
763 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
const log = std.log.scoped(.x86_rtc);
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path;
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig");
const pic = @import("pic.zig");
const pit = @import("pit.zig");
const irq = @import("irq.zig");
const cmos = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "cmos_mock.zig") else @import("cmos.zig");
const panic = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "panic_mock.zig").panic else @import("../../panic.zig").panic;
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
const scheduler = @import("../../scheduler.zig");
/// The Century register is unreliable. We need a APIC interface to infer if we have a century
/// register. So this is a current TODO.
const CURRENT_CENTURY: u32 = 2000;
/// TODO: To do with the unreliable century register. Once have APIC, can use this as a sanity check
/// if the the century register gives a wild answer then the other RTC values maybe wild. So then
/// could report that the CMOS chip is faulty or the battery is dyeing.
const CENTURY_REGISTER: bool = false;
/// A structure to hold all the date and time information in the RTC.
const DateTime = struct {
second: u32,
minute: u32,
hour: u32,
day: u32,
month: u32,
year: u32,
century: u32,
day_of_week: u32,
/// The error set that can be returned from some RTC functions.
const RtcError = error{
/// If setting the rate for interrupts is less than 3 or greater than 15.
/// The number of ticks that has passed when RTC was initially set up.
var ticks: u32 = 0;
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
var schedule: bool = true;
/// Checks if the CMOS chip isn't updating the RTC registers. Call this before reading any RTC
/// registers so don't get inconsistent values.
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the CMOS chip is busy and a update is in progress.
fn isBusy() bool {
return (cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, false) & 0x80) != 0;
/// Calculate the day of the week from the given day, month and year.
/// Arguments:
/// IN date_time: DateTime - The DateTime structure that holds the current day, month and year.
/// Return: u8
/// A number that represents the day of the week. 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ...
fn calcDayOfWeek(date_time: DateTime) u32 {
const t = [_]u8{ 0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4 };
const year = date_time.year - @boolToInt(date_time.month < 3);
const month = date_time.month;
const day =;
return (year + (year / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400) + t[month - 1] + day) % 7;
/// Check if the RTC is in binary coded decimal mode. If the RTC ic counting in BCD, then the 3rd
/// bit in the status register B will be set.
/// Return: bool
/// When the RTC is counting in BCD.
fn isBcd() bool {
const reg_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, false);
return reg_b & 0x04 != 0;
/// Check if the RTC in 12 hour mode. If the RTC is in 12 hour mode, then the 2nd bit in the status
/// register B is set and the most significant bit on the hour field is set.
/// Arguments:
/// IN date_time: DateTime - The DateTime structure containing at least the hour field set.
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the RTC is in 12 hour mode.
fn is12Hr(date_time: DateTime) bool {
const reg_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, false);
return reg_b & 0x02 != 0 and date_time.hour & 0x80 != 0;
/// Convert BCD to binary.
/// Arguments:
/// IN bcd: u32 - The binary coded decimal value to convert
/// Return: u32
/// The converted BCD value.
fn bcdToBinary(bcd: u32) u32 {
return ((bcd & 0xF0) >> 1) + ((bcd & 0xF0) >> 3) + (bcd & 0xf);
/// Read the real time clock registers and return them in the DateTime structure. This will read
/// the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, century and day of the week.
/// Return: DateTime
/// The data from the CMOS RTC registers.
fn readRtcRegisters() DateTime {
// Make sure there isn't a update in progress
while (isBusy()) {}
var date_time = DateTime{
.second = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND),
.minute = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE),
.hour = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR),
.day = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.DAY),
.month = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH),
.year = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR),
.century = if (CENTURY_REGISTER) cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.CENTURY) else CURRENT_CENTURY,
// This will be filled in later
.day_of_week = 0,
// The day of the week register is also very unreliable, so is better to calculate it
date_time.day_of_week = calcDayOfWeek(date_time);
return date_time;
/// Read a stable time from the real time clock registers on the CMOS chip and return a BCD and
/// 12 hour converted date and time.
