307 lines
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307 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const testing = std.testing;
/// A bitmap that uses a specific type to store the entries.
/// Arguments:
/// IN BitmapType: type - The integer type to use to store entries.
/// Return: type.
/// The bitmap type created.
pub fn Bitmap(comptime BitmapType: type) type {
return struct {
/// The possible errors thrown by bitmap functions
pub const BitmapError = error{
/// The address given was outside the region covered by a bitmap
const Self = @This();
/// The number of entries that one bitmap type can hold. Evaluates to the number of bits the type has
pub const ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP: u32 = std.meta.bitCount(BitmapType);
/// The value that a full bitmap will have
pub const BITMAP_FULL = std.math.maxInt(BitmapType);
/// The type of an index into a bitmap entry. The smallest integer needed to represent all bit positions in the bitmap entry type
pub const IndexType = @Type(builtin.TypeInfo{ .Int = builtin.TypeInfo.Int{ .is_signed = false, .bits = std.math.log2(std.meta.bitCount(BitmapType)) } });
num_bitmaps: u32,
num_entries: u32,
bitmaps: []BitmapType,
num_free_entries: u32,
/// Create an instance of this bitmap type.
/// Arguments:
/// IN num_entries: u32 - The number of entries that the bitmap created will have.
/// The number of BitmapType required to store this many entries will be allocated and each will be zeroed.
/// IN allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when allocating the BitmapTypes required.
/// Return: Self.
/// The bitmap instance.
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// OutOfMemory: There isn't enough memory available to allocate the required number of BitmapType.
pub fn init(num_entries: u32, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
const num = @floatToInt(u32, @ceil(@intToFloat(f32, num_entries) / @intToFloat(f32, ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP)));
const self = Self{
.num_bitmaps = num,
.num_entries = num_entries,
.bitmaps = try allocator.alloc(BitmapType, num),
.num_free_entries = num_entries,
for (self.bitmaps) |*bmp| {
bmp.* = 0;
return self;
/// Set an entry within a bitmap as occupied.
/// Arguments:
/// INOUT self: *Self - The bitmap to modify.
/// IN idx: BitmapIndex - The index within the bitmap to set.
/// Error: BitmapError.
/// OutOfBounds: The index given is out of bounds.
pub fn setEntry(self: *Self, idx: u32) BitmapError!void {
if (idx >= self.num_entries) return BitmapError.OutOfBounds;
if (!try self.isSet(idx)) {
const bit = self.indexToBit(idx);
self.bitmaps[idx / ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP] |= bit;
self.num_free_entries -= 1;
/// Set an entry within a bitmap as unoccupied.
/// Arguments:
/// INOUT self: *Self - The bitmap to modify.
/// IN idx: BitmapIndex - The index within the bitmap to clear.
/// Error: BitmapError.
/// OutOfBounds: The index given is out of bounds.
pub fn clearEntry(self: *Self, idx: u32) BitmapError!void {
if (idx >= self.num_entries) return BitmapError.OutOfBounds;
if (try self.isSet(idx)) {
const bit = self.indexToBit(idx);
self.bitmaps[idx / ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP] &= ~bit;
self.num_free_entries += 1;
/// Convert a global bitmap index into the bit corresponding to an entry within a single BitmapType.
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: *Self - The bitmap to use.
/// IN idx: u32 - The index into all of the bitmap's entries.
/// Return: BitmapType.
/// The bit corresponding to that index but within a single BitmapType.
fn indexToBit(self: *Self, idx: u32) BitmapType {
return @as(BitmapType, 1) << @intCast(IndexType, idx % ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP);
/// Set the first free entry within the bitmaps as occupied.
/// Return: ?u32.
/// The index within all bitmaps that was set or null if there wasn't one free.
/// 0 .. ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP - 1 if in the first bitmap, ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP .. ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP * 2 - 1 if in the second etc.
pub fn setFirstFree(self: *Self) ?u32 {
if (self.num_free_entries == 0) return null;
for (self.bitmaps) |*bmp, i| {
if (bmp.* == BITMAP_FULL)
const bit = @truncate(IndexType, @ctz(BitmapType, ~bmp.*));
const idx = bit + @intCast(u32, i) * ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP;
// Failing here means that the index is outside of the bitmap, so there are no free entries
self.setEntry(idx) catch return null;
return idx;
return null;
/// Check if an entry is set.
