2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
const std = @import("std");
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
const log = std.log.scoped(.x86_syscalls);
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const build_options = @import("build_options");
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
const arch = if (is_test) @import("../../../../test/mock/kernel/arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig");
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
const testing = std.testing;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
const isr = @import("isr.zig");
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
const panic = @import("../../panic.zig").panic;
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const syscalls = @import("../../syscalls.zig");
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// The isr number associated with syscalls
pub const INTERRUPT: u16 = 0x80;
/// The maximum number of syscall handlers that can be registered
pub const NUM_HANDLERS: u16 = 256;
/// A syscall handler
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
pub const Handler = fn (arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Errors that syscall utility functions can throw
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
pub const Error = error{
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2019-09-03 14:13:26 -04:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
comptime {
std.debug.assert(@typeInfo(syscalls.Syscall).Enum.fields.len <= NUM_HANDLERS);
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// The array of registered syscalls
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
var handlers: [NUM_HANDLERS]?Handler = [_]?Handler{null} ** NUM_HANDLERS;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Returns true if the syscall is valid, else false.
/// A syscall is valid if it's less than NUM_HANDLERS.
/// Arguments:
/// IN syscall: u32 - The syscall to check
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the syscall number is valid.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
pub fn isValidSyscall(syscall: u32) bool {
return syscall < NUM_HANDLERS;
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// Handle a syscall. Gets the syscall number from eax within the context and calls the registered
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// handler. If an error occurs ebx will be set to its error code, or 0 otherwise.
/// The syscall result will be stored in eax. If there isn't a registered handler or the syscall is
/// invalid (>= NUM_HANDLERS) then a warning is logged.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
/// IN ctx: *arch.CpuState - The cpu context when the syscall was triggered. The
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// syscall number is stored in eax.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
/// The new stack pointer value
fn handle(ctx: *arch.CpuState) usize {
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
// The syscall number is put in eax
const syscall = ctx.eax;
if (isValidSyscall(syscall)) {
if (handlers[syscall]) |handler| {
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
const result = handler(syscallArg(ctx, 0), syscallArg(ctx, 1), syscallArg(ctx, 2), syscallArg(ctx, 3), syscallArg(ctx, 4));
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (result) |res| {
ctx.eax = res;
ctx.ebx = 0;
} else |e| {
ctx.ebx = syscalls.toErrorCode(e);
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
} else {
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
log.warn("Syscall {} triggered but not registered\n", .{syscall});
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
} else {
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
log.warn("Syscall {} is invalid\n", .{syscall});
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
return @ptrToInt(ctx);
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Register a syscall so it can be called by triggering interrupt 128 and putting its number in eax.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to register the handler with.
/// IN handler: Handler - The handler to register the syscall with.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Errors: Error
/// Error.SyscallExists - If the syscall has already been registered.
/// Error.InvalidSyscall - If the syscall is invalid. See isValidSyscall.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
pub fn registerSyscall(syscall: usize, handler: Handler) Error!void {
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
if (!isValidSyscall(syscall))
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
return Error.InvalidSyscall;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
if (handlers[syscall]) |_|
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
return Error.SyscallExists;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
handlers[syscall] = handler;
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with no arguments. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall0(syscall: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
: "ebx"
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with one argument. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
/// IN arg: usize - The argument to pass. Put in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall1(syscall: usize, arg: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
[arg1] "{ebx}" (arg),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with two arguments. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
/// IN arg1: usize - The first argument to pass. Put in ebx.
/// IN arg2: usize - The second argument to pass. Put in ecx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall2(syscall: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
[arg1] "{ebx}" (arg1),
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
[arg2] "{ecx}" (arg2),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with three arguments. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
/// IN arg1: usize - The first argument to pass. Put in ebx.
/// IN arg2: usize - The second argument to pass. Put in ecx.
/// IN arg3: usize - The third argument to pass. Put in edx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall3(syscall: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
[arg1] "{ebx}" (arg1),
[arg2] "{ecx}" (arg2),
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
[arg3] "{edx}" (arg3),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with four arguments. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
/// IN arg1: usize - The first argument to pass. Put in ebx.
/// IN arg2: usize - The second argument to pass. Put in ecx.
/// IN arg3: usize - The third argument to pass. Put in edx.
/// IN arg4: usize - The fourth argument to pass. Put in esi.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall4(syscall: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
[arg1] "{ebx}" (arg1),
[arg2] "{ecx}" (arg2),
[arg3] "{edx}" (arg3),
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
[arg4] "{esi}" (arg4),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Trigger a syscall with five arguments. Returns the value put in eax by the syscall or the error returned in ebx.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// IN syscall: usize - The syscall to trigger, put in eax.
/// IN arg1: usize - The first argument to pass. Put in ebx.
/// IN arg2: usize - The second argument to pass. Put in ecx.
/// IN arg3: usize - The third argument to pass. Put in edx.
/// IN arg4: usize - The fourth argument to pass. Put in esi.
/// IN arg5: usize - The fifth argument to pass. Put in edi.
