2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
const is_test = @import ( " builtin " ) . is_test ;
const std = @import ( " std " ) ;
const build_options = @import ( " build_options " ) ;
const mock_path = build_options . mock_path ;
const arch = @import ( " arch.zig " ) . internals ;
const MemProfile = ( if ( is_test ) @import ( mock_path + + " mem_mock.zig " ) else @import ( " mem.zig " ) ) . MemProfile ;
const testing = std . testing ;
const panic = @import ( " panic.zig " ) . panic ;
const log = @import ( " log.zig " ) ;
const MEMORY_AVAILABLE = @import ( " multiboot.zig " ) . MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_AVAILABLE ;
const Bitmap = @import ( " bitmap.zig " ) . Bitmap ;
const PmmBitmap = Bitmap ( u32 ) ;
/// The possible errors thrown by bitmap functions
const PmmError = error {
/// The address given hasn't been allocated
NotAllocated ,
} ;
/// The size of memory associated with each bitmap entry
var bitmap : PmmBitmap = undefined ;
/// Set the bitmap entry for an address as occupied
/// Arguments:
/// IN addr: usize - The address.
/// Error: PmmBitmap.BitmapError.
/// *: See PmmBitmap.setEntry. Could occur if the address is out of bounds.
fn setAddr ( addr : usize ) PmmBitmap . BitmapError ! void {
try bitmap . setEntry ( @intCast ( u32 , addr / BLOCK_SIZE ) ) ;
/// Check if an address is set as occupied.
/// Arguments:
/// IN addr: usize - The address to check.
/// Return: True if occupied, else false.
/// Error: PmmBitmap.BitmapError.
/// *: See PmmBitmap.setEntry. Could occur if the address is out of bounds.
fn isSet ( addr : usize ) PmmBitmap . BitmapError ! bool {
return bitmap . isSet ( @intCast ( u32 , addr / BLOCK_SIZE ) ) ;
/// Find the next free memory block, set it as occupied and return it. The region allocated will be of size BLOCK_SIZE.
/// Return: The address that was allocated.
pub fn alloc ( ) ? usize {
if ( bitmap . setFirstFree ( ) ) | entry | {
return entry * BLOCK_SIZE ;
return null ;
/// Set the address as free so it can be allocated in the future. This will free a block of size BLOCK_SIZE.
/// Arguments:
/// IN addr: usize - The previously allocated address to free. Will be aligned down to the nearest multiple of BLOCK_SIZE.
/// Error: PmmError || PmmBitmap.BitmapError.
/// PmmError.NotAllocated: The address wasn't allocated.
/// PmmBitmap.BitmapError.OutOfBounds: The address given was out of bounds.
pub fn free ( addr : usize ) ( PmmBitmap . BitmapError | | PmmError ) ! void {
const idx = @intCast ( u32 , addr / BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
if ( try bitmap . isSet ( idx ) ) {
try bitmap . clearEntry ( idx ) ;
} else {
return PmmError . NotAllocated ;
/// Intiialise the physical memory manager and set all unavailable regions as occupied (those from the memory map and those from the linker symbols).
/// Arguments:
/// IN mem: *const MemProfile - The system's memory profile.
/// IN allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use to allocate the bitmaps.
pub fn init ( mem : * const MemProfile , allocator : * std . mem . Allocator ) void {
log . logInfo ( " Init pmm \n " , . { } ) ;
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
defer log . logInfo ( " Done pmm \n " , . { } ) ;
2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
bitmap = PmmBitmap . init ( mem . mem_kb * 1024 / BLOCK_SIZE , allocator ) catch @panic ( " Bitmap allocation failed " ) ;
// Occupy the regions of memory that the memory map describes as reserved
for ( mem . mem_map ) | entry | {
if ( entry . @ " type " ! = MEMORY_AVAILABLE ) {
var addr = std . mem . alignBackward ( @intCast ( usize , entry . addr ) , BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
var end = @intCast ( usize , entry . addr + ( entry . len - 1 ) ) ;
// If the end address can be aligned without overflowing then align it
if ( end < = std . math . maxInt ( usize ) - BLOCK_SIZE )
end = std . mem . alignForward ( end , BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
while ( addr < end ) : ( addr + = BLOCK_SIZE ) {
setAddr ( addr ) catch | e | switch ( e ) {
// We can ignore out of bounds errors as the memory won't be available anyway
PmmBitmap . BitmapError . OutOfBounds = > break ,
else = > panic ( @errorReturnTrace ( ) , " Failed setting address 0x{x} from memory map as occupied: {} " , . { addr , e } ) ,
} ;
// Occupy kernel memory
var addr = std . mem . alignBackward ( @ptrToInt ( mem . physaddr_start ) , BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
while ( addr < @ptrToInt ( mem . physaddr_end ) ) : ( addr + = BLOCK_SIZE ) {
setAddr ( addr ) catch | e | switch ( e ) {
error . OutOfBounds = > panic ( @errorReturnTrace ( ) , " Failed setting kernel code address 0x{x} as occupied. The amount of system memory seems to be too low for the kernel image: {} " , . { addr , e } ) ,
else = > panic ( @errorReturnTrace ( ) , " Failed setting kernel code address 0x{x} as occupied: {} " , . { addr , e } ) ,
} ;
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
if ( build_options . rt_test ) runtimeTests ( mem ) ;
2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
/// Allocate all blocks and make sure they don't overlap with any reserved addresses.
