package reports import ( db "ttime/internal/database" "ttime/internal/types" "" "" "" ) func UpdateWeeklyReport(c *fiber.Ctx) error { // Extract the necessary parameters from the token user := c.Locals("user").(*jwt.Token) claims := user.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims) username := claims["name"].(string) // Parse the request body into an UpdateWeeklyReport struct var updateReport types.UpdateWeeklyReport if err := c.BodyParser(&updateReport); err != nil { log.Info("Error parsing weekly report") return c.Status(400).SendString(err.Error()) } // Make sure all the fields of the report are valid if updateReport.Week < 1 || updateReport.Week > 52 { log.Info("Invalid week number") return c.Status(400).SendString("Invalid week number") } if updateReport.DevelopmentTime < 0 || updateReport.MeetingTime < 0 || updateReport.AdminTime < 0 || updateReport.OwnWorkTime < 0 || updateReport.StudyTime < 0 || updateReport.TestingTime < 0 { log.Info("Invalid time report") return c.Status(400).SendString("Invalid time report") } // Update the weekly report in the database if err := db.GetDb(c).UpdateWeeklyReport(updateReport.ProjectName, username, updateReport.Week, updateReport.DevelopmentTime, updateReport.MeetingTime, updateReport.AdminTime, updateReport.OwnWorkTime, updateReport.StudyTime, updateReport.TestingTime); err != nil { log.Info("Error updating weekly report in db:", err) return c.Status(500).SendString(err.Error()) } log.Info("Weekly report updated") return c.Status(200).SendString("Weekly report updated") }