import atexit import queue import threading import subprocess import signal import re import sys import datetime import os import importlib.util msg_queue = queue.Queue(-1) proc = None class TestCase: def __init__(self, name, expected): = name self.expected = expected def failure(msg): print("FAILURE: %s" %(msg)) sys.exit(1) def test_failure(case, exp, expected_idx, found): failure("%s #%d, expected '%s', found '%s'" %(, expected_idx + 1, exp, found)) def test_pass(case, exp, expected_idx, found): print("PASS: %s #%d, expected '%s', found '%s'" %(, expected_idx + 1, exp, found)) def get_pre_archinit_cases(): return [ TestCase("Arch init starts", [r"Init arch \w+"]) ] def get_post_archinit_cases(): return [ TestCase("Arch init finishes", [r"Arch init done"]), TestCase("VGA init", [r"Init vga", r"Done"]), TestCase("VGA tests", [r"VGA: Tested max scan line", r"VGA: Tested cursor shape", r"VGA: Tested updating cursor"]), TestCase("TTY init", [r"Init tty", r"Done"]), TestCase("TTY tests", [r"TTY: Tested globals", r"TTY: Tested printing"]), TestCase("Init finishes", [r"Init done"]) ] def read_messages(proc): while True: line = proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8") msg_queue.put(line) def cleanup(): global proc os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) if __name__ == "__main__": arch = sys.argv[1] zig_path = sys.argv[2] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("arch", "test/kernel/arch/" + arch + "/") arch_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(arch_module) # The list of log statements to look for before arch init is called + # All log statements to look for, including the arch-specific ones + # The list of log statements to look for after arch init is called cases = get_pre_archinit_cases() + arch_module.get_test_cases(TestCase) + get_post_archinit_cases() if len(cases) > 0: proc = subprocess.Popen(zig_path + " build run -Drt-test=true", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) atexit.register(cleanup) case_idx = 0 read_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_messages, args=(proc,)) read_thread.daemon = True read_thread.start() # Go through the cases while case_idx < len(cases): case = cases[case_idx] expected_idx = 0 # Go through the expected log messages while expected_idx < len(case.expected): e = r"\[INFO\] " + case.expected[expected_idx] try: line = msg_queue.get(block=True, timeout=5) except queue.Empty: failure("Timed out waiting for '%s'" %(e)) line = line.strip() pattern = re.compile(e) # Pass if the line matches the expected pattern, else fail if pattern.fullmatch(line): test_pass(case, e, expected_idx, line) else: test_failure(case, e, expected_idx, line) expected_idx += 1 case_idx += 1 sys.exit(0)