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: *Bitmap - The bitmap to check.
/// IN idx: u32 - The entry to check.
/// Return: bool.
/// True if the entry is set, else false.
/// Error: BitmapError.
/// OutOfBounds: The index given is out of bounds.
pub fn isSet(self: *Self, idx: u32) BitmapError!bool {
if (idx >= self.num_entries) return BitmapError.OutOfBounds;
return (self.bitmaps[idx / ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP] & self.indexToBit(idx)) != 0;
test "setEntry" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u32).init(31, std.heap.direct_allocator);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 31), bmp.num_free_entries);
try bmp.setEntry(0);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 30), bmp.num_free_entries);
try bmp.setEntry(1);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 29), bmp.num_free_entries);
// Repeat setting entry 1 to make sure state doesn't change
try bmp.setEntry(1);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 29), bmp.num_free_entries);
testing.expectError(Bitmap(u32).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, bmp.setEntry(31));
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 29), bmp.num_free_entries);
test "clearEntry" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u32).init(32, std.heap.direct_allocator);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 32), bmp.num_free_entries);
try bmp.setEntry(0);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 31), bmp.num_free_entries);
try bmp.setEntry(1);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 30), bmp.num_free_entries);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
try bmp.clearEntry(0);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 31), bmp.num_free_entries);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
// Repeat to make sure state doesn't change
try bmp.clearEntry(0);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 31), bmp.num_free_entries);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
// Try clearing an unset entry to make sure state doesn't change
try bmp.clearEntry(2);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 31), bmp.num_free_entries);
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), bmp.bitmaps[0]);
testing.expectError(Bitmap(u32).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, bmp.clearEntry(32));
test "setFirstFree multiple bitmaps" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u8).init(9, std.heap.direct_allocator);
// Allocate the first entry
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, 0);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], 1);
// Allocate the second entry
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, 1);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], 3);
// Allocate the entirety of the first bitmap
var entry: u32 = 2;
var expected: u8 = 7;
while (entry < Bitmap(u8).ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP) {
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, entry);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], expected);
if (entry + 1 < Bitmap(u8).ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP) {
entry += 1;
expected = expected * 2 + 1;
} else {
// Try allocating an entry in the next bitmap
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, Bitmap(u8).ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], Bitmap(u8).BITMAP_FULL);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[1], 1);
// We should no longer be able to allocate any entries
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree(), null);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], Bitmap(u8).BITMAP_FULL);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[1], 1);
test "setFirstFree" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u32).init(32, std.heap.direct_allocator);
// Allocate the first entry
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, 0);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], 1);
// Allocate the second entry
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, 1);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], 3);
// Make all but the MSB occupied and try to allocate it
bmp.bitmaps[0] = Bitmap(u32).BITMAP_FULL & ~@as(u32, 1 << (Bitmap(u32).ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP - 1));
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree() orelse unreachable, Bitmap(u32).ENTRIES_PER_BITMAP - 1);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], Bitmap(u32).BITMAP_FULL);
// We should no longer be able to allocate any entries
testing.expectEqual(bmp.setFirstFree(), null);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.bitmaps[0], Bitmap(u32).BITMAP_FULL);
test "isSet" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u32).init(32, std.heap.direct_allocator);
bmp.bitmaps[0] = 1;
// Make sure that only the set entry is considered set
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(0));
var i: u32 = 1;
while (i < bmp.num_entries) : (i += 1) {
testing.expect(!try bmp.isSet(i));
bmp.bitmaps[0] = 3;
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(0));
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(1));
i = 2;
while (i < bmp.num_entries) : (i += 1) {
testing.expect(!try bmp.isSet(i));
bmp.bitmaps[0] = 11;
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(0));
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(1));
testing.expect(!try bmp.isSet(2));
testing.expect(try bmp.isSet(3));
i = 4;
while (i < bmp.num_entries) : (i += 1) {
testing.expect(!try bmp.isSet(i));
testing.expectError(Bitmap(u32).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, bmp.isSet(33));
test "indexToBit" {
var bmp = try Bitmap(u8).init(10, std.heap.direct_allocator);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(0), 1);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(1), 2);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(2), 4);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(3), 8);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(4), 16);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(5), 32);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(6), 64);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(7), 128);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(8), 1);
testing.expectEqual(bmp.indexToBit(9), 2);