const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectError = std.testing.expectError; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const is_test = builtin.is_test; const build_options = @import("build_options"); const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path; const gdt = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "gdt_mock.zig") else @import("gdt.zig"); const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig"); const log = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "log_mock.zig") else @import("../../log.zig"); /// The structure that contains all the information that each IDT entry needs. pub const IdtEntry = packed struct { /// The lower 16 bits of the base address of the interrupt handler offset. base_low: u16, /// The code segment in the GDT which the handlers will be held. selector: u16, /// Must be zero, unused. zero: u8, /// The IDT gate type. gate_type: u4, /// Must be 0 for interrupt and trap gates. storage_segment: u1, /// The minimum ring level that the calling code must have to run the handler. So user code may not be able to run some interrupts. privilege: u2, /// Whether the IDT entry is present. present: u1, /// The upper 16 bits of the base address of the interrupt handler offset. base_high: u16, }; /// The IDT pointer structure that contains the pointer to the beginning of the IDT and the number /// of the table (minus 1). Used to load the IST with LIDT instruction. pub const IdtPtr = packed struct { /// The total size of the IDT (minus 1) in bytes. limit: u16, /// The base address where the IDT is located. base: u32, }; pub const InterruptHandler = fn () callconv(.Naked) void; /// The error set for the IDT pub const IdtError = error{ /// A IDT entry already exists for the provided index. IdtEntryExists, }; // ---------- // Task gates // ---------- /// The base addresses aren't used, so set these to 0. When a interrupt happens, interrupts are not /// automatically disabled. This is used for referencing the TSS descriptor in the GDT. const TASK_GATE: u4 = 0x5; /// Used to specify a interrupt service routine (ISR). When a interrupt happens, interrupts are /// automatically disabled then enabled upon the IRET instruction which restores the saved EFLAGS. const INTERRUPT_GATE: u4 = 0xE; /// Used to specify a interrupt service routine (ISR). When a interrupt happens, interrupts are not /// automatically disabled and doesn't restores the saved EFLAGS upon the IRET instruction. const TRAP_GATE: u4 = 0xF; // ---------- // Privilege levels // ---------- /// Privilege level 0. Kernel land. The privilege level the calling descriptor minimum will have. const PRIVILEGE_RING_0: u2 = 0x0; /// Privilege level 1. The privilege level the calling descriptor minimum will have. const PRIVILEGE_RING_1: u2 = 0x1; /// Privilege level 2. The privilege level the calling descriptor minimum will have. const PRIVILEGE_RING_2: u2 = 0x2; /// Privilege level 3. User land. The privilege level the calling descriptor minimum will have. const PRIVILEGE_RING_3: u2 = 0x3; /// The total size of all the IDT entries (minus 1). const TABLE_SIZE: u16 = @sizeOf(IdtEntry) * NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES - 1; /// The total number of entries the IDT can have (2^8). pub const NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES: u16 = 256; /// The IDT pointer that the CPU is loaded with that contains the base address of the IDT and the /// size. var idt_ptr: IdtPtr = IdtPtr{ .limit = TABLE_SIZE, .base = 0, }; /// The IDT entry table of NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES entries. Initially all zero'ed. var idt_entries: [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES]IdtEntry = [_]IdtEntry{IdtEntry{ .base_low = 0, .selector = 0, .zero = 0, .gate_type = 0, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = 0, .present = 0, .base_high = 0, }} ** NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES; /// /// Make a IDT entry. /// /// Arguments: /// IN base: u32 - The pointer to the interrupt handler. /// IN selector: u16 - The descriptor segment the interrupt is in. This will usually be the /// kernels code segment. /// IN gate_type: u4 - The type of interrupt. This will usually be the INTERRUPT_GATE. /// IN privilege: u2 - What privilege to call the interrupt in. This will usually be /// the kernel ring level 0. /// /// Return: IdtEntry /// A new IDT entry. /// fn makeEntry(base: u32, selector: u16, gate_type: u4, privilege: u2) IdtEntry { return IdtEntry{ .base_low = @truncate(u16, base), .selector = selector, .zero = 0, .gate_type = gate_type, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = privilege, // Creating a