/// Return: DateTime
/// The data from the CMOS RTC registers with correct BCD conversions, 12 hour conversions and
/// the century added to the year.
fn readRtc() DateTime {
var date_time1 = readRtcRegisters();
var date_time2 = readRtcRegisters();
// Use the method: Read the registers twice and check if they are the same so to avoid
// inconsistent values due to RTC updates
var compare = false;
inline for (@typeInfo(DateTime).Struct.fields) |field| {
compare = compare or @field(date_time1, != @field(date_time2,;
while (compare) {
date_time1 = readRtcRegisters();
date_time2 = readRtcRegisters();
compare = false;
inline for (@typeInfo(DateTime).Struct.fields) |field| {
compare = compare or @field(date_time1, != @field(date_time2,;
// Convert BCD to binary if necessary
if (isBcd()) {
date_time1.second = bcdToBinary(date_time1.second);
date_time1.minute = bcdToBinary(date_time1.minute);
// Needs a special calculation because the upper bit is set
date_time1.hour = ((date_time1.hour & 0x0F) + (((date_time1.hour & 0x70) / 16) * 10)) | (date_time1.hour & 0x80); = bcdToBinary(;
date_time1.month = bcdToBinary(date_time1.month);
date_time1.year = bcdToBinary(date_time1.year);
date_time1.century = bcdToBinary(date_time1.century);
// Need to add on the century to the year
date_time1.year += date_time1.century * 100;
} else {
date_time1.year += CURRENT_CENTURY;
// Convert to 24hr time
if (is12Hr(date_time1)) {
date_time1.hour = ((date_time1.hour & 0x7F) + 12) % 24;
return date_time1;
/// The interrupt handler for the RTC.
/// Arguments:
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
/// IN ctx: *arch.CpuState - Pointer to the interrupt context containing the contents
/// of the register at the time of the interrupt.
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
fn rtcHandler(ctx: *arch.CpuState) usize {
ticks +%= 1;
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
var ret_esp: usize = undefined;
// Call the scheduler
if (schedule) {
ret_esp = scheduler.pickNextTask(ctx);
} else {
ret_esp = @ptrToInt(ctx);
// Need to read status register C
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
// Might need to disable the NMI bit, set to true
const reg_c = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.C, false);
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
return ret_esp;
/// Set the rate at which the interrupts will fire. Ranges from 0x3 to 0xF. Where the frequency
/// is determined by: frequency = 32768 >> (rate-1); This will assume the interrupts are disabled.
/// Arguments:
/// IN rate: u4 - The rate value to set the frequency to.
/// Error: RtcError
/// RtcError.RateError - If the rate is less than 3.
fn setRate(rate: u8) RtcError!void {
if (rate < 3 or rate > 0xF) {
return RtcError.RateError;
// Need to disable the NMI for this process
const status_a = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, true);
cmos.writeStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, (status_a & 0xF0) | rate, true);
/// Enable interrupts for the RTC. This will assume the interrupts have been disabled before hand.
fn enableInterrupts() void {
// Need to disable the NMI for this process
const status_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, true);
// Set the 7th bit to enable interrupt
cmos.writeStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, status_b | 0x40, true);
/// Initialise the RTC.
pub fn init() void {
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00"Init\n", .{});
defer"Done\n", .{});
// Register the interrupt handler
irq.registerIrq(pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK, rtcHandler) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IrqExists => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} exists", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK});
error.InvalidIrq => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} is invalid", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK});
// Set the interrupt rate to 512Hz
setRate(7) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.RateError => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Setting rate error", .{});
// Enable RTC interrupts
// Read status register C to clear any interrupts that may have happened during set up
const reg_c = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.C, false);
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(),
else => {},
test "isBusy not busy" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x60) },
test "isBusy busy" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80) },
test "calcDayOfWeek" {
var date_time = DateTime{
.second = 0,
.minute = 0,
.hour = 0,
.day = 10,
.month = 1,
.year = 2020,
.century = 0,
.day_of_week = 0,
var actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time);
var expected = @as(u32, 5);
expectEqual(expected, actual); = 20;
date_time.month = 7;
date_time.year = 1940;
actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time);
expected = @as(u32, 6);
expectEqual(expected, actual); = 9;
date_time.month = 11;
date_time.year = 2043;
actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time);
expected = @as(u32, 1);
expectEqual(expected, actual); = 1;
date_time.month = 1;
date_time.year = 2000;
actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time);
expected = @as(u32, 6);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "isBcd not BCD" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
test "isBcd BCD" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x04) },
test "is12Hr not 12Hr" {
const date_time = DateTime{
.second = 0,
.minute = 0,
.hour = 0,
.day = 0,
.month = 0,
.year = 0,
.century = 0,
.day_of_week = 0,
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
test "is12Hr 12Hr" {
const date_time = DateTime{
.second = 0,
.minute = 0,
.hour = 0x80,
.day = 0,
.month = 0,
.year = 0,
.century = 0,
.day_of_week = 0,
defer cmos.freeTest();
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x02) },
test "bcdToBinary" {
var expected = @as(u32, 59);
var actual = bcdToBinary(0x59);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
expected = @as(u32, 48);
actual = bcdToBinary(0x48);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
expected = @as(u32, 1);
actual = bcdToBinary(0x01);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readRtcRegisters" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
// Have 2 busy loops
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// All the RTC registers without century as it isn't supported yet
cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
const expected = DateTime{
.second = 1,
.minute = 2,
.hour = 3,
.day = 10,
.month = 1,
.year = 20,
.century = 2000,
.day_of_week = 5,
const actual = readRtcRegisters();
