const builtin = @import("builtin"); const is_test = builtin.is_test; const std = @import("std"); const fmt = std.fmt; const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectError = std.testing.expectError; const build_options = @import("build_options"); const mock_path = build_options.mock_path; const vga = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "vga_mock.zig") else @import("vga.zig"); const log = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "log_mock.zig") else @import("log.zig"); const panic = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "panic_mock.zig").panic else @import("panic.zig").panic; /// The OutStream for the format function const OutStream =, TtyError, printCallback); /// The error set for if there is an error whiles printing. const TtyError = error{ /// If the printing tries to print outside the video buffer. OutOfBounds, }; /// The number of rows down from the top (row 0) where the displayable region starts. Above is /// where the logo and time is printed const ROW_MIN: u16 = 7; /// The total number of rows in the displayable region const ROW_TOTAL: u16 = vga.HEIGHT - ROW_MIN; /// The total number of pages (static) that the terminal will remember. In the future, this can /// move to a more dynamic allocation when a kheap is implemented. const TOTAL_NUM_PAGES: u16 = 5; /// The total number of VGA (or characters) elements are on a page const TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE: u16 = vga.WIDTH * ROW_TOTAL; /// The start of the displayable region in the video buffer memory const START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION: u16 = vga.WIDTH * ROW_MIN; /// The total number of VGA elements (or characters) the video buffer can display const VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE: u16 = vga.WIDTH * vga.HEIGHT; /// The location of the kernel in virtual memory so can calculate the address of the VGA buffer extern var KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET: *u32; /// The current x position of the cursor. var column: u8 = 0; /// The current y position of the cursor. var row: u8 = 0; /// The current colour of the display with foreground and background colour. var colour: u8 = undefined; /// The buffer starting from the beginning of the video memory location that contains all data /// written to the display. var video_buffer: []volatile u16 = undefined; /// The blank VGA entry to be used to clear the screen. var blank: u16 = undefined; /// A total of TOTAL_NUM_PAGES pages that can be saved and restored to from and to the video buffer var pages: [TOTAL_NUM_PAGES][TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE]u16 = init: { var p: [TOTAL_NUM_PAGES][TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE]u16 = undefined; for (p) |*page| { page.* = [_]u16{0} ** TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE; } break :init p; }; /// The current page index. var page_index: u8 = 0; /// /// Copies data into the video buffer. This is used for copying a page into the video buffer. /// /// Arguments: /// IN video_buf_offset: u16 - The offset into the video buffer to start copying to. /// IN data: []const u16 - The data to copy into the video buffer. /// IN size: u16 - The amount to copy. /// /// Errors: TtyError /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If offset or the size to copy is greater than the size of the /// video buffer or data to copy. /// fn videoCopy(video_buf_offset: u16, data: []const u16, size: u16) TtyError!void { // Secure programming ;) if (video_buf_offset >= video_buffer.len and size > video_buffer.len - video_buf_offset and size > data.len) { return TtyError.OutOfBounds; } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < size) : (i += 1) { video_buffer[video_buf_offset + i] = data[i]; } } /// /// Moves data with a page without overriding itself. /// /// Arguments: /// IN dest: []u16 - The destination position to copy into. /// IN src: []u16 - The source position to copy from. /// IN size: u16 - The amount to copy. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If the size to copy is greater than the size of the pages. /// fn pageMove(dest: []u16, src: []u16, size: u16) TtyError!void { if (dest.len < size or src.len < size) { return TtyError.OutOfBounds; } // Not an error if size is zero, nothing will be copied if (size == 0) return; // Make sure we don't override the values we want to copy if (@ptrToInt(&dest[0]) < @ptrToInt(&src[0])) { var i: u16 = 0; while (i != size) : (i += 1) { dest[i] = src[i]; } } else { var i = size; while (i != 0) { i -= 1; dest[i] = src[i]; } } } /// /// Clears a region of the video buffer to a VGA entry from the beginning. /// /// Arguments: /// IN c: u16 - VGA entry to set the video buffer to. /// IN size: u16 - The number to VGA entries to set from the beginning of the video buffer. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If the size to copy is greater than the size of the video buffer. /// fn setVideoBuffer(c: u16, size: u16) TtyError!void { if (size > VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) { return TtyError.OutOfBounds; } for (video_buffer[0..size]) |*b| { b.* = c; } } /// /// Updated the hardware cursor to the current column and row (x, y). /// fn updateCursor() void { vga.updateCursor(column, row); } /// /// Get the hardware cursor and set the current column and row (x, y). /// fn getCursor() void { const cursor = vga.getCursor(); row = @truncate(u8, cursor / vga.WIDTH); column = @truncate(u8, cursor % vga.WIDTH); } /// /// Display the current page number at the bottom right corner. If there was an error with this, /// then the page number may not be printed and a error log will be emitted. /// fn displayPageNumber() void { const column_temp = column; const row_temp = row; defer column = column_temp; defer row = row_temp; var text_buf = [_]u8{0} ** vga.WIDTH; // Formate the page number string so can work out the right alignment. const fmt_text = fmt.bufPrint(text_buf[0..], "Page {} of {}", .