Add ELF loader
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 693 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Arch = std.Target.Cpu.Arch;
const Endian = builtin.Endian;
const log = std.log.scoped(.elf);
const testing = std.testing;
/// The data sizes that ELF files support. The int value corresponds to the value used in the file
pub const DataSize = enum(u8) {
/// 32-bit
ThirtyTwoBit = 1,
/// 64-bit
SixtyFourBit = 2,
/// Get the number of bits taken by the data size
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: DataSize - The data size to get the number of bits for
/// Return: usize
/// The number of bits
pub fn toNumBits(self: @This()) usize {
return switch (self) {
.ThirtyTwoBit => 32,
.SixtyFourBit => 64,
/// The endiannesses supported by Elf files. The int value corresponds to the value used in the file
pub const Endianness = enum(u8) {
/// Little-endian
Little = 1,
/// Big-endian
Big = 2,
/// Translate into the corresponding std lib Endian
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: Endianness - The endianness to translate
/// Return: Endian
/// The corresponding std lib Endian value
pub fn toEndian(self: @This()) Endian {
return switch (self) {
.Big => .Big,
.Little => .Little,
/// The type of the elf file. The int value corresponds to the value used in the file
pub const Type = enum(u16) {
/// Unused
None = 0,
/// Relocatable
Rel = 1,
/// Executable
Executable = 2,
/// Dynamic linking
Dynamic = 3,
/// Core dump
Core = 4,
/// OS-specific
LowOS = 0xFE00,
/// OS-specific
HighOS = 0xFEFF,
/// CPU-specific
LowCPU = 0xFF00,
/// CPU-specific
HighCPU = 0xFFFF,
/// The architectures supported by ELF
pub const Architecture = enum(u16) {
/// No specific instruction set
None = 0,
WE32100 = 1,
Sparc = 2,
x86 = 3,
Motoroloa_68k = 4,
Motorola_88k = 5,
Intel_MCU = 6,
Intel_80860 = 7,
MIPS = 8,
IBM_370 = 9,
MIPS_RS3000_LE = 10,
Reserved1 = 11,
Reserved2 = 12,
Reserved3 = 13,
HP_PA_RISC = 14,
Reserbed4 = 15,
Intel_80960 = 19,
PowerPC = 20,
PowerPC_64 = 21,
S390 = 22,
ARM = 0x28,
SuperH = 0x2A,
IA_64 = 0x32,
AMD_64 = 0x3E,
TMS = 0x8C,
Aarch64 = 0xB7,
RISC_V = 0xF3,
WDC_65C816 = 0x101,
/// Translate to a std lib Arch
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: Architecture - The architecture to translate
/// Return: Arch
/// The corresponding std lib Arch
pub fn toArch(self: @This()) Error!Arch {
return switch (self) {
.None, .TMS, .WDC_65C816, .SuperH, .IA_64, .S390, .IBM_370, .Reserved1, .Reserved2, .WE32100, .Motorola_88k, .Motoroloa_68k, .Intel_MCU, .Intel_80860, .Intel_80960, .MIPS_RS3000_LE, .HP_PA_RISC, .Reserved3, .Reserbed4 => Error.UnknownArchitecture,
.Sparc => .sparc,
.x86 => .i386,
.MIPS => .mips,
.PowerPC => .powerpc,
.PowerPC_64 => .powerpc64,
.ARM => .arm,
.AMD_64 => .x86_64,
.Aarch64 => .aarch64,
.RISC_V => .riscv32,
/// The header describing the entire ELF file
pub const Header = packed struct {
/// Should be 0x7f | 0x45 | 0x4C | 0x46
magic_number: u32,
/// The size of the fields in the header after file_type. Should be the size/s compatibile with the machine
data_size: DataSize,
/// The endianness of the fields in the header after file_type. Should be the endianness compatible with the machine
endianness: Endianness,
/// ELF version. Set to 1
version: u8,
/// The target OS' ABI. Normally set to 0 no matter the platform, so we ignore it
abi: u8,
/// The version of the above ABI. Mostly ignored but some toolchains put expected linker features here
abi_version: u8,
/// All zeroes
padding: u32,
padding2: u16,
padding3: u8,
/// The type of elf file
file_type: Type,
/// The target architecture. Should be compatible with the machine
architecture: Architecture,
/// Same as above version field
version2: u32,
/// Execution entry point
entry_address: usize,
/// Offset of the program header form the start of the elf file
program_header_offset: usize,
/// offset of the section header from the start of the elf file
section_header_offset: usize,
/// Architecture-dependent flags
flags: u32,
/// The size of this elf header in bytes. 64 for the 64-bit format and 52 for the 32-bit format
elf_header_size: u16,
/// The size of a program header table entry
program_header_entry_size: u16,
/// The number of entries in the program header table
program_header_entries: u16,
/// The size of a section header table entry
section_header_entry_size: u16,
/// The number of entries in the section header table
section_header_entries: u16,
/// The index into the section header table that contains the section names
section_name_index: u16,