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The return value from the syscall.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Error: syscalls.Error
/// This function will return the error that the syscall handler returns. See the documentation for the syscall for details.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscall5(syscall: usize, arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const res = asm volatile (
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
\\int $0x80
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={eax}" (-> usize),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
: [syscall] "{eax}" (syscall),
[arg1] "{ebx}" (arg1),
[arg2] "{ecx}" (arg2),
[arg3] "{edx}" (arg3),
[arg4] "{esi}" (arg4),
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
[arg5] "{edi}" (arg5),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
const err = asm (""
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
: [ret] "={ebx}" (-> usize),
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (err != 0) {
return syscalls.fromErrorCode(err);
return res;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// Gets the syscall argument according to the given index. 0 => ebx, 1 => ecx, 2 => edx,
/// 3 => esi and 4 => edi.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Arguments:
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00
/// IN ctx: *arch.CpuState - The interrupt context from which to get the argument
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// IN arg_idx: comptime u32 - The argument index to get. Between 0 and 4.
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Return: usize
2019-10-05 20:46:31 +01:00
/// The syscall argument from the given index.
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
inline fn syscallArg(ctx: *arch.CpuState, comptime arg_idx: u32) usize {
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
return switch (arg_idx) {
0 => ctx.ebx,
1 => ctx.ecx,
2 => ctx.edx,
3 => ctx.esi,
4 => ctx.edi,
2019-09-03 14:13:26 -04:00
else => @compileError("Arg index must be between 0 and 4"),
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
/// Construct a handler for a syscall.
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime syscall: Syscall - The syscall to construct the handler for.
/// Return: Handler
/// The handler function constructed.
fn makeHandler(comptime syscall: syscalls.Syscall) Handler {
return struct {
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn func(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
return syscalls.handle(syscall, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
/// Initialise syscalls. Registers the isr associated with INTERRUPT and sets up handlers for each syscall.
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2019-11-02 02:00:49 +00:00
pub fn init() void {
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
log.info("Init\n", .{});
defer log.info("Done\n", .{});
2020-04-12 22:26:34 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
isr.registerIsr(INTERRUPT, handle) catch |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to register syscall ISR: {}\n", .{e});
inline for (std.meta.fields(syscalls.Syscall)) |field| {
const syscall = @intToEnum(syscalls.Syscall, field.value);
registerSyscall(field.value, makeHandler(syscall)) catch |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to register syscall for '" ++ field.name ++ "': {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(),
else => {},
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
/// Tests
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
var test_int: u32 = 0;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler0(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg1;
_ = arg2;
_ = arg3;
_ = arg4;
_ = arg5;
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += 1;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
return 0;
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler1(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg2;
_ = arg3;
_ = arg4;
_ = arg5;
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += arg1;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
return 1;
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler2(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg3;
_ = arg4;
_ = arg5;
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += arg1 + arg2;
2019-09-21 17:11:40 +01:00
return 2;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler3(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg4;
_ = arg5;
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += arg1 + arg2 + arg3;
2019-09-21 17:11:40 +01:00
return 3;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler4(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg5;
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + arg4;
2019-09-21 17:11:40 +01:00
return 4;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler5(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
test_int += arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + arg4 + arg5;
2019-09-21 17:11:40 +01:00
return 5;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
fn testHandler6(arg1: usize, arg2: usize, arg3: usize, arg4: usize, arg5: usize) syscalls.Error!usize {
// Suppress unused variable warnings
_ = arg1;
_ = arg2;
_ = arg3;
_ = arg4;
_ = arg5;
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
return syscalls.Error.OutOfMemory;
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
test "registerSyscall returns SyscallExists" {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
try registerSyscall(122, testHandler0);
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
try std.testing.expectError(Error.SyscallExists, registerSyscall(122, testHandler0));
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
fn runtimeTests() void {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
registerSyscall(121, testHandler6) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 6: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(122, testHandler0) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 0: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(123, testHandler1) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 1: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(124, testHandler2) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 2: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(125, testHandler3) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 3: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(126, testHandler4) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 4: {}\n", .{e});
registerSyscall(127, testHandler5) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE registering handler 5: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
if (test_int != 0) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE initial test_int not 0: {}\n", .{test_int});
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall0(122)) |res| {
if (res != 0 or test_int != 1) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall0\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall0 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall1(123, 2)) |res| {
if (res != 1 or test_int != 3) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall1\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall1 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall2(124, 2, 3)) |res| {
if (res != 2 or test_int != 8) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall2\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall2 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall3(125, 2, 3, 4)) |res| {
if (res != 3 or test_int != 17) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall3\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall3 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall4(126, 2, 3, 4, 5)) |res| {
if (res != 4 or test_int != 31) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall4\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall4 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
if (syscall5(127, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) |res| {
if (res != 5 or test_int != 51) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall5\n", .{});
} else |e| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall5 errored: {}\n", .{e});
2021-06-07 14:00:33 -08:00
if (syscall0(121)) {
2020-11-22 22:23:54 +00:00
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall6\n", .{});
} else |e| {
if (e != syscalls.Error.OutOfMemory) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE syscall6 returned the wrong error: {}\n", .{e});
2020-06-23 12:43:52 +01:00
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00
2020-08-23 14:32:32 +01:00
log.info("Tested all args\n", .{});
2019-07-31 22:41:22 +01:00