{ page_index, TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1 }) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Unable to print page number, buffer too small. Error: {}\n", .{e}); return; }; // TODO: #89 TTY - print string with alignment // When print a string with alignment is available, can remove. // But for now we can calculate the alignment. column = @truncate(u8, vga.WIDTH) - @truncate(u8, fmt_text.len); row = ROW_MIN - 1; writeString(fmt_text) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Unable to print page number, printing out of bounds. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; } /// /// Put a character at a specific column and row position on the screen. This will use the current /// colour. /// /// Arguments: /// IN char: u8 - The character to print. This will be combined with the current colour. /// IN x: u8 - The x position (column) to put the character at. /// IN y: u8 - The y position (row) to put the character at. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to print outside the video buffer. /// fn putEntryAt(char: u8, x: u8, y: u8) TtyError!void { const index = y * vga.WIDTH + x; // Bounds check if (index >= VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) { return TtyError.OutOfBounds; } const char_entry = vga.entry(char, colour); if (index >= START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { // If not at page zero, (bottom of page), then display that page // The user has move up a number of pages and then typed a letter, so need to move to the // 0'th page if (page_index != 0) { // This isn't out of bounds page_index = 0; try videoCopy(START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION, pages[page_index][0..TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE], TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE); displayPageNumber(); // If not on page 0, then the cursor would have been disabled vga.enableCursor(); updateCursor(); } pages[page_index][index - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION] = char_entry; } video_buffer[index] = char_entry; } /// /// Move rows up pages across multiple pages leaving the last rows blank. /// /// Arguments: /// IN rows: u16 - The number of rows to move up. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to move up more rows on a page. /// fn pagesMoveRowsUp(rows: u16) TtyError!void { // Out of bounds check if (rows > ROW_TOTAL) { return TtyError.OutOfBounds; } // Not an error to move 0 rows, but is pointless if (rows == 0) return; // Move up rows in last page up by "rows" const row_length = rows * vga.WIDTH; const chars_to_move = (ROW_TOTAL - rows) * vga.WIDTH; try pageMove(pages[TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1][0..chars_to_move], pages[TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1][row_length..], chars_to_move); // Loop for the other pages var i = TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1; while (i > 0) : (i -= 1) { try pageMove(pages[i][chars_to_move..], pages[i - 1][0..row_length], row_length); try pageMove(pages[i - 1][0..chars_to_move], pages[i - 1][row_length..], chars_to_move); } // Clear the last lines for (pages[0][chars_to_move..]) |*p| { p.* = blank; } } /// /// When the text/terminal gets to the bottom of the screen, then move all line up by the amount /// that are below the bottom of the screen. Usually moves up by one line. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to move up more rows on a page. This shouldn't happen /// as bounds checks have been done. /// fn scroll() void { // Added the condition in the if from pagesMoveRowsUp as don't need to move all rows if (row >= vga.HEIGHT and (row - vga.HEIGHT + 1) <= ROW_TOTAL) { const rows_to_move = row - vga.HEIGHT + 1; // Move rows up pages by temp, will usually be one. // TODO: Maybe panic here as we have the check above, so if this fails, then is a big problem pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move) catch |e| { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Can't move {} rows up. Must be less than {}\n", .{ rows_to_move, ROW_TOTAL }); }; // Move all rows up by rows_to_move var i: u32 = 0; while (i < (ROW_TOTAL - rows_to_move) * vga.WIDTH) : (i += 1) { video_buffer[START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION + i] = video_buffer[(rows_to_move * vga.WIDTH) + START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION + i]; } // Set the last rows to blanks i = 0; while (i < vga.WIDTH * rows_to_move) : (i += 1) { video_buffer[(vga.HEIGHT - rows_to_move) * vga.WIDTH + i] = blank; } row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; } } /// /// Print a character without updating the cursor. For speed when printing a string as only need to /// update the cursor once. This will also print the special characters: \n, \r, \t and \b. (\b is /// not a valid character so use \x08 which is the hex value). /// /// Arguments: /// IN char: u8 - The character to print. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to scroll more rows on a page/displayable region or /// print beyond the video buffer. /// fn putChar(char: u8) TtyError!void { const column_temp = column; const row_temp = row; // If there was an error, then set the row and column back to where is was // Like nothing happened errdefer column = column_temp; errdefer row = row_temp; switch (char) { '\n' => { column = 0; row += 1; scroll(); }, '\t' => { column += 4; if (column >= vga.WIDTH) { column -= @truncate(u8, vga.WIDTH); row += 1; scroll(); } }, '\r' => { column = 0; }, // \b '\x08' => { if (column == 0) { if (row != 0) { column = vga.WIDTH - 1; row -= 1; } } else { column -= 1; } }, else => { try putEntryAt(char, column, row); column += 1; if (column == vga.WIDTH) { column = 0; row += 1; scroll(); } }, } } /// /// Print a string to the TTY. This also updates to hardware cursor. /// /// Arguments: /// IN str: []const u8 - The string to print. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to print beyond the video buffer. /// fn writeString(str: []const u8) TtyError!void { // Make sure we update the cursor to the last character defer updateCursor(); for (str) |char| { try putChar(char); } } /// /// Print the pluto logo. /// fn printLogo() void { const column_temp = column; const row_temp = row; defer column = column_temp; defer row = row_temp; const logo = \\ _____ _ _ _ _______ ____ \\ | __ \ | | | | | | |__ __| / __ \ \\ | |__) | | | | | | | | | | | | | \\ | ___/ | | | | | | | | | | | | \\ | | | |____ | |__| | | | | |__| | \\ |_| |______| \____/ |_| \____/ ; // Print the logo at the top of the screen column = 0; row = 0; writeString(logo) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error print logo. Error {}\n", .{e}); }; } /// /// A call back function for use in the formation of a string. This calls writeString normally. /// /// Arguments: /// IN ctx: void - The context of the printing. This will be empty. /// IN str: []const u8 - The string to print. /// /// Errors: /// TtyError.OutOfBounds - If trying to print beyond the video buffer. /// fn printCallback(ctx: void, str: []const u8) TtyError!usize { try writeString(str); return str.len; } /// /// Print a formatted string to the terminal in the current colour. This used the standard zig /// formatting. /// /// Arguments: /// IN comptime format: []const u8 - The format string to print /// IN args: var - The arguments to be used in the formatted string /// pub fn print(comptime format: []const u8, args: var) void { // Printing can't error because of the scrolling, if it does, we have a big problem fmt.format(OutStream{ .context = {} }, format, args) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error printing. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; } /// /// Move up a page. This will copy the page above to the video buffer. Will keep trace of which /// page is being displayed. /// pub fn pageUp() void { if (page_index < TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1) { // Copy page to display page_index += 1; // Bounds have been checked, so shouldn't error videoCopy(START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION, pages[page_index][0..TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE], TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error moving page up. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; displayPageNumber(); vga.disableCursor(); } } /// /// Move down a page. This will copy the page bellow to the video buffer. Will keep trace of which /// page is being displayed. /// pub fn pageDown() void { if (page_index > 0) { // Copy page to display page_index -= 1; // Bounds have been checked, so shouldn't error videoCopy(START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION, pages[page_index][0..TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE], TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error moving page down. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; displayPageNumber(); if (page_index == 0) { vga.enableCursor(); updateCursor(); } else { vga.disableCursor(); } } } /// /// This clears the entire screen with blanks using the current colour. This will also save the /// screen to the pages so can scroll back down. /// pub fn clearScreen() void { // Move all the rows up // This is within bounds, so shouldn't error pagesMoveRowsUp(ROW_TOTAL) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error moving all pages up. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; // Clear the screen var i: u16 = START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { video_buffer[i] = blank; } // Set the cursor to below the logo column = 0; row = ROW_MIN; updateCursor(); } /// /// This moves the software and hardware cursor to the left by one. /// pub fn moveCursorLeft() void { if (column == 0) { if (row != 0) { column = vga.WIDTH - 1; row -= 1; } } else { column -= 1; } updateCursor(); } /// /// This moves the software and hardware cursor to the right by one. /// pub fn moveCursorRight() void { if (column == (vga.WIDTH - 1)) { if (row != (vga.HEIGHT - 1)) { column = 0; row += 1; } } else { column += 1; } updateCursor(); } /// /// This will set a new colour for the screen. It will only become effective when printing new /// characters. Use vga.colourEntry and the colour enums to set the colour. /// /// Arguments: /// IN new_colour: u8 - The new foreground and background colour of the screen. /// pub fn setColour(new_colour: u8) void { colour = new_colour; blank = vga.entry(0, colour); } /// /// Gets the video buffer's virtual address. /// /// Return: usize /// The virtual address of the video buffer /// pub fn getVideoBufferAddress() usize { return @ptrToInt(&KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET) + 0xB8000; } /// /// Initialise the tty. This will keep the bootloaders output and set the software cursor to where /// the bootloader left it. Will copy the current screen to the pages, set the colour and blank /// entry, print the logo and display the 0'th page. /// pub fn init() void { log.logInfo("Init tty\n", .{}); defer log.logInfo("Done tty\n", .