/// The type of a program header entry
pub const ProgramEntryType = enum(u32) {
Unused = 0,
/// Should be loaded into memory
Loadable = 1,
/// Dynamic linking info
Dynamic = 2,
/// Interpreter info
InterpreterInfo = 3,
/// Extra information used depending on the elf type
Auxiliary = 4,
Reserved = 5,
/// Entry containing the program header table
ProgramHeader = 6,
/// Info for thread-local storage
ThreadLocalStorage = 7,
/// Gnu toolchain-specific information
GnuStack = 0x6474E551,
/// OS-specific info
LowOS = 0x60000000,
/// OS-specific info
HighOS = 0x6FFFFFFF,
/// CPU-specific info
LowCPU = 0x70000000,
/// CPU-specific info
/// The header desribing the program entries
pub const ProgramHeader = packed struct {
/// The type of the entry
entry_type: ProgramEntryType,
/// Entry type-specific flags for 64-bit ELF files
flags_64bit: if (@bitSizeOf(usize) == 32) u0 else u32,
/// Offset of the entry within the ELF file
offset: usize,
/// The virtual address associated with the entry
virtual_address: usize,
/// The virtual address associated with the entry, if applicable
physical_address: usize,
/// Size of the entry in the file
file_size: usize,
/// Size of the entry in memory
mem_size: usize,
/// Entry type-specific flags for 32-bit ELF files
flags_32bit: if (@bitSizeOf(usize) == 64) u0 else u32,
/// Alignment of the entry
alignment: usize,
/// The type of section
pub const SectionType = enum(u32) {
Unused = 0,
/// Executable code
ProgramData = 1,
/// The symbol table
SymbolTable = 2,
/// The table containing all strings used by other sections
StringTable = 3,
/// Relocation data with addends
RelocationWithAddends = 4,
/// The symbol has table
SymbolHashTable = 5,
/// Dynamic linking info
Dynamic = 6,
/// Extra information
Auxiliary = 7,
/// Space within the program, normally used to store data
ProgramSpace = 8,
/// Relocation data without addends
RelocationWithoutAddends = 9,
Reserved = 10,
/// The dynamic linker symbol table
DynamicSymbolTable = 11,
/// List of constructors
Constructors = 14,
/// List of destructors
Destructors = 15,
/// List of pre-contructors
PreConstructors = 16,
/// A group of sections
SectionGroup = 17,
/// Extended section indices
ExtendedSectionIndices = 18,
/// The number of defined types
NumberDefinedType = 19,
/// OS-specific
LowOS = 0x60000000,
/// Check if the section has an associated chunk of data in the ELF file
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: SectionType - The section type
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the section type has associated data
pub fn hasData(self: @This()) bool {
return switch (self) {
.Unused, .ProgramData, .ProgramSpace, .Reserved => false,
else => true,
comptime {
std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(SectionHeader) == if (@bitSizeOf(usize) == 32) 0x28 else 0x40);
std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(Header) == if (@bitSizeOf(usize) == 32) 0x32 else 0x40);
std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(ProgramHeader) == if (@bitSizeOf(usize) == 32) 0x20 else 0x38);
/// The section is writable
pub const SECTION_WRITABLE = 1;
/// The section occupies memory during execution
/// The section is executable
/// The section may be merged
pub const SECTION_MERGED = 16;
/// The section contains strings
pub const SECTION_HAS_STRINGS = 32;
/// Contains a SHT index
pub const SECTION_INFO_LINK = 64;
/// Preserve the section order after combining
/// Non-standard OS-specific handling is required
pub const SECTION_OS_NON_STANDARD = 256;
/// Member of a group
pub const SECTION_GROUP = 512;
/// The section contains thread-local data
/// OS-specific
pub const SECTION_OS_MASK = 0x0FF00000;
/// CPU-specific
pub const SECTION_CPU_MASK = 0xF0000000;
/// The header for an ELF section
pub const SectionHeader = packed struct {
/// Offset into the string table of the section's name
name_offset: u32,
/// The section's type
section_type: SectionType,
/// Flags for this section
flags: usize,
/// The virtual address at which this section should be loaded (if it is loadable)
virtual_address: usize,
/// Offset of the section's data into the file
offset: usize,
/// The size of the section's data
size: usize,
/// An associated section. Usage depends on the section type
linked_section_idx: u32,
/// Extra info. Usage depends on the section type
info: u32,
/// The section's alignment
alignment: usize,
/// The size of each entry within this section, for sections that contain sub-entries
entry_size: usize,
const Self = @This();
/// Find the name of this section from the ELF's string table.
