const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const File = std.fs.File; // Check duplicate types comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(types.len * types.len * 7); inline for (types) |t1, i| { inline for (types) |t2, j| { if (i != j) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, t1[0], t2[0])) { @compileError("Duplicate types: " ++ t1[0]); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, t1[1], t2[1])) { @compileError("Duplicate enum literal: " ++ t1[1]); } } } } } /// The types needed for mocking /// The format is as follows: /// 1. The type represented as a string. This is because @typeName doesn't play nicely with /// all types so this way, what is put here is what you get when generated. There can only /// be one of each type. /// 2. The enum to represent the type. See other below for example names. These have to be /// unique. /// 3. The import name for a type (what would go in the @import()) without the .zig. This is /// optional as some types won't need an import. If a type has already been imported, then /// this can be omitted. Currently this is a single import, but this can be extended to have /// a comma separated list of import with types that contain types from multiple places. /// 4. The sub import. This is what would come after the @import() but before the type to be /// imported. An easy example is the Allocator where the sub import would be std.mem with no /// import as @import("std") is already included. Another example is if including a type /// from a struct. /// 5. The base type to include. This is different to the type in (1) as will exclude pointer. /// This will be the name of the type to be included. const types = .{ .{ "bool", "BOOL", "", "", "" }, .{ "u4", "U4", "", "", "" }, .{ "u8", "U8", "", "", "" }, .{ "u16", "U16", "", "", "" }, .{ "u32", "U32", "", "", "" }, .{ "usize", "USIZE", "", "", "" }, .{ "StatusRegister", "STATUSREGISTER", "cmos_mock", "", "StatusRegister" }, .{ "RtcRegister", "RTCREGISTER", "cmos_mock", "", "RtcRegister" }, .{ "IdtPtr", "IDTPTR", "idt_mock", "", "IdtPtr" }, .{ "*const GdtPtr", "PTR_CONST_GDTPTR", "gdt_mock", "", "GdtPtr" }, .{ "*const IdtPtr", "PTR_CONST_IDTPTR", "idt_mock", "", "IdtPtr" }, .{ "*Allocator", "PTR_ALLOCATOR", "", "std.mem", "Allocator" }, .{ "IdtError!void", "ERROR_IDTERROR_RET_VOID", "idt_mock", "", "IdtError" }, .{ "fn () callconv(.C) void", "FN_CCC_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () callconv(.Naked) void", "FN_CCNAKED_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () void", "FN_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () u16", "FN_OU16", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () usize", "FN_OUSIZE", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () GdtPtr", "FN_OGDTPTR", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn () IdtPtr", "FN_OIDTPTR", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u8) void", "FN_IU8_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u8) bool", "FN_IU8_OBOOL", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16) void", "FN_IU16_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16) u8", "FN_IU16_OU8", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16) u32", "FN_IU16_OU32", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (usize) bool", "FN_IUSIZE_OBOOL", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (RtcRegister) u8", "FN_IRTCREGISTER_OU8", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (IdtEntry) bool", "FN_IIDTENTRY_OBOOL", "idt_mock", "", "IdtEntry" }, .{ "fn (*const GdtPtr) anyerror!void", "FN_IPTRCONSTGDTPTR_EERROR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (*const IdtPtr) anyerror!void", "FN_IPTRCONSTIDTPTR_EERROR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (*const GdtPtr) void", "FN_IPTRCONSTGDTPTR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (*const IdtPtr) void", "FN_IPTRCONSTIDTPTR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u4, u4) u8", "FN_IU4_IU4_OU8", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u8, u8) u16", "FN_IU8_IU8_OU16", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u8, fn () callconv(.Naked) void) IdtError!void", "FN_IU8_IFNCCNAKEDOVOID_EIDTERROR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16, u8) void", "FN_IU16_IU8_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16, u16) anyerror!void", "FN_IU16_IU16_EERROR_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16, u16) void", "FN_IU16_IU16_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (u16, u32) void", "FN_IU16_IU32_OVOID", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (StatusRegister, bool) u8", "FN_ISTATUSREGISTER_IBOOL_OU8", "", "", "" }, .{ "fn (StatusRegister, u8, bool) void", "FN_ISTATUSREGISTER_IU8_IBOOL_OVOID", "", "", "" }, }; // Create the imports fn genImports() []const u8 { @setEvalBranchQuota(types.len * types.len * 7); comptime var str: []const u8 = ""; comptime var seen_imports: []const u8 = &[_]u8{}; comptime var seen_types: []const u8 = &[_]u8{}; inline for (types) |t| { const has_import = !std.mem.eql(u8, t[2], ""); const seen = if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, seen_imports, t[2])) |_| true else false; if (has_import and !seen) { str = str ++ "const " ++ t[2] ++ " = @import(\"" ++ t[2] ++ ".zig\");\n"; seen_imports = seen_imports ++ t[2]; } } inline for (types) |t| { const has_import = !std.mem.eql(u8, t[2], ""); const has_base = !std.mem.eql(u8, t[3], ""); const has_type = !std.mem.eql(u8, t[4], ""); const seen = if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, seen_types, t[4])) |_| true else false; if (!seen and has_type and (has_import or has_base)) { str = str ++ "const " ++ t[4] ++ " = "; if (has_import) { str = str ++ t[2] ++ "."; } if (has_base) { str = str ++ t[3] ++ "."; } str = str ++ t[4] ++ ";\n"; seen_types = seen_types ++ t[4]; } } // Remove trailing new line return str; } // Create the DataElementType fn genDataElementType() []const u8 { comptime var str: []const u8 = "const DataElementType = enum {\n"; inline for (types) |t| { const spaces = " " ** 4; str = str ++ spaces ++ t[1] ++ ",\n"; } return str ++ "};\n"; } // Create the DataElement fn genDataElement() []const u8 { comptime var str: []const u8 = "const DataElement = union(DataElementType) {\n"; inline for (types) |t| { const spaces = " " ** 4; str = str ++ spaces ++ t[1] ++ ": " ++ t[0] ++ ",\n"; } return str ++ "};\n"; } // All the function generation parts are the same apart from 3 things fn genGenericFunc(comptime intermediate: []const u8, comptime trail: []const u8, comptime end: []const u8) []const u8 { comptime var str: []const u8 = ""; inline for (types) |t, i| { const spaces = if (i == 0) " " ** 4 else " " ** 16; str = str ++ spaces ++ t[0] ++ intermediate ++ t[1] ++ trail; } return str ++ " " ** 16 ++ end; } // Create the createDataElement fn genCreateDataElement() []const u8 { return genGenericFunc(" => DataElement{ .", " = arg },\n", "else => @compileError(\"Type not supported: \" ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(arg))),"); } // Create the getDataElementType fn genGetDataElementType() []const u8 { return genGenericFunc(" => DataElement.", ",\n", "else => @compileError(\"Type not supported: \" ++ @typeName(T)),"); } // Create the getDataValue fn genGetDataValue() []const u8 { return genGenericFunc(" => element.", ",\n", "else => @compileError(\"Type not supported: \" ++ @typeName(T)),"); } /// /// Generate the mocking framework file from the template file and the type. /// /// Error: Allocator.Error || File.OpenError || File.WriteError || File.ReadError /// Allocator.Error - If there wasn't enough memory for reading in the mocking template file. /// File.OpenError - Error opening the mocking template and output file. /// File.WriteError - Error writing to the output mocking file. /// File.ReadError - Error reading the mocking template file. /// pub fn main() (Allocator.Error || File.OpenError || File.WriteError || File.ReadError)!void { // Create the file output mocking framework file const mock_file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("test/mock/kernel/mock_framework.zig", .{}); defer mock_file.close(); var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer _ = gpa.deinit(); const allocator = gpa.allocator(); // All the string const imports_str = comptime genImports(); const data_element_type_str = comptime genDataElementType(); const data_element_str = comptime genDataElement(); const create_data_element_str = comptime genCreateDataElement(); const get_data_element_type_str = comptime genGetDataElementType(); const get_data_value_str = comptime genGetDataValue(); // Read the mock template file const mock_template = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("test/mock/kernel/mock_framework_template.zig", .{}); defer mock_template.close(); const mock_framework_str = try mock_template.readToEndAlloc(allocator, 1024 * 1024 * 1024); defer; // The index where to write the templates const imports_delimiter = "////Imports////"; const imports_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, imports_delimiter) orelse unreachable); const data_element_type_delimiter = "////DataElementType////"; const data_element_type_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, data_element_type_delimiter) orelse unreachable); const data_element_delimiter = "////DataElement////"; const data_element_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, data_element_delimiter) orelse unreachable); const create_data_elem_delimiter = "////createDataElement////"; const create_data_elem_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, create_data_elem_delimiter) orelse unreachable); const get_data_elem_type_delimiter = "////getDataElementType////"; const get_data_elem_type_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, get_data_elem_type_delimiter) orelse unreachable); const get_data_value_delimiter = "////getDataValue////"; const get_data_value_index = (std.mem.indexOf(u8, mock_framework_str, get_data_value_delimiter) orelse unreachable); // Write the beginning of the file try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[0..imports_index]); // Write the Imports try mock_file.writer().writeAll(imports_str); // Write the up to DataElementType try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[imports_index + imports_delimiter.len .. data_element_type_index]); // Write the DataElementType try mock_file.writer().writeAll(data_element_type_str); // Write the up to DataElement try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[data_element_type_index + data_element_type_delimiter.len .. data_element_index]); // Write the DataElement try mock_file.writer().writeAll(data_element_str); // Write the up to createDataElement try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[data_element_index + data_element_delimiter.len .. create_data_elem_index]); // Write the createDataElement try mock_file.writer().writeAll(create_data_element_str); // Write the up to getDataElementType try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[create_data_elem_index + create_data_elem_delimiter.len .. get_data_elem_type_index]); // Write the getDataElementType try mock_file.writer().writeAll(get_data_element_type_str); // Write the up to getDataValue try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[get_data_elem_type_index + get_data_elem_type_delimiter.len .. get_data_value_index]); // Write the getDataValue try mock_file.writer().writeAll(get_data_value_str); // Write the rest of the file try mock_file.writer().writeAll(mock_framework_str[get_data_value_index + get_data_value_delimiter.len ..]); }