new entry, so is now present. .present = 1, .base_high = @truncate(u16, base >> 16), }; } /// /// Check whether a IDT gate is open. /// /// Arguments: /// IN entry: IdtEntry - The IDT entry to check. /// /// Return: bool /// Whether the provided IDT entry is open or not. /// pub fn isIdtOpen(entry: IdtEntry) bool { return entry.present == 1; } /// /// Open a interrupt gate with a given index and a handler to call. /// /// Arguments: /// IN index: u8 - The interrupt number to open. /// IN handler: InterruptHandler - The interrupt handler for the interrupt. /// /// Errors: /// IdtError.InvalidIdtEntry - If the interrupt number is invalid, see isValidInterruptNumber. /// IdtError.IdtEntryExists - If the interrupt has already been registered. /// pub fn openInterruptGate(index: u8, handler: InterruptHandler) IdtError!void { // As the IDT is a u8, that maximum can only be 255 which is the maximum IDT entries. // So there can't be a out of bounds. if (isIdtOpen(idt_entries[index])) { return IdtError.IdtEntryExists; } idt_entries[index] = makeEntry(@ptrToInt(handler), gdt.KERNEL_CODE_OFFSET, INTERRUPT_GATE, PRIVILEGE_RING_0); } /// /// Initialise the Interrupt descriptor table /// pub fn init() void { log.logInfo("Init idt\n", .{}); defer log.logInfo("Done idt\n", .{}); idt_ptr.base = @ptrToInt(&idt_entries); arch.lidt(&idt_ptr); if (build_options.rt_test) runtimeTests(); } fn testHandler0() callconv(.Naked) void {} fn testHandler1() callconv(.Naked) void {} fn mock_lidt(ptr: *const IdtPtr) void { expectEqual(TABLE_SIZE, ptr.limit); expectEqual(@ptrToInt(&idt_entries[0]), ptr.base); } test "IDT entries" { expectEqual(@as(u32, 8), @sizeOf(IdtEntry)); expectEqual(@as(u32, 6), @sizeOf(IdtPtr)); expectEqual(TABLE_SIZE, idt_ptr.limit); expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), idt_ptr.base); } test "makeEntry alternating bit pattern" { const actual = makeEntry(0b01010101010101010101010101010101, 0b0101010101010101, 0b0101, 0b01); const expected: u64 = 0b0101010101010101101001010000000001010101010101010101010101010101; expectEqual(expected, @bitCast(u64, actual)); } test "isIdtOpen" { const not_open = IdtEntry{ .base_low = 0, .selector = 0, .zero = 0, .gate_type = 0, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = 0, .present = 0, .base_high = 0, }; const open = IdtEntry{ .base_low = 0, .selector = 0, .zero = 0, .gate_type = 0, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = 0, .present = 1, .base_high = 0, }; expectEqual(false, isIdtOpen(not_open)); expectEqual(true, isIdtOpen(open)); } test "openInterruptGate" { const index: u8 = 100; openInterruptGate(index, testHandler0) catch unreachable; expectError(IdtError.IdtEntryExists, openInterruptGate(index, testHandler0)); const test_fn_0_addr = @ptrToInt(testHandler0); const test_fn_1_addr = @ptrToInt(testHandler1); const expected_entry0 = IdtEntry{ .base_low = @truncate(u16, test_fn_0_addr), .selector = gdt.KERNEL_CODE_OFFSET, .zero = 0, .gate_type = INTERRUPT_GATE, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = PRIVILEGE_RING_0, .present = 1, .base_high = @truncate(u16, test_fn_0_addr >> 16), }; expectEqual(expected_entry0, idt_entries[index]); // Reset idt_entries[index] = IdtEntry{ .base_low = 0, .selector = 0, .zero = 0, .gate_type = 0, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = 0, .present = 0, .base_high = 0, }; openInterruptGate(index, testHandler0) catch unreachable; // With different handler expectError(IdtError.IdtEntryExists, openInterruptGate(index, testHandler1)); const expected_entry1 = IdtEntry{ .base_low = @truncate(u16, test_fn_0_addr), .selector = gdt.KERNEL_CODE_OFFSET, .zero = 0, .gate_type = INTERRUPT_GATE, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = PRIVILEGE_RING_0, .present = 1, .base_high = @truncate(u16, test_fn_0_addr >> 16), }; expectEqual(expected_entry1, idt_entries[index]); // Reset idt_entries[index] = IdtEntry{ .base_low = 0, .selector = 0, .zero = 0, .gate_type = 0, .storage_segment = 0, .privilege = 0, .present = 0, .base_high = 0, }; } test "init" { // Set up arch.initTest(); defer arch.freeTest(); arch.addConsumeFunction("lidt", mock_lidt); // Call function init(); // Post testing expectEqual(@ptrToInt(&idt_entries), idt_ptr.base); // Reset idt_ptr.base = 0; } /// /// Check that the IDT table was loaded properly by getting the previously loaded table and /// compare the limit and base address. /// fn rt_loadedIDTSuccess() void { const loaded_idt = arch.sidt(); expect(idt_ptr.limit == loaded_idt.limit); expect(idt_ptr.base == loaded_idt.base); log.logInfo("IDT: Tested loading IDT\n", .{}); } /// /// Run all the runtime tests. /// fn runtimeTests() void { rt_loadedIDTSuccess(); }