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: SectionHeader - The header to get the name for
/// IN elf: Elf - The elf file
/// Return: []const u8
/// The name of the section
pub fn getName(self: Self, elf: Elf) []const u8 {
// section_name_index has already been checked so will exist
const string_table = elf.section_data[elf.header.section_name_index] orelse unreachable;
const str = @ptrCast([*]const u8, string_table.ptr + self.name_offset);
var len: usize = 0;
while (str[len] != 0) : (len += 1) {}
const name = str[0..len];
return name;
/// A loaded ELF file
pub const Elf = struct {
/// The ELF header that describes the entire file
header: Header,
/// The program entry headers
program_headers: []ProgramHeader,
/// The section headers
section_headers: []SectionHeader,
/// The data associated with each section, or null if a section doesn't have a data area
section_data: []?[]const u8,
/// The allocator used
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
const Self = @This();
/// Load and initialise from a data stream for a specific architecture
/// Arguments:
/// IN elf_data: []const u8 - The data stream to load the elf information from
/// IN arch: Arch - The intended architecture to load for
/// IN allocator: Allocator - The allocator to use when needing memory
/// Return: Elf
/// The loaded ELF file
/// Error: Allocator.Error || Error
/// Allocator.Error - There wasn't enough memory free to allocate the required state
/// Error.InvalidMagicNumber - The ELF file magic number wasn't as expected
/// Error.InvalidArchitecture - The ELF file wasn't built for the expected architecture
/// Error.InvalidDataSize - The ELF file wasn't built for the data size supported by the given architecture
/// Error.InvalidEndianness - The ELF file wasn't built with the endianness supported by the given architecture
/// Error.WrongStringTableIndex - The string table index in the header does not point to a StringTable section
pub fn init(elf_data: []const u8, arch: Arch, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || Error)!Self {
const header = std.mem.bytesToValue(Header, elf_data[0..@sizeOf(Header)]);
if (header.magic_number != 0x464C457F) {
return Error.InvalidMagicNumber;
if ((try header.architecture.toArch()) != arch) {
return Error.InvalidArchitecture;
if (header.data_size.toNumBits() != @bitSizeOf(usize)) {
return Error.InvalidDataSize;
if (header.endianness.toEndian() != arch.endian()) {
return Error.InvalidEndianness;
if (header.section_name_index >= header.section_header_entries)
return Error.WrongStringTableIndex;
var program_segments = try allocator.alloc(ProgramHeader, header.program_header_entries);
var seg_offset = header.program_header_offset;
for (program_segments) |*segment| {
segment.* = @ptrCast(*const ProgramHeader, elf_data.ptr + seg_offset).*;
seg_offset += header.program_header_entry_size;
var section_headers = try allocator.alloc(SectionHeader, header.section_header_entries);
var section_data = try allocator.alloc(?[]const u8, header.section_header_entries);
var sec_offset = header.section_header_offset;
for (section_headers) |*section, i| {
section.* = std.mem.bytesToValue(SectionHeader, (elf_data.ptr + sec_offset)[0..@sizeOf(SectionHeader)]);
section_data[i] = if (section.section_type.hasData()) elf_data[section.offset .. section.offset + section.size] else null;
sec_offset += header.section_header_entry_size;
if (section_headers[header.section_name_index].section_type != .StringTable) {
return Error.WrongStringTableIndex;
return Elf{
.header = header,
.program_headers = program_segments,
.section_headers = section_headers,
.section_data = section_data,
.allocator = allocator,
pub fn deinit(self: *const Self) void {
pub const Error = error{
fn testSetHeader(data: []u8, header: Header) void {
std.mem.copy(u8, data[0..@sizeOf(Header)], @ptrCast([*]const u8, &header)[0..@sizeOf(Header)]);
fn testSetSection(data: []u8, header: SectionHeader, idx: usize) void {
const offset = @sizeOf(Header) + @sizeOf(SectionHeader) * idx;
