const arch = @import("arch.zig").internals; // The LCR is the line control register const LCR = 3; // Maximum baudrate const BAUD_MAX = 115200; // 8 bits per serial character const CHAR_LEN = 8; // One stop bit per transmission const SINGLE_STOP_BIT = true; // No parity bit const PARITY_BIT = false; pub const DEFAULT_BAUDRATE = 38400; const SerialError = error{InvalidBaud}; pub const Port = enum(u16) { COM1 = 0x3F8, COM2 = 0x2F8, COM3 = 0x3E8, COM4 = 0x2E8, }; // Compute a value that encodes the serial properties // This is fed into the LCR (line control register) fn lcrValue(char_len: u8, comptime stop_bit: bool, comptime parity_bit: bool, msb: u8) u8 { var val = char_len & 0x3; val |= (if (stop_bit) 0 else 1) << 2; val |= (if (parity_bit) 1 else 0) << 3; val |= (msb & 0x1) << 7; return val; } fn baudDivisor(baud: u32) SerialError!u16 { if (baud > BAUD_MAX or baud <= 0) return SerialError.InvalidBaud; return @intCast(u16, BAUD_MAX / baud); } fn transmitIsEmpty(port: Port) bool { return arch.inb(@enumToInt(port) + 5) & 0x20 > 0; } /// /// Initialise a serial port to a certain baudrate /// /// Arguments /// IN baud: u32 - The baudrate to use. Cannot be more than MAX_BAUDRATE /// IN port: Port - The port to initialise /// /// Throws a SerialError if the baudrate is invalid /// pub fn init(baud: u32, port: Port) SerialError!void { // The baudrate is sent as a divisor of the max baud rate const divisor: u16 = try baudDivisor(baud); const port_int = @enumToInt(port); // Send a byte to start setting the baudrate arch.outb(port_int + LCR, lcrValue(0, false, false, 1)); // Send the divisor's lsb arch.outb(port_int, @truncate(u8, divisor)); // Send the divisor's msb arch.outb(port_int + 1, @truncate(u8, divisor >> 8)); // Send the properties to use arch.outb(port_int + LCR, lcrValue(CHAR_LEN, SINGLE_STOP_BIT, PARITY_BIT, 0)); // Stop initialisation arch.outb(port_int + 1, 0); } pub fn write(char: u8, port: Port) void { while (!transmitIsEmpty(port)) { arch.halt(); } arch.outb(@enumToInt(port), char); } pub fn writeString(str: []const u8, port: Port) void { for (str) |char| { write(char, port); } }