import requests import string import random debug_output = True def gprint(*args, **kwargs): print("\033[92m", *args, "\033[00m", **kwargs) print("Running Tests...") def dprint(*args, **kwargs): if debug_output: print(*args, **kwargs) def randomString(len=10): """Generate a random string of fixed length""" letters = string.ascii_lowercase return "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(len)) # Defined once per test run username = "user_" + randomString() projectName = "project_" + randomString() # The base URL of the API base_url = "http://localhost:8080" # Endpoint to test registerPath = base_url + "/api/register" loginPath = base_url + "/api/login" addProjectPath = base_url + "/api/project" submitReportPath = base_url + "/api/submitWeeklyReport" getWeeklyReportPath = base_url + "/api/getWeeklyReport" getProjectPath = base_url + "/api/project" signReportPath = base_url + "/api/signReport" addUserToProjectPath = base_url + "/api/addUserToProject" promoteToAdminPath = base_url + "/api/promoteToAdmin" getUserProjectsPath = base_url + "/api/getUserProjects" getWeeklyReportsUserPath = base_url + "/api/getWeeklyReportsUser" checkIfProjectManagerPath = base_url + "/api/checkIfProjectManager" ProjectRoleChangePath = base_url + "/api/ProjectRoleChange" getUsersProjectPath = base_url + "/api/getUsersProject" getUnsignedReportsPath = base_url + "/api/getUnsignedReports" getChangeUserNamePath = base_url + "/api/changeUserName" getUpdateWeeklyReportPath = base_url + "/api/updateWeeklyReport" removeProjectPath = base_url + "/api/removeProject" #ta bort auth i handlern för att få testet att gå igenom def test_ProjectRoleChange(): dprint("Testing ProjectRoleChange") localUsername = randomString() localProjectName = randomString() register(localUsername, "username_password") token = login(localUsername, "username_password").json()[ "token" ] # Just checking since this test is built somewhat differently than the others assert token != None, "Login failed" response = addProjectPath, json={"name": localProjectName, "description": "This is a project"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) if response.status_code != 200: print("Add project failed") response = ProjectRoleChangePath, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, json={ "projectName": localProjectName, "role": "project_manager", }, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "ProjectRoleChange failed" gprint("test_ProjectRoleChange successful") def test_get_user_projects(): dprint("Testing get user projects") loginResponse = login("user2", "123") # Check if the user is added to the project response = requests.get( getUserProjectsPath, json={"username": "user2"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + loginResponse.json()["token"]}, ) dprint(response.text) dprint(response.json()) assert response.status_code == 200, "Get user projects failed" gprint("test_get_user_projects successful") # Posts the username and password to the register endpoint def register(username: string, password: string): dprint("Registering with username: ", username, " and password: ", password) response = registerPath, json={"username": username, "password": password} ) dprint(response.text) return response # Posts the username and password to the login endpoint def login(username: string, password: string): dprint("Logging in with username: ", username, " and password: ", password) response = loginPath, json={"username": username, "password": password} ) dprint(response.text) return response # Test function to login def test_login(): response = login(username, "always_same") assert response.status_code == 200, "Login failed" dprint("Login successful") gprint("test_login successful") return response.json()["token"] # Test function to create a new user def test_create_user(): response = register(username, "always_same") assert response.status_code == 200, "Registration failed" gprint("test_create_user successful") # Test function to add a project def test_add_project(): loginResponse = login(username, "always_same") token = loginResponse.json()["token"] response = addProjectPath, json={"name": projectName, "description": "This is a project"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Add project failed" gprint("test_add_project successful") # Test function to submit a report def test_submit_report(): token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] response = submitReportPath, json={ "projectName": projectName, "week": 1, "developmentTime": 10, "meetingTime": 5, "adminTime": 5, "ownWorkTime": 10, "studyTime": 10, "testingTime": 10, }, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Submit report failed" gprint("test_submit_report successful") # Test function to get a weekly report def test_get_weekly_report(): token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] response = requests.get( getWeeklyReportPath, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, params={"username": username, "projectName": projectName, "week": 1}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Get weekly report failed" gprint("test_get_weekly_report successful") # Tests getting a project by id def test_get_project(): token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] response = requests.get( getProjectPath + "/1", # Assumes that the project with id 1 exists headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Get project failed" gprint("test_get_project successful") # Test function to add a user to a project def test_add_user_to_project(): # Log in as a site admin admin_username = randomString() admin_password = "admin_password" dprint( "Registering with username: ", admin_username, " and password: ", admin_password ) response = registerPath, json={"username": admin_username, "password": admin_password} ) dprint(response.text) admin_token = login(admin_username, admin_password).json()["token"] response = promoteToAdminPath, json={"username": admin_username}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Promote to site admin failed" dprint("Admin promoted to site admin successfully") # Create a new user to add to the project new_user = randomString() register(new_user, "new_user_password") # Add the new user to the project as a member response = requests.put( addUserToProjectPath, json={"projectName": projectName, "username": new_user, "role": "member"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Add user to project failed" gprint("test_add_user_to_project successful") # Test function to sign a report def test_sign_report(): # Create a project manager user project_manager = randomString() register(project_manager, "project_manager_password") # Register an admin admin_username = randomString() admin_password = "admin_password2" dprint( "Registering with username: ", admin_username, " and password: ", admin_password ) response = registerPath, json={"username": admin_username, "password": admin_password} ) dprint(response.text) # Log in as the admin admin_token = login(admin_username, admin_password).json()["token"] response = promoteToAdminPath, json={"username": admin_username}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) response = requests.put( addUserToProjectPath, json={ "projectName": projectName, "username": project_manager, "role": "project_manager", }, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Add project manager