{}); // Video buffer in higher half if (is_test) { video_buffer = @intToPtr([*]volatile u16, mock_getVideoBufferAddress())[0..VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE]; } else { video_buffer = @intToPtr([*]volatile u16, getVideoBufferAddress())[0..VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE]; } setColour(vga.entryColour(vga.COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, vga.COLOUR_BLACK)); // Enable and get the hardware cursor to set the software cursor vga.enableCursor(); getCursor(); if (row != 0 or column != 0) { // Copy rows 7 down to make room for logo // If there isn't enough room, only take the bottom rows var row_offset: u16 = 0; if (vga.HEIGHT - 1 - row < ROW_MIN) { row_offset = ROW_MIN - (vga.HEIGHT - 1 - row); } // Make a copy into the pages // Assuming that there is only one page var i: u16 = 0; while (i < row * vga.WIDTH) : (i += 1) { pages[0][i] = video_buffer[i]; } // Move 7 rows down i = 0; if (@ptrToInt(&video_buffer[ROW_MIN * vga.WIDTH]) < @ptrToInt(&video_buffer[row_offset * vga.WIDTH])) { while (i != row * vga.WIDTH) : (i += 1) { video_buffer[i + (ROW_MIN * vga.WIDTH)] = video_buffer[i + (row_offset * vga.WIDTH)]; } } else { i = row * vga.WIDTH; while (i != 0) { i -= 1; video_buffer[i + (ROW_MIN * vga.WIDTH)] = video_buffer[i + (row_offset * vga.WIDTH)]; } } // Set the top 7 rows blank setVideoBuffer(blank, START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error clearing the top 7 rows. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; row += @truncate(u8, row_offset + ROW_MIN); } else { // Clear the screen setVideoBuffer(blank, VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) catch |e| { log.logError("TTY: Error clearing the screen. Error: {}\n", .{e}); }; // Set the row to below the logo row = ROW_MIN; } printLogo(); displayPageNumber(); updateCursor(); if (build_options.rt_test) runtimeTests(); } const test_colour: u8 = vga.orig_entryColour(vga.COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, vga.COLOUR_BLACK); var test_video_buffer: [VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE]u16 = [_]u16{0} ** VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE; fn mock_getVideoBufferAddress() usize { return @ptrToInt(&test_video_buffer); } fn resetGlobals() void { column = 0; row = 0; page_index = 0; colour = undefined; video_buffer = undefined; blank = undefined; pages = init: { var p: [TOTAL_NUM_PAGES][TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE]u16 = undefined; for (p) |*page| { page.* = [_]u16{0} ** TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE; } break :init p; }; } fn setUpVideoBuffer() void { // Change to a stack location video_buffer = test_video_buffer[0..VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE]; expectEqual(@ptrToInt(video_buffer.ptr), @ptrToInt(&test_video_buffer[0])); colour = test_colour; blank = vga.orig_entry(0, test_colour); } fn setVideoBufferBlankPages() void { setUpVideoBuffer(); for (video_buffer) |*b| { b.* = blank; } setPagesBlank(); } fn setVideoBufferIncrementingBlankPages() void { setUpVideoBuffer(); for (video_buffer) |*b, i| { b.* = @intCast(u16, i); } setPagesBlank(); } fn setPagesBlank() void { for (pages) |*p_i| { for (p_i) |*p_j| { p_j.* = blank; } } } fn setPagesIncrementing() void { for (pages) |*p_i, i| { for (p_i) |*p_j, j| { p_j.* = @intCast(u16, i) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + @intCast(u16, j); } } } fn defaultVariablesTesting(p_i: u8, r: u8, c: u8) void { expectEqual(test_colour, colour); expectEqual(@as(u16, test_colour) << 8, blank); expectEqual(p_i, page_index); expectEqual(r, row); expectEqual(c, column); } fn incrementingPagesTesting() void { for (pages) |p_i, i| { for (p_i) |p_j, j| { expectEqual(i * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j, p_j); } } } fn blankPagesTesting() void { for (pages) |p_i| { for (p_i) |p_j| { expectEqual(blank, p_j); } } } fn incrementingVideoBufferTesting() void { var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; expectEqual(i, b); } } fn defaultVideoBufferTesting() void { var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(0, test_colour), b); } } fn defaultAllTesting(p_i: u8, r: u8, c: u8) void { defaultVariablesTesting(p_i, r, c); blankPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); } test "updateCursor" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga.updateCursor call for updating the hardware cursor vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addTestParams("updateCursor", .{ @as(u16, 0), @as(u16, 0) }); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function updateCursor(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "getCursor zero" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga.getCursor call for getting the hardware cursor vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addTestParams("getCursor", .{@as(u16, 0)}); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function getCursor(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "getCursor EEF" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga.getCursor call for getting the hardware cursor vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addTestParams("getCursor", .