const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const is_test = builtin.is_test; const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectError = std.testing.expectError; const log = std.log.scoped(.x86_rtc); const build_options = @import("build_options"); const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path; const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig"); const pic = @import("pic.zig"); const pit = @import("pit.zig"); const irq = @import("irq.zig"); const cmos = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "cmos_mock.zig") else @import("cmos.zig"); const panic = @import("../../panic.zig").panic; const scheduler = @import("../../scheduler.zig"); /// The Century register is unreliable. We need a APIC interface to infer if we have a century /// register. So this is a current TODO. const CURRENT_CENTURY: u32 = 2000; /// TODO: To do with the unreliable century register. Once have APIC, can use this as a sanity check /// if the the century register gives a wild answer then the other RTC values maybe wild. So then /// could report that the CMOS chip is faulty or the battery is dyeing. const CENTURY_REGISTER: bool = false; /// The error set that can be returned from some RTC functions. const RtcError = error{ /// If setting the rate for interrupts is less than 3 or greater than 15. RateError, }; /// A structure to hold all the date and time information in the RTC. pub const DateTime = struct { second: u32, minute: u32, hour: u32, day: u32, month: u32, year: u32, century: u32, day_of_week: u32, }; /// The number of ticks that has passed when RTC was initially set up. var ticks: u32 = 0; var schedule: bool = true; /// /// Checks if the CMOS chip isn't updating the RTC registers. Call this before reading any RTC /// registers so don't get inconsistent values. /// /// Return: bool /// Whether the CMOS chip is busy and a update is in progress. /// fn isBusy() bool { return (cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, false) & 0x80) != 0; } /// /// Calculate the day of the week from the given day, month and year. /// /// Arguments: /// IN date_time: DateTime - The DateTime structure that holds the current day, month and year. /// /// Return: u8 /// A number that represents the day of the week. 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ... /// fn calcDayOfWeek(date_time: DateTime) u32 { const t = [_]u8{ 0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4 }; const year = date_time.year - @boolToInt(date_time.month < 3); const month = date_time.month; const day =; return (year + (year / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400) + t[month - 1] + day) % 7; } /// /// Check if the RTC is in binary coded decimal mode. If the RTC ic counting in BCD, then the 3rd /// bit in the status register B will be set. /// /// Return: bool /// When the RTC is counting in BCD. /// fn isBcd() bool { const reg_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, false); return reg_b & 0x04 != 0; } /// /// Check if the RTC in 12 hour mode. If the RTC is in 12 hour mode, then the 2nd bit in the status /// register B is set and the most significant bit on the hour field is set. /// /// Arguments: /// IN date_time: DateTime - The DateTime structure containing at least the hour field set. /// /// Return: bool /// Whether the RTC is in 12 hour mode. /// fn is12Hr(date_time: DateTime) bool { const reg_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, false); return reg_b & 0x02 != 0 and date_time.hour & 0x80 != 0; } /// /// Convert BCD to binary. /// /// Arguments: /// IN bcd: u32 - The binary coded decimal value to convert /// /// Return: u32 /// The converted BCD value. /// fn bcdToBinary(bcd: u32) u32 { return ((bcd & 0xF0) >> 1) + ((bcd & 0xF0) >> 3) + (bcd & 0xf); } /// /// Read the real time clock registers and return them in the DateTime structure. This will read /// the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, century and day of the week. /// /// Return: DateTime /// The data from the CMOS RTC registers. /// fn readRtcRegisters() DateTime { // Make sure there isn't a update in progress while (isBusy()) {} var date_time = DateTime{ .second = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND), .minute = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE), .hour = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR), .day = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.DAY), .month = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH), .year = cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR), .century = if (CENTURY_REGISTER) cmos.readRtcRegister(cmos.RtcRegister.CENTURY) else CURRENT_CENTURY, // This will be filled in later .day_of_week = 0, }; // The day of the week register is also very unreliable, so is better to calculate it date_time.day_of_week = calcDayOfWeek(date_time); return date_time; } /// /// The interrupt handler for the RTC. /// /// Arguments: /// IN ctx: *arch.CpuState - Pointer to the interrupt context containing the contents /// of the register at the time of the interrupt. /// fn rtcHandler(ctx: *arch.CpuState) usize { ticks +%= 1; var ret_esp: usize = undefined; // Call the scheduler if (schedule) { ret_esp = scheduler.pickNextTask(ctx); } else { ret_esp = @ptrToInt(ctx); } // Need to read status register C // Might need to disable the NMI bit, set to true const reg_c = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.C, false); return ret_esp; } /// /// Set the rate at which the interrupts will fire. Ranges from 0x3 to 0xF. Where the frequency /// is determined by: frequency = 32768 >> (rate-1); This will assume the interrupts are disabled. /// /// Arguments: /// IN rate: u4 - The rate value to set the frequency to. /// /// Error: RtcError /// RtcError.RateError - If the rate is less than 3. /// fn setRate(rate: u8) RtcError!void { if (rate < 3 or rate > 0xF) { return RtcError.RateError; } // Need to disable the NMI for this process const status_a = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, true); cmos.writeStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, (status_a & 0xF0) | rate, true); } /// /// Enable interrupts for the RTC. This will assume the interrupts have been disabled before hand. /// fn enableInterrupts() void { // Need to disable the NMI for this process const status_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, true); // Set the 7th bit to enable interrupt cmos.writeStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, status_b | 0x40, true); } /// /// Read a stable time from the real time clock registers on the CMOS chip and return a BCD and /// 12 hour converted date and time. /// /// Return: DateTime /// The data from the CMOS RTC registers with correct BCD conversions, 12 hour conversions and /// the century added to the year. /// pub fn getDateTime() DateTime { var date_time1 = readRtcRegisters(); var date_time2 = readRtcRegisters(); // Use the method: Read the registers twice and check if they are the same so to avoid // inconsistent values due to RTC updates var compare = false; inline for (@typeInfo(DateTime).Struct.fields) |field| { compare = compare or @field(date_time1, != @field(date_time2,; } while (compare) { date_time1 = readRtcRegisters(); date_time2 = readRtcRegisters(); compare = false; inline for (@typeInfo(DateTime).Struct.fields) |field| { compare = compare or @field(date_time1, != @field(date_time2,; } } // Convert BCD to binary if necessary if (isBcd()) { date_time1.second = bcdToBinary(date_time1.second); date_time1.minute = bcdToBinary(date_time1.minute); // Needs a special calculation because the upper bit is set date_time1.hour = ((date_time1.hour & 0x0F) + (((date_time1.hour & 0x70) / 16) * 10)) | (date_time1.hour & 0x80); = bcdToBinary(; date_time1.month = bcdToBinary(date_time1.month); date_time1.year = bcdToBinary(date_time1.year); if (CENTURY_REGISTER) { date_time1.century = bcdToBinary(date_time1.century); } } // Need to add on the century to the year if (CENTURY_REGISTER) { date_time1.year += date_time1.century * 100; } else { date_time1.year += CURRENT_CENTURY; } // Convert to 24hr time if (is12Hr(date_time1)) { date_time1.hour = ((date_time1.hour & 0x7F) + 12) % 24; } return date_time1; } /// /// Initialise the RTC. /// pub fn init() void {"Init\n", .{}); defer"Done\n", .{}); // Register the interrupt handler irq.registerIrq(pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK, rtcHandler) catch |err| switch (err) { error.IrqExists => { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} exists", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK}); }, error.InvalidIrq => { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} is invalid", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK}); }, }; // Set the interrupt rate to 512Hz setRate(7) catch |err| switch (err) { error.RateError => { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Setting rate error", .{}); }, }; // Enable RTC interrupts enableInterrupts(); // Read status register C to clear any interrupts that may have happened during set up const reg_c = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.C, false); switch (build_options.test_mode) { .Initialisation => runtimeTests(), else => {}, } } test "isBusy not busy" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x60) }, ); expect(!isBusy()); } test "isBusy busy" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80) }, ); expect(isBusy()); } test "calcDayOfWeek" { var date_time = DateTime{ .second = 0, .minute = 0, .hour = 0, .day = 10, .month = 1, .year = 2020, .century = 0, .day_of_week = 0, }; var actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time); var expected = @as(u32, 5); expectEqual(expected, actual); = 20; date_time.month = 7; date_time.year = 1940; actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time); expected = @as(u32, 6); expectEqual(expected, actual); = 9; date_time.month = 11; date_time.year = 2043; actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time); expected = @as(u32, 1); expectEqual(expected, actual); = 1; date_time.month = 1; date_time.year = 2000; actual = calcDayOfWeek(date_time); expected = @as(u32, 6); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "isBcd not BCD" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); expect(!isBcd()); } test "isBcd BCD" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x04) }, ); expect(isBcd()); } test "is12Hr not 12Hr" { const date_time = DateTime{ .second = 0, .minute = 0, .hour = 0, .day = 0, .month = 0, .year = 0, .century = 0, .day_of_week = 0, }; cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); expect(!is12Hr(date_time)); } test "is12Hr 12Hr" { const date_time = DateTime{ .second = 0, .minute = 0, .hour = 0x80, .day = 0, .month = 0, .year = 0, .century = 0, .day_of_week = 0, }; cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x02) }, ); expect(is12Hr(date_time)); } test "bcdToBinary" { var expected = @as(u32, 59); var actual = bcdToBinary(0x59); expectEqual(expected, actual); expected = @as(u32, 48); actual = bcdToBinary(0x48); expectEqual(expected, actual); expected = @as(u32, 1); actual = bcdToBinary(0x01); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "readRtcRegisters" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); // Have 2 busy loops cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x80), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // All the RTC registers without century as it isn't supported yet cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{ cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), }); const expected = DateTime{ .second = 1, .minute = 2, .hour = 3, .day = 10, .month = 1, .year = 20, .century = 2000, .day_of_week = 5, }; const actual = readRtcRegisters(); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "readRtc unstable read" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); // No busy loop cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // Reading the RTC registers twice, second time is one second ahead cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{ cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), }); // Will try again, and now stable // No busy loop cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{ cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 3), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), }); // Not BCD cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // Not 12hr cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); const expected = DateTime{ .second = 2, .minute = 2, .hour = 3, .day = 10, .month = 1, .year = 2020, .century = 2000, .day_of_week = 5, }; const actual = getDateTime(); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "readRtc is BCD" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); // No busy loop cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // Reading the RTC registers once cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{ cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 0x30), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 0x59), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x11), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 0x10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 0x1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 0x20), cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 0x30), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 0x59), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x11), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 0x10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 0x1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 0x20), }); // BCD cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x04) }, ); // Not 12hr cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); const expected = DateTime{ .second = 30, .minute = 59, .hour = 11, .day = 10, .month = 1, .year = 2020, .century = 2000, .day_of_week = 5, }; const actual = getDateTime(); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "readRtc is 12 hours" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); // No busy loop cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00), cmos.StatusRegister.A, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // Reading the RTC registers once cmos.addTestParams("readRtcRegister", .{ cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x83), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), cmos.RtcRegister.SECOND, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.MINUTE, @as(u8, 2), cmos.RtcRegister.HOUR, @as(u8, 0x83), cmos.RtcRegister.DAY, @as(u8, 10), cmos.RtcRegister.MONTH, @as(u8, 1), cmos.RtcRegister.YEAR, @as(u8, 20), }); // Not BCD cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x00) }, ); // 12hr cmos.addTestParams( "readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, false, @as(u8, 0x02) }, ); const expected = DateTime{ .second = 1, .minute = 2, .hour = 15, .day = 10, .month = 1, .year = 2020, .century = 2000, .day_of_week = 5, }; const actual = getDateTime(); expectEqual(expected, actual); } test "setRate below 3" { expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(0)); expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(1)); expectError(RtcError.RateError, setRate(2)); } test "setRate" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams("readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, true, @as(u8, 0x10) }); cmos.addTestParams("writeStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.A, @as(u8, 0x17), true }); const rate = @as(u8, 7); try setRate(rate); } test "enableInterrupts" { cmos.initTest(); defer cmos.freeTest(); cmos.addTestParams("readStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, true, @as(u8, 0x20) }); cmos.addTestParams("writeStatusRegister", .{ cmos.StatusRegister.B, @as(u8, 0x60), true }); enableInterrupts(); } /// /// Check that the IRQ is registered correctly /// fn rt_init() void { var irq_exists = false; irq.registerIrq(pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK, rtcHandler) catch |err| switch (err) { error.IrqExists => { // We should get this error irq_exists = true; }, error.InvalidIrq => { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: IRQ for RTC, IRQ number: {} is invalid\n", .{pic.IRQ_REAL_TIME_CLOCK}); }, }; if (!irq_exists) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: IRQ for RTC doesn't exists\n", .{}); } // Check the rate const status_a = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.A, false); if (status_a & @as(u8, 0x0F) != 7) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Rate not set properly, got: {}\n", .{status_a & @as(u8, 0x0F)}); } // Check if interrupts are enabled const status_b = cmos.readStatusRegister(cmos.StatusRegister.B, true); if (status_b & ~@as(u8, 0x40) == 0) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Interrupts not enabled\n", .{}); }"Tested init\n", .{}); } /// /// Check if the interrupt handler is called after a sleep so check that the RTC interrupts fire. /// fn rt_interrupts() void { const prev_ticks = ticks; pit.waitTicks(100); if (prev_ticks == ticks) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: No interrupt happened\n", .{}); }"Tested interrupts\n", .{}); } /// /// Run all the runtime tests. /// pub fn runtimeTests() void { rt_init(); // Disable the scheduler temporary schedule = false; // Interrupts aren't enabled yet, so for the runtime tests, enable it temporary arch.enableInterrupts(); rt_interrupts(); arch.disableInterrupts(); // Can enable it back schedule = true; }