to project failed" dprint("Project manager added to project successfully") # Log in as the project manager project_manager_token = login(project_manager, "project_manager_password").json()[ "token" ] # Submit a report for the project token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] response = submitReportPath, json={ "projectName": projectName, "week": 2, "developmentTime": 10, "meetingTime": 5, "adminTime": 5, "ownWorkTime": 10, "studyTime": 10, "testingTime": 10, }, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Submit report failed" dprint("Submit report successful") # Retrieve the report ID response = requests.get( getWeeklyReportPath, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, params={"username": username, "projectName": projectName, "week": 1}, ) dprint(response.text) report_id = response.json()["reportId"] # Sign the report as the project manager response = signReportPath, json={"reportId": report_id}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + project_manager_token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Sign report failed" dprint("Sign report successful") # Retrieve the report ID again for confirmation response = requests.get( getWeeklyReportPath, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, params={"username": username, "projectName": projectName, "week": 1}, ) dprint(response.text) gprint("test_sign_report successful") # Test function to get weekly reports for a user in a project def test_get_weekly_reports_user(): # Log in as the user token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] # Get weekly reports for the user in the project response = requests.get( getWeeklyReportsUserPath + "/" + projectName, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Get weekly reports for user failed" gprint("test_get_weekly_reports_user successful") # Test function to check if a user is a project manager def test_check_if_project_manager(): # Log in as the user token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] # Check if the user is a project manager for the project response = requests.get( checkIfProjectManagerPath + "/" + projectName, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Check if project manager failed" gprint("test_check_if_project_manager successful") def test_ensure_manager_of_created_project(): # Create a new user to add to the project newUser = "karen_" + randomString() newProject = "HR_" + randomString() register(newUser, "new_user_password") token = login(newUser, "new_user_password").json()["token"] # Create a new project response = addProjectPath, json={"name": newProject, "description": "This is a project"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Add project failed" response = requests.get( checkIfProjectManagerPath + "/" + newProject, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Check if project manager failed" assert response.json()["isProjectManager"] == True, "User is not project manager" gprint("test_ensure_admin_of_created_project successful") def test_change_user_name(): # Register a new user new_user = randomString() register(new_user, "password") # Log in as the new user token = login(new_user, "password").json()["token"] # Register a new admin admin_username = randomString() admin_password = "admin_password" dprint( "Registering with username: ", admin_username, " and password: ", admin_password ) response = registerPath, json={"username": admin_username, "password": admin_password} ) admin_token = login(admin_username, admin_password).json()["token"] # Promote to admin response = promoteToAdminPath, json={"username": admin_username}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) # Change the user's name response = requests.put( getChangeUserNamePath, json={"prevName": new_user, "newName": randomString()}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) # Check if the change was successful assert response.status_code == 200, "Change user name failed" gprint("test_change_user_name successful") def test_list_all_users_project(): # Log in as a user who is a member of the project admin_username = randomString() admin_password = "admin_password2" dprint( "Registering with username: ", admin_username, " and password: ", admin_password ) response = registerPath, json={"username": admin_username, "password": admin_password} ) dprint(response.text) # Log in as the admin admin_token = login(admin_username, admin_password).json()["token"] response = promoteToAdminPath, json={"username": admin_username}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) # Make a request to list all users associated with the project response = requests.get( getUsersProjectPath + "/" + projectName, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "List all users project failed" gprint("test_list_all_users_project sucessful") def test_update_weekly_report(): # Log in as the user token = login(username, "always_same").json()["token"] # Prepare the JSON data for updating the weekly report update_data = { "projectName": projectName, "userName": username, "week": 1, "developmentTime": 8, "meetingTime": 6, "adminTime": 4, "ownWorkTime": 11, "studyTime": 8, "testingTime": 18, } # Send a request to update the weekly report response = requests.put( getUpdateWeeklyReportPath, json=update_data, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) # Check if the update was successful assert response.status_code == 200, "Update weekly report failed" gprint("test_update_weekly_report successful") def test_remove_project(): admin_username = randomString() admin_password = "admin_password2" dprint( "Registering with username: ", admin_username, " and password: ", admin_password ) response = registerPath, json={"username": admin_username, "password": admin_password} ) dprint(response.text) # Log in as the admin admin_token = login(admin_username, admin_password).json()["token"] response = promoteToAdminPath, json={"username": admin_username}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) # Create a new project new_project = randomString() response = addProjectPath, json={"name": new_project, "description": "This is a project"}, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Add project failed" # Remove the project response = requests.delete( removeProjectPath + "/" + new_project, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + admin_token}, ) assert response.status_code == 200, "Remove project failed" gprint("test_remove_project successful") def test_get_unsigned_reports(): # Log in as the user token = login("admin", "123").json()["token"] # Make a request to get all unsigned reports response = requests.get( getUnsignedReportsPath + "/" "projecttest", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, ) dprint(response.text) assert response.status_code == 200, "Get unsigned reports failed" gprint("test_get_unsigned_reports successful") if __name__ == "__main__": test_get_unsigned_reports() test_remove_project() test_get_user_projects() test_create_user() test_login() test_add_project() test_submit_report() test_get_weekly_report() test_get_project() test_sign_report() test_add_user_to_project() test_get_weekly_reports_user() test_check_if_project_manager() test_ProjectRoleChange() test_ensure_manager_of_created_project() test_get_unsigned_reports() test_list_all_users_project() test_change_user_name() test_update_weekly_report()