{@as(u16, 0x0EEF)}); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function getCursor(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 47, 63); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "displayPageNumber column and row is reset" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); column = 5; row = 6; // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 6, 5); // Call function displayPageNumber(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 6, 5); const text = "Page 0 of 4"; // Test both video and pages for page number 0 var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION - 11) { expectEqual(blank, b); } else if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(text[i + 11 - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION], colour), b); } else { expectEqual(blank, b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putEntryAt out of bounds" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function expectError(TtyError.OutOfBounds, putEntryAt('A', 100, 100)); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putEntryAt not in displayable region" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Enable and update cursor is only called once, can can use the consume function call //vga.addConsumeFunction("enableCursor", vga.mock_enableCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function const x = 0; const y = 0; const char = 'A'; try putEntryAt(char, x, y); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; if (i == y * vga.WIDTH + x) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(char, test_colour), b); } else { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(0, test_colour), b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putEntryAt in displayable region page_index is 0" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function const x = 0; const y = ROW_MIN; const char = 'A'; try putEntryAt(char, x, y); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (i == page_index and (j == (y * vga.WIDTH + x) - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION)) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(char, test_colour), c); } else { expectEqual(blank, c); } } } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; if (i == y * vga.WIDTH + x) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(char, test_colour), b); } else { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(0, test_colour), b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putEntryAt in displayable region page_index is not 0" { // Set up // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Enable and update cursor is only called once, can can use the consume function call vga.addConsumeFunction("enableCursor", vga.mock_enableCursor); setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Fill the 1'nd page (index 1) will all 1's const ones = vga.orig_entry('1', test_colour); for (pages) |*page, i| { for (page) |*char| { if (i == 0) { char.* = ones; } else { char.* = 0; } } } page_index = 1; // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(1, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |char| { if (i == 0) { expectEqual(ones, char); } else { expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), char); } } } // Call function const x = 0; const y = ROW_MIN; const char = 'A'; try putEntryAt(char, x, y); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); const text = "Page 0 of 4"; for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (i == 0 and j == 0) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(char, test_colour), c); } else if (i == 0) { expectEqual(ones, c); } else { expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), c); } } } // The top 7 rows won't be copied var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION - 11) { expectEqual(blank, b); } else if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(text[i + 11 - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION], colour), b); } else if (i == y * vga.WIDTH + x) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(char, test_colour), b); } else { expectEqual(ones, b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pagesMoveRowsUp out of bounds" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function const rows_to_move = ROW_TOTAL + 1; expectError(TtyError.OutOfBounds, pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move)); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pagesMoveRowsUp 0 rows" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function const rows_to_move = 0; try pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pagesMoveRowsUp 1 rows" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function const rows_to_move = 1; try pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); const to_add = rows_to_move * vga.WIDTH; for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (j >= TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE - to_add) { if (i == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((i - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + (j + to_add - TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE), c); } } else { // All rows moved up one, so add vga.WIDTH expectEqual(i * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j + to_add, c); } } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pagesMoveRowsUp ROW_TOTAL - 1 rows" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function const rows_to_move = ROW_TOTAL - 1; try pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); const to_add = rows_to_move * vga.WIDTH; for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (j >= TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE - to_add) { if (i == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((i - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + (j + to_add - TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE), c); } } else { // All rows moved up one, so add vga.WIDTH expectEqual(i * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j + to_add, c); } } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pagesMoveRowsUp ROW_TOTAL rows" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function const rows_to_move = ROW_TOTAL; try pagesMoveRowsUp(rows_to_move); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (i == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((i - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j, c); } } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "scroll row is less then max height" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function scroll(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "scroll