std.mem.copy(u8, data[offset .. offset + @sizeOf(SectionHeader)], @ptrCast([*]const u8, &header)[0..@sizeOf(SectionHeader)]);
fn testInitData(section_name: []const u8, string_section_name: []const u8, file_type: Type, entry_address: usize, flags: u32, section_flags: u32, strings_flags: u32, section_address: usize, strings_address: usize) []u8 {
const is_32_bit = @bitSizeOf(usize) == 32;
const header_size = if (is_32_bit) 0x34 else 0x40;
const p_header_size = if (is_32_bit) 0x20 else 0x38;
const s_header_size = if (is_32_bit) 0x28 else 0x40;
const data_size = header_size + s_header_size + s_header_size + section_name.len + 1 + string_section_name.len + 1;
var data = testing.allocator.alloc(u8, data_size) catch unreachable;
var header = Header{
.magic_number = 0x464C457F,
.data_size = switch (@bitSizeOf(usize)) {
32 => .ThirtyTwoBit,
64 => .SixtyFourBit,
else => unreachable,
.endianness = switch (builtin.arch.endian()) {
.Big => .Big,
.Little => .Little,
.version = 1,
.abi = 0,
.abi_version = 0,
.padding = 0,
.padding2 = 0,
.padding3 = 0,
.file_type = file_type,
.architecture = .AMD_64,
.version2 = 1,
.entry_address = entry_address,
.program_header_offset = undefined,
.section_header_offset = header_size,
.flags = flags,
.elf_header_size = header_size,
.program_header_entry_size = p_header_size,
.program_header_entries = 0,
.section_header_entry_size = s_header_size,
.section_header_entries = 2,
.section_name_index = 1,
var data_offset: usize = 0;
testSetHeader(data, header);
data_offset += header_size;
var section_header = SectionHeader{
.name_offset = 0,
.section_type = .ProgramData,
.flags = section_flags,
.virtual_address = section_address,
.offset = 0,
.size = 0,
.linked_section_idx = undefined,
.info = undefined,
.alignment = 1,
.entry_size = undefined,
testSetSection(data, section_header, 0);
data_offset += s_header_size;
var string_section_header = SectionHeader{
.name_offset = @intCast(u32, section_name.len) + 1,
.section_type = .StringTable,
.flags = strings_flags,
.virtual_address = strings_address,
.offset = data_offset + s_header_size,
.size = section_name.len + 1 + string_section_name.len + 1,
.linked_section_idx = undefined,
.info = undefined,
.alignment = 1,
.entry_size = undefined,
testSetSection(data, string_section_header, 1);
data_offset += s_header_size;
std.mem.copy(u8, data[data_offset .. data_offset + section_name.len], section_name);
data_offset += section_name.len;
data[data_offset] = 0;
data_offset += 1;
std.mem.copy(u8, data[data_offset .. data_offset + string_section_name.len], string_section_name);
data_offset += string_section_name.len;
data[data_offset] = 0;
data_offset += 1;
return data[0..data_size];
test "init" {
const section_name = "some_section";
const string_section_name = "strings";
const is_32_bit = @bitSizeOf(usize) == 32;
var data = testInitData(section_name, string_section_name, .Executable, 0, undefined, 123, 789, 456, 012);
const elf = try Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator);
defer elf.deinit();
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.data_size, if (is_32_bit) .ThirtyTwoBit else .SixtyFourBit);
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.file_type, .Executable);
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.architecture, .AMD_64);
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.entry_address, 0);
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.flags, undefined);
testing.expectEqual(elf.header.section_name_index, 1);
testing.expectEqual(elf.program_headers.len, 0);
testing.expectEqual(elf.section_headers.len, 2);
const section_one = elf.section_headers[0];
testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), section_one.name_offset);
testing.expectEqual(SectionType.ProgramData, section_one.section_type);
testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 123), section_one.flags);
testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 456), section_one.virtual_address);
const section_two = elf.section_headers[1];
testing.expectEqual(section_name.len + 1, section_two.name_offset);
