# Binaries for programs and plugins *.exe *.exe~ *.dll *.so *.dylib bin database.txt plantuml.jar db.sqlite3 diagram.puml backend/*.png backend/*.jpg backend/*.svg # Test binary, built with `go test -c` *.test # Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE *.out # Go workspace file go.work # Ignore dependency directories node_modules vendor/ # Ignore build artifacts build/ dist/ *.log # Ignore IDE and editor-specific files .vscode/ .idea/ .DS_Store .go.work.sum # Ignore configuration files .env .env.local *.conf # Ignore user-specific files *.suo *.user *.gz *.xz *.tar *.zip *.rar *.7z *.bak backend/backups config.toml