# The Backend

This is the root of the backend. It contains the main server and the database logic. The structure might look confusing at first, given that go conventions (which I followed to the best of my ability) uses a rather goofy structure with the `cmd` and `internal` directories.

Golang does not support classes, but it does support structs. These are practically synonymous, with the important distinction being that structs does not support traditional inheritance. Instead, go uses interfaces to achieve polymorphism. This is a rather interesting way of doing things, and it's a bit of a learning curve if you're coming from a language like C++ or Java. Having a good understanding of [Composition over Inheritance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance) will help you understand the go way of doing things.

An [interface](https://golangdocs.com/interfaces-in-golang) is functionally similar to an interface in Java, or an abstract class in C++. It simply describes how an object can behave.

An important note is that go, unlike C, handles its own dependencies. A simple `go get` command will fetch all the dependencies for you. The `go.mod` file is the equivalent of a `package.json` file in Node.js, if you're familiar with that.

To run the backend, you can use the `go run` command. For example, to run the server, you can use `go run cmd/main.go`. This will start the server on its default port (8080, at the time of writing).

## Structure

There are several moving parts to the backend. The core web server is the heart of the backend. It glues together the database and serves the routes.
Some of the routes are whats called API endpoints. These are the routes that the frontend will use to communicate with the backend. The 'root' route of the web server is the one that serves the frontend. Its the route that is called when visiting 'yourwebsite.com' or 'localhost:8080' in your browser.

## Implementation

Currently the server uses the standard library 'net/http' to serve the routes. Other considerations include [Gin](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin) and [Fiber](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber). For the database interactions, we use [sqlx](https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx), which is a superset of the standard library's 'database/sql' package. It provides a more ergonomic way of interacting with the database, while still being pure sql. There are other popular libraries like [GORM](https://gorm.io/) and [XORM](https://xorm.io/), (ORM as in Object Relational Mapping), but those abstract away the sql, which does not fit the project's goals.