testing.expectEqual(SectionType.StringTable, section_two.section_type);
testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 789), section_two.flags);
testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 012), section_two.virtual_address);
testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), elf.section_data.len);
testing.expectEqual(@as(?[]const u8, null), elf.section_data[0]);
for ("some_section" ++ [_]u8{0} ++ "strings" ++ [_]u8{0}) |char, i| {
testing.expectEqual(char, elf.section_data[1].?[i]);
// Test the string section having the wrong type
var section_header = elf.section_headers[1];
section_header.section_type = .ProgramData;
testSetSection(data, section_header, 1);
testing.expectError(Error.WrongStringTableIndex, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
testSetSection(data, elf.section_headers[1], 1);
// Test the section_name_index being out of bounds
var header = elf.header;
header.section_name_index = 3;
testSetHeader(data, header);
testing.expectError(Error.WrongStringTableIndex, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
// Test incorrect endianness
header = elf.header;
header.endianness = switch (builtin.arch.endian()) {
.Big => .Little,
.Little => .Big,
testSetHeader(data, header);
testing.expectError(Error.InvalidEndianness, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
// Test invalid data size
header.data_size = switch (@bitSizeOf(usize)) {
32 => .SixtyFourBit,
else => .ThirtyTwoBit,
testSetHeader(data, header);
testing.expectError(Error.InvalidDataSize, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
// Test invalid architecture
header.architecture = switch (builtin.arch) {
.x86_64 => .Aarch64,
else => .AMD_64,
testSetHeader(data, header);
testing.expectError(Error.InvalidArchitecture, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
// Test incorrect magic number
header.magic_number = 123;
testSetHeader(data, header);
testing.expectError(Error.InvalidMagicNumber, Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator));
test "getName" {
// The entire ELF test data. The header, program header, two section headers and the section name (with the null terminator)
var section_name = "some_section";
var string_section_name = "strings";
const data = testInitData(section_name, string_section_name, .Executable, 0, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
const elf = try Elf.init(data, builtin.arch, testing.allocator);
defer elf.deinit();
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, elf.section_headers[0].getName(elf), section_name);
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, elf.section_headers[1].getName(elf), string_section_name);
test "toNumBits" {
testing.expectEqual(DataSize.ThirtyTwoBit.toNumBits(), 32);
testing.expectEqual(DataSize.SixtyFourBit.toNumBits(), 64);
test "toEndian" {
testing.expectEqual(Endianness.Little.toEndian(), Endian.Little);
testing.expectEqual(Endianness.Big.toEndian(), Endian.Big);
test "toArch" {
const known_architectures = [_]Architecture{ .Sparc, .x86, .MIPS, .PowerPC, .PowerPC_64, .ARM, .AMD_64, .Aarch64, .RISC_V };
const known_archs = [known_architectures.len]Arch{ .sparc, .i386, .mips, .powerpc, .powerpc64, .arm, .x86_64, .aarch64, .riscv32 };
inline for (@typeInfo(Architecture).Enum.fields) |field| {
const architecture = @field(Architecture,;
const is_known = inline for (known_architectures) |known_architecture, i| {
if (known_architecture == architecture) {
testing.expectEqual(architecture.toArch(), known_archs[i]);
break true;
} else false;
if (!is_known) {
testing.expectError(Error.UnknownArchitecture, architecture.toArch());
test "hasData" {
const no_data = [_]SectionType{ .Unused, .ProgramSpace, .Reserved, .ProgramData };
inline for (@typeInfo(SectionType).Enum.fields) |field| {
const sec_type = @field(SectionType,;
const has_data = inline for (no_data) |no_data_type| {
if (sec_type == no_data_type) {
break false;
} else true;
testing.expectEqual(has_data, sec_type.hasData());
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