143 lines
4.8 KiB
143 lines
4.8 KiB
package main
import (
_ "ttime/docs"
jwtware "github.com/gofiber/contrib/jwt"
// @title TTime API
// @version 0.0.1
// @description This is the API for TTime, a time tracking application.
// @license.name AGPL
// @license.url https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
// @securityDefinitions.apikey JWT
// @in header
// @name Authorization
// @description Use the JWT token provided by the login endpoint to authenticate requests. **Prefix the token with "Bearer ".**
// @host localhost:8080
// @BasePath /api
// @externalDocs.description OpenAPI
// @externalDocs.url https://swagger.io/resources/open-api/
Main function for starting the server and initializing configurations.
Reads configuration from file, pretty prints it, connects to the database,
migrates it, and sets up routes for the server.
func main() {
conf, err := config.ReadConfigFromFile("config.toml")
if err != nil {
conf = config.NewConfig()
_ = conf.WriteConfigToFile("config.toml")
// Pretty print the current config with toml
_ = toml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(conf)
fmt.Printf("Starting server on http://localhost:%d\n", conf.Port)
fmt.Printf("For documentation, go to http://localhost:%d/swagger/index.html\n", conf.Port)
// Connect to the database
db := database.DbConnect(conf.DbPath)
// Migrate the database
if err = db.Migrate(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error migrating database: ", err)
// Migrate sample data, should not be used in production
if err = db.MigrateSampleData(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error migrating sample data: ", err)
// Create the server
server := fiber.New()
// We want some logs
// Sets up db middleware, accessed as Local "db" key
// Mounts the swagger documentation, this is available at /swagger/index.html
server.Get("/swagger/*", swagger.HandlerDefault)
// Mount our static files (Beware of the security implications of this!)
// This will likely be replaced by an embedded filesystem in the future
server.Static("/", "./static")
// Create a group for our API
api := server.Group("/api")
// Register our unprotected routes
api.Post("/register", users.Register)
api.Post("/login", users.Login)
// Every route from here on will require a valid
// JWT bearer token authentication in the header
SigningKey: jwtware.SigningKey{Key: []byte("secret")},
// All user related routes
// userGroup := api.Group("/user") // Not currently in use
api.Get("/users/all", users.ListAllUsers)
api.Get("/project/getAllUsers", users.GetAllUsersProject)
api.Get("/username", users.GetUserName)
api.Post("/login", users.Login)
api.Post("/register", users.Register)
api.Post("/loginrenew", users.LoginRenew)
api.Post("/promoteToAdmin", users.PromoteToAdmin)
api.Put("/changeUserName", users.ChangeUserName)
api.Delete("/userdelete/:username", users.UserDelete) // Perhaps just use POST to avoid headaches
// All project related routes
// projectGroup := api.Group("/project") // Not currently in use
api.Get("/getProjectTimes/:projectName", projects.GetProjectTimesHandler)
api.Get("/getUserProjects/:username", projects.GetUserProjects)
api.Get("/project/:projectId", projects.GetProject)
api.Get("/checkIfProjectManager/:projectName", projects.IsProjectManagerHandler)
api.Get("/getUsersProject/:projectName", projects.ListAllUsersProject)
api.Post("/project", projects.CreateProject)
api.Post("/ProjectRoleChange", projects.ProjectRoleChange)
api.Put("/promoteToPm/:projectName", projects.PromoteToPm)
api.Put("/addUserToProject/:projectName", projects.AddUserToProjectHandler)
api.Delete("/removeUserFromProject/:projectName", projects.RemoveUserFromProject)
api.Delete("/removeProject/:projectName", projects.RemoveProject)
api.Delete("/project/:projectID", projects.DeleteProject)
// All report related routes
// reportGroup := api.Group("/report") // Not currently in use
api.Get("/getWeeklyReport", reports.GetWeeklyReport)
api.Get("/getUnsignedReports/:projectName", reports.GetUnsignedReports)
api.Get("/getAllWeeklyReports/:projectName", reports.GetAllWeeklyReports)
api.Post("/submitWeeklyReport", reports.SubmitWeeklyReport)
api.Put("/signReport/:reportId", reports.SignReport)
api.Put("/updateWeeklyReport", reports.UpdateWeeklyReport)
// Announce the port we are listening on and start the server
err = server.Listen(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", conf.Port))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error starting server: ", err)