypesNewUser, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<TypesToken, string>({
path: `/promoteToAdmin`,
method: "POST",
body: NewUser,
secure: true,
type: ContentType.Json,
register = {
* @description Register a new user
* @tags Auth
* @name RegisterCreate
* @summary Register
* @request POST:/register
registerCreate: (NewUser: TypesNewUser, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<string, string>({
path: `/register`,
method: "POST",
body: NewUser,
type: ContentType.Json,
userdelete = {
* @description UserDelete deletes a user from the database
* @tags User
* @name UserdeleteDelete
* @summary UserDelete
* @request DELETE:/userdelete/{username}
* @secure
userdeleteDelete: (username: string, params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<string, string>({
path: `/userdelete/${username}`,
method: "DELETE",
secure: true,
type: ContentType.Json,
users = {
* @description lists all users
* @tags User
* @name GetUsers
* @summary ListsAllUsers
* @request GET:/users/all
* @secure
getUsers: (params: RequestParams = {}) =>
this.request<string[], string>({
path: `/users/all`,
method: "GET",
secure: true,
format: "json",