# Go parameters GOCMD = go GOBUILD = $(GOCMD) build GOCLEAN = $(GOCMD) clean GOTEST = $(GOCMD) test GOGET = $(GOCMD) get # SQLite database filename DB_FILE = db.sqlite3 # Directory containing migration SQL scripts MIGRATIONS_DIR = internal/database/migrations # Build target build: $(GOBUILD) -o bin/server main.go # Run target run: build ./bin/server watch: build watchexec -c -w . -r make run # Clean target clean: $(GOCLEAN) rm -rf bin rm -f db.sqlite3 # Test target test: db.sqlite3 $(GOTEST) ./... -count=1 # Get dependencies target deps: $(GOGET) -v ./... # Update dependencies target update: $(GOGET) -u -v ./... $(GOCMD) mod tidy # Migration target migrate: @echo "If this ever fails, run make clean and try again" @echo "Migrating database $(DB_FILE) using SQL scripts in $(MIGRATIONS_DIR)" @for file in $(wildcard $(MIGRATIONS_DIR)/*.sql); do \ echo "Applying migration: $$file"; \ sqlite3 $(DB_FILE) < $$file; \ done # Target added primarily for CI/CD to ensure that the database is created before running tests db.sqlite3: make migrate backup: mkdir -p backups sqlite3 $(DB_FILE) .dump | gzip -9 > ./backups/BACKUP_$(DB_FILE)_$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S").sql.gz # Restore with: # gzip -cd BACKUP_FILE.sql.gz | sqlite3 $(DB_FILE) # Format fmt: $(GOCMD) fmt ./... # Lint lint: golangci-lint run ./... # Default target default: build # Generate swagger docs .PHONY: docs docs: swag init -outputTypes go .PHONY: docfmt docfmt: swag fmt # Generate ERD # Requires eralchemy2 .PHONY: eralchemy erd: eralchemy2 -i sqlite:///db.sqlite3 -o erd.png install-swag: @echo "Installing swag" @go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag # Convenience target to install golangci-lint install-lint: @echo "Installing golangci-lint" @curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin v1.42.1 # Convenience target to install just (requires sudo privileges) install-just: @echo "Installing just" @curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://just.systems/install.sh | bash -s -- --to /usr/local/bin