/// Arguments:
/// IN mem: *const MemProfile - The memory profile to check for reserved memory regions.
fn runtimeTests ( mem : * const MemProfile ) void {
// Make sure that occupied memory can't be allocated
var prev_alloc : usize = std . math . maxInt ( usize ) ;
while ( alloc ( ) ) | alloced | {
if ( prev_alloc = = alloced ) {
panic ( null , " PMM allocated the same address twice: 0x{x} " , . { alloced } ) ;
prev_alloc = alloced ;
for ( mem . mem_map ) | entry | {
if ( entry . @ " type " ! = MEMORY_AVAILABLE ) {
var addr = std . mem . alignBackward ( @intCast ( usize , entry . addr ) , BLOCK_SIZE ) ;
if ( addr = = alloced ) {
panic ( null , " PMM allocated an address that should be reserved by the memory map: 0x{x} " , . { addr } ) ;
if ( alloced > = std . mem . alignBackward ( @ptrToInt ( mem . physaddr_start ) , BLOCK_SIZE ) and alloced < std . mem . alignForward ( @ptrToInt ( mem . physaddr_end ) , BLOCK_SIZE ) ) {
panic ( null , " PMM allocated an address that should be reserved by kernel code: 0x{x} " , . { alloced } ) ;
log . logInfo ( " PMM: Tested allocation \n " , . { } ) ;
test " alloc " {
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
bitmap = try Bitmap ( u32 ) . init ( 32 , std . heap . page_allocator ) ;
2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
comptime var addr = 0 ;
comptime var i = 0 ;
// Allocate all entries, making sure they succeed and return the correct addresses
inline while ( i < 32 ) : ( {
i + = 1 ;
addr + = BLOCK_SIZE ;
} ) {
testing . expect ( ! ( try isSet ( addr ) ) ) ;
testing . expect ( alloc ( ) . ? = = addr ) ;
testing . expect ( try isSet ( addr ) ) ;
// Allocation should now fail
testing . expect ( alloc ( ) = = null ) ;
test " free " {
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
bitmap = try Bitmap ( u32 ) . init ( 32 , std . heap . page_allocator ) ;
2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
comptime var i = 0 ;
// Allocate and free all entries
inline while ( i < 32 ) : ( i + = 1 ) {
const addr = alloc ( ) . ? ;
testing . expect ( try isSet ( addr ) ) ;
try free ( addr ) ;
testing . expect ( ! ( try isSet ( addr ) ) ) ;
// Double frees should be caught
testing . expectError ( PmmError . NotAllocated , free ( addr ) ) ;
test " setAddr and isSet " {
const num_entries : u32 = 32 ;
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
bitmap = try Bitmap ( u32 ) . init ( num_entries , std . heap . page_allocator ) ;
2019-09-09 23:38:06 +01:00
var addr : u32 = 0 ;
var i : u32 = 0 ;
while ( i < num_entries ) : ( {
i + = 1 ;
addr + = BLOCK_SIZE ;
} ) {
// Ensure all previous blocks are still set
var h : u32 = 0 ;
var addr2 : u32 = 0 ;
while ( h < i ) : ( {
h + = 1 ;
addr2 + = BLOCK_SIZE ;
} ) {
testing . expect ( try isSet ( addr2 ) ) ;
// Set the current block
try setAddr ( addr ) ;
testing . expect ( try isSet ( addr ) ) ;
// Ensure all successive entries are not set
var j : u32 = i + 1 ;
var addr3 : u32 = addr + BLOCK_SIZE ;
while ( j < num_entries ) : ( {
j + = 1 ;
addr3 + = BLOCK_SIZE ;
} ) {
testing . expect ( ! try isSet ( addr3 ) ) ;