row is equal to height" { // Set up setVideoBufferIncrementingBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); const row_test = vga.HEIGHT; row = row_test; // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, row_test, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); incrementingVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function // Rows move up one scroll(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 0); const to_add = (row_test - vga.HEIGHT + 1) * vga.WIDTH; for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (j >= TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE - to_add) { if (i == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((i - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + (j + to_add - TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE), c); } } else { // All rows moved up one, so add vga.WIDTH expectEqual(i * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j + to_add, c); } } } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(i, buf); } else if (i >= VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE - to_add) { expectEqual(blank, buf); } else { expectEqual(i + to_add, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "scroll row is more than height" { // Set up setVideoBufferIncrementingBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); const row_test = vga.HEIGHT + 5; row = row_test; // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, row_test, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); incrementingVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function // Rows move up 5 scroll(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 0); const to_add = (row_test - vga.HEIGHT + 1) * vga.WIDTH; for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if (j >= TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE - to_add) { if (i == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((i - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + (j + to_add - TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE), c); } } else { // All rows moved up one, so add vga.WIDTH expectEqual(i * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + j + to_add, c); } } } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(i, buf); } else if (i >= VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE - to_add) { expectEqual(blank, buf); } else { expectEqual(i + to_add, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar new line within screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = 5; row = 5; defaultAllTesting(0, 5, 5); // Call function try putChar('\n'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 6, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar new line outside screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = 5; row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 5); // Call function try putChar('\n'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar tab within line" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = 5; row = 6; defaultAllTesting(0, 6, 5); // Call function try putChar('\t'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 6, 9); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar tab end of line" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = vga.WIDTH - 1; row = 6; defaultAllTesting(0, 6, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function try putChar('\t'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 7, 3); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar tab end of screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = vga.WIDTH - 1; row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function try putChar('\t'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 3); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar line feed" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = vga.WIDTH - 1; row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function try putChar('\r'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar back char top left of screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function try putChar('\x08'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar back char top row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing column = 8; defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 8); // Call function try putChar('\x08'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 7); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar back char beginning of row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Pre testing row = 1; defaultAllTesting(0, 1, 0); // Call function try putChar('\x08'); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar any char in row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function try putChar('A'); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 1); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i == 0) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), buf); } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar any char end of row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); // Pre testing column = vga.WIDTH - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, 0, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function try putChar('A'); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 1, 0); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i == vga.WIDTH - 1) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), buf); } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "putChar any char end of screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); // Pre testing row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; column = vga.WIDTH - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function try