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readRtc unstable read" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
// No busy loop
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// Reading the RTC registers twice, second time is one second ahead
cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
// Will try again, and now stable
// No busy loop
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
// Not BCD
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// Not 12hr
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
const expected = DateTime{
.second = 2,
.minute = 2,
.hour = 3,
.day = 10,
.month = 1,
.year = 2020,
.century = 2000,
.day_of_week = 5,
const actual = readRtc();
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readRtc is BCD" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
// No busy loop
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// Reading the RTC registers once
cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 0x30),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 0x59),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x11),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 0x10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 0x1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 0x20),
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 0x30),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 0x59),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x11),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 0x10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 0x1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 0x20),
// BCD
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x04) },
// Not 12hr
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
const expected = DateTime{
.second = 30,
.minute = 59,
.hour = 11,
.day = 10,
.month = 1,
.year = 2020,
.century = 2000,
.day_of_week = 5,
const actual = readRtc();
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readRtc is 12 hours" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
// No busy loop
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// Reading the RTC registers once
cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x83),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2),
cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x83),
cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10),
cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1),
cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20),
// Not BCD
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) },
// 12hr
.{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x02) },
const expected = DateTime{
.second = 1,
.minute = 2,
.hour = 15,
.day = 10,
.month = 1,
.year = 2020,
.century = 2000,
.day_of_week = 5,
const actual = readRtc();
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "setRate below 3" {
expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(0));
expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(1));
expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(2));
test "setRate" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
cmos.addTestParams("readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, true, @as(u8, 0x10) });
cmos.addTestParams("writeStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, @as(u8, 0x17), true });
const rate = @as(u8, 7);
try setRate(rate);
test "enableInterrupts" {
defer cmos.freeTest();
cmos.addTestParams("readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, true, @as(u8, 0x20) });
cmos.addTestParams("writeStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, @as(u8, 0x60), true });
/// Check that the IRQ is registered correctly
fn rt_init() void {
var irq_exists = false;
irq.registerIrq(pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK, rtcHandler) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IrqExists => {
// We should get this error
irq_exists = true;
error.InvalidIrq => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} is invalid\n", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK});
if (!irq_exists) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: IRQ for RTC doesn't exists\n", .{});
// Check the rate
const status_a = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, false);
if (status_a & @as(u8, 0x0F) != 7) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Rate not set properly, got: {}\n", .{status_a & @as(u8, 0x0F)});
// Check if interrupts are enabled
const status_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, true);
if (status_b & ~@as(u8, 0x40) == 0) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Interrupts not enabled\n", .{});
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00"Tested init\n", .{});
/// Check if the interrupt handler is called after a sleep so check that the RTC interrupts fire.
fn rt_interrupts() void {
const prev_ticks = ticks;
if (prev_ticks == ticks) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: No interrupt happened\n", .{});
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00"Tested interrupts\n", .{});
/// Run all the runtime tests.
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
pub fn runtimeTests() void {
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
// Disable the scheduler temporary
schedule = false;
// Interrupts aren't enabled yet, so for the runtime tests, enable it temporary
Initial scheduler Fix TSS Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate. Added the SS segment Fixed spelling Refactoring GDT Multitasking working for now WIP scheduler Refactored Bitmap a bit WIP still Task switching working Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub. Initial scheduler done Created a stage 2 init task Change u32 to usize Move Task to arch specific WIP WIP2 Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer Removed the debug logs Fixed init task stack Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation This allows less allocations so faster switching Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore Use the leak detector allocator Fmt Fix unit tests And some other stuff :P PR review Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file Mocking clean up Removed commented code Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule Removed redundant pub in log runtime test Removed global allocator for scheduler Cleaner assembly in paging Fmt Added new Scheduler test mode Added new test mode to CI Removed one of the prints Added doc comment, task test for i386 Removed test WIP Runtime tests work Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch. Removed new lines Increased line length Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
// Can enable it back
schedule = true;