putChar('A'); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, 0); for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if ((i == 0) and (j == TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE - vga.WIDTH - 1)) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), c); } else { expectEqual(blank, c); } } } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i == VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE - vga.WIDTH - 1) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), buf); } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "printLogo" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing column = 0; row = ROW_MIN; defaultAllTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 0); // Call function printLogo(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 0); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { // This is where the logo will be, but is a complex string so no testing // Just take my word it works :P } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pageUp top page" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing page_index = TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1; defaultVariablesTesting(TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function pageUp(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pageUp bottom page" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); vga.addConsumeFunction("disableCursor", vga.mock_disableCursor); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function pageUp(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(1, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); const text = "Page 1 of 4"; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; // Ignore the ROW_MIN row as this is where the page number is printed and is already // tested, page number is printed 11 from the end if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION - 11) { expectEqual(blank, b); } else if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(text[i + 11 - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION], colour), b); } else { expectEqual(i - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION + TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE, b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pageDown bottom page" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function pageDown(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "pageDown top page" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); vga.addConsumeFunction("disableCursor", vga.mock_disableCursor); // Pre testing page_index = TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1; defaultVariablesTesting(TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 1, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); defaultVideoBufferTesting(); // Call function pageDown(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(TOTAL_NUM_PAGES - 2, 0, 0); incrementingPagesTesting(); const text = "Page 3 of 4"; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const b = video_buffer[i]; // Ignore the ROW_MIN row as this is where the page number is printed and is already // tested, page number is printed 11 from the end if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION - 11) { expectEqual(blank, b); } else if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(text[i + 11 - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION], colour), b); } else { expectEqual((i - START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) + (TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE * page_index), b); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "clearScreen" { // Set up setVideoBufferIncrementingBlankPages(); setPagesIncrementing(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing defaultVariablesTesting(0, 0, 0); incrementingVideoBufferTesting(); incrementingPagesTesting(); // Call function clearScreen(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 0); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(i, buf); } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } for (pages) |page, j| { for (page) |c, k| { if (j == 0) { // The last rows will be blanks expectEqual(blank, c); } else { expectEqual((j - 1) * TOTAL_CHAR_ON_PAGE + k, c); } } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorLeft top left of screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function moveCursorLeft(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorLeft top screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing column = 5; defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 5); // Call function moveCursorLeft(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 4); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorLeft start of row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing row = 5; defaultAllTesting(0, 5, 0); // Call function moveCursorLeft(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 4, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorRight bottom right of screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing row = vga.HEIGHT - 1; column = vga.WIDTH - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function moveCursorRight(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, vga.HEIGHT - 1, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorRight top screen" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing column = 5; defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 5); // Call function moveCursorRight(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 6); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "moveCursorRight end of row" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing row = 5; column = vga.WIDTH - 1; defaultAllTesting(0, 5, vga.WIDTH - 1); // Call function moveCursorRight(); // Post test defaultAllTesting(0, 6, 0); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "setColour" { // Set up // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addConsumeFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); // Pre testing // Call function const new_colour = vga.orig_entryColour(vga.COLOUR_WHITE, vga.COLOUR_WHITE); setColour(new_colour); // Post test expectEqual(new_colour, colour); expectEqual(vga.orig_entry(0, new_colour), blank); // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "writeString" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga calls vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addConsumeFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); // Pre testing row = ROW_MIN; defaultAllTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 0); // Call function try writeString("ABC"); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 3); for (pages) |page, i| { for (page) |c, j| { if ((i == 0) and (j == 0)) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), c); } else if ((i == 0) and (j == 1)) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('B', colour), c); } else if ((i == 0) and (j == 2)) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('C', colour), c); } else { expectEqual(blank, c); } } } var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i == START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('A', colour), buf); } else if (i == START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION + 1) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('B', colour), buf); } else if (i == START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION + 2) { expectEqual(vga.orig_entry('C', colour), buf); } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "init 0,0" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga.updateCursor call for updating the hardware cursor vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addTestParams("getCursor", .{@as(u16, 0)}); vga.addRepeatFunction("entryColour", vga.orig_entryColour); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); vga.addConsumeFunction("enableCursor", vga.mock_enableCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function init(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, ROW_MIN, 0); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { // This is where the logo will be, but is a complex string so no testing // Just take my word it works :P } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } test "init not 0,0" { // Set up setVideoBufferBlankPages(); // Mocking out the vga.updateCursor call for updating the hardware cursor vga.initTest(); defer vga.freeTest(); vga.addTestParams("getCursor", .{vga.WIDTH}); vga.addRepeatFunction("entryColour", vga.orig_entryColour); vga.addRepeatFunction("entry", vga.orig_entry); vga.addRepeatFunction("updateCursor", vga.mock_updateCursor); vga.addConsumeFunction("enableCursor", vga.mock_enableCursor); // Pre testing defaultAllTesting(0, 0, 0); // Call function init(); // Post test defaultVariablesTesting(0, ROW_MIN + 1, 0); blankPagesTesting(); var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (i < START_OF_DISPLAYABLE_REGION) { // This is where the logo will be, but is a complex string so no testing // Just take my word it works :P } else { expectEqual(blank, buf); } } // Tear down resetGlobals(); } /// /// Test the init function set up everything properly. /// fn rt_initialisedGlobals() void { if (@ptrToInt(video_buffer.ptr) != @ptrToInt(&KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET) + 0xB8000) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Video buffer not at correct virtual address, found: {}\n", .{@ptrToInt(video_buffer.ptr)}); } if (page_index != 0) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Page index not at zero, found: {}\n", .{page_index}); } if (colour != vga.entryColour(vga.COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, vga.COLOUR_BLACK)) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Colour not set up properly, found: {}\n", .{colour}); } if (blank != vga.entry(0, colour)) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Blank not set up properly, found: {}\n", .{blank}); } // Make sure the screen isn't all blank var all_blank = true; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (buf != blank and buf != 0) { all_blank = false; break; } } if (all_blank) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Screen all blank, should have logo and page number\n", .{}); } log.logInfo("TTY: Tested globals\n", .{}); } /// /// Test printing a string will output to the screen. This will check both the video memory and /// the pages. /// fn rt_printString() void { const text = "abcdefg"; const clear_text = "\x08" ** text.len; print(text, .{}); // Check the video memory var counter: u32 = 0; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE) : (i += 1) { const buf = video_buffer[i]; if (counter < text.len and buf == vga.entry(text[counter], colour)) { counter += 1; } else if (counter == text.len) { // Found all the text break; } else { counter = 0; } } if (counter != text.len) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Didn't find the printed text in video memory\n", .{}); } // Check the pages counter = 0; for (pages[0]) |c| { if (counter < text.len and c == vga.entry(text[counter], colour)) { counter += 1; } else if (counter == text.len) { // Found all the text break; } else { counter = 0; } } if (counter != text.len) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Didn't find the printed text in pages\n", .{}); } // Clear the text print(clear_text, .{}); log.logInfo("TTY: Tested printing\n", .{}); } /// /// Run all the runtime tests. /// fn runtimeTests() void { rt_initialisedGlobals(); rt_printString(); }