const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const is_test = builtin.is_test; const expect = std.testing.expect; const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual; const expectError = std.testing.expectError; const expectEqualSlices = std.testing.expectEqualSlices; const log = std.log.scoped(.initrd); const build_options = @import("build_options"); const mock_path = build_options.mock_path; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const AutoHashMap = std.AutoHashMap; const vfs = @import("vfs.zig"); const mem = if (is_test) @import("../" ++ mock_path ++ "mem_mock.zig") else @import("../mem.zig"); const panic = if (is_test) @import("../" ++ mock_path ++ "panic_mock.zig").panic else @import("../panic.zig").panic; /// The Initrd file system struct. /// Format of raw ramdisk: /// (NumOfFiles:usize)[(name_length:usize)(name:u8[name_length])(content_length:usize)(content:u8[content_length])]* pub const InitrdFS = struct { /// The ramdisk header that stores pointers for the name and file content. const InitrdHeader = struct { /// The name of the file name: []u8, /// The content of the file content: []u8, }; /// The error set for the ramdisk file system. const Error = error{ /// The error for an invalid raw ramdisk when /// parsing. InvalidRamDisk, }; const Self = @This(); /// A mapping of opened files so can easily retrieved opened files for reading. opened_files: AutoHashMap(*const vfs.Node, *InitrdHeader), /// The underlying file system fs: *vfs.FileSystem, /// The allocator used for allocating memory for opening and reading. allocator: *Allocator, /// The list of files in the ram disk. These will be pointers into the raw ramdisk to save on /// allocations. files: []InitrdHeader, /// The root node for the ramdisk file system. This is just a root directory as there is not /// subdirectories. root_node: *vfs.Node, /// See vfs.FileSystem.instance instance: usize, /// See vfs.FileSystem.getRootNode fn getRootNode(fs: *const vfs.FileSystem) *const vfs.DirNode { var self = @fieldParentPtr(InitrdFS, "instance", fs.instance); return &self.root_node.Dir; } /// See vfs.FileSystem.close fn close(fs: *const vfs.FileSystem, node: *const vfs.FileNode) void { var self = @fieldParentPtr(InitrdFS, "instance", fs.instance); const cast_node = @ptrCast(*const vfs.Node, node); // As close can't error, if provided with a invalid Node that isn't opened or try to close // the same file twice, will just do nothing. if (self.opened_files.contains(cast_node)) { _ = self.opened_files.remove(cast_node); self.allocator.destroy(node); } } /// See fn read(fs: *const vfs.FileSystem, node: *const vfs.FileNode, len: usize) (Allocator.Error || vfs.Error)![]u8 { var self = @fieldParentPtr(InitrdFS, "instance", fs.instance); const cast_node = @ptrCast(*const vfs.Node, node); const file_header = self.opened_files.get(cast_node) orelse return vfs.Error.NotOpened; const length = std.math.min(len, file_header.content.len); const buff = try self.allocator.alloc(u8, length); std.mem.copy(u8, buff, file_header.content[0..length]); return buff; } /// See vfs.FileSystem.write fn write(fs: *const vfs.FileSystem, node: *const vfs.FileNode, bytes: []const u8) (Allocator.Error || vfs.Error)!void {} /// See fn open(fs: *const vfs.FileSystem, dir: *const vfs.DirNode, name: []const u8, flags: vfs.OpenFlags) (Allocator.Error || vfs.Error)!*vfs.Node { var self = @fieldParentPtr(InitrdFS, "instance", fs.instance); switch (flags) { .CREATE_DIR, .CREATE_FILE => return vfs.Error.InvalidFlags, .NO_CREATION => { for (self.files) |*file| { if (std.mem.eql(u8,, name)) { // Opening 2 files of the same name, will create 2 different Nodes // Create a node var file_node = try self.allocator.create(vfs.Node); file_node.* = .{ .File = .{ .fs = self.fs } }; try self.opened_files.put(file_node, file); return file_node; } } return vfs.Error.NoSuchFileOrDir; }, } } /// /// Free all memory allocated. /// /// Arguments: /// IN self: *Self - Self /// pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { // If there are any files open, then we have a error. std.debug.assert(self.opened_files.items().len == 0); self.allocator.destroy(self.root_node); self.allocator.destroy(self.fs); self.opened_files.deinit(); for (self.files) |entry| {;; }; self.allocator.destroy(self); } /// /// Initialise a ramdisk file system from a raw ramdisk in memory provided by the bootloader in a stream. /// Any memory allocated will be freed. /// /// Arguments: /// IN stream: *[]u8) - The stream that contains the raw ramdisk data. /// IN allocator: *Allocator - The allocator used for initialising any memory needed. /// /// Return: *InitrdFS /// A pointer to the ram disk file system. /// /// Error: Error || error{EndOfStream} || Allocator.Error ||[]u8).ReadError /// error.InvalidRamDisk - If the provided raw ramdisk is invalid. This can be due to a /// mis-match of the number of files to the length of the raw /// ramdisk or the wrong length provided to cause undefined parsed /// lengths for other parts of the ramdisk. /// error.EndOfStream - When reading from the stream, we reach the end of the stream /// before completing the read. /// error.OutOfMemory - If there isn't enough memory for initialisation. Any memory /// allocated will be freed. /// pub fn init(stream: *[]u8), allocator: *Allocator) (Error || error{EndOfStream} || Allocator.Error)!*InitrdFS {"Init\n", .{}); defer"Done\n", .{}); // First @sizeOf(usize) bytes is the number of files const num_of_files = try stream.reader().readIntNative(usize); var headers = try allocator.alloc(InitrdHeader, num_of_files); errdefer; // Populate the headers var i: usize = 0; // If we error, then free any headers that we allocated. errdefer { var j: usize = 0; while (j < i) : (j += 1) {[j].name);[j].content); } } while (i < num_of_files) : (i += 1) { // We don't need to store the lengths any more as we have the slice.len const name_len = try stream.reader().readIntNative(usize); if (name_len == 0) { return Error.InvalidRamDisk; } headers[i].name = try allocator.alloc(u8, name_len); errdefer[i].name); if ((try stream.reader().readAll(headers[i].name)) != name_len) { return Error.InvalidRamDisk; } const content_len = try stream.reader().readIntNative(usize); if (content_len == 0) { return Error.InvalidRamDisk; } headers[i].content = try allocator.alloc(u8, content_len); errdefer[i].content); if ((try stream.reader().readAll(headers[i].content)) != content_len) { return Error.InvalidRamDisk; } } // If we aren't at the end, error. if ((try stream.getPos()) != (try stream.getEndPos())) { return Error.InvalidRamDisk; } var rd_fs = try allocator.create(InitrdFS); errdefer allocator.destroy(rd_fs); var fs = try allocator.create(vfs.FileSystem); errdefer allocator.destroy(fs); var root_node = try allocator.create(vfs.Node); root_node.* = .{ .Dir = .{ .fs = fs, .mount = null } }; fs.* = .{ .open = open, .close = close, .read = read, .write = write, .instance = &rd_fs.instance, .getRootNode = getRootNode }; rd_fs.* = .{ .opened_files = AutoHashMap(*const vfs.Node, *InitrdHeader).init(allocator), .fs = fs, .allocator = allocator, .files = headers, .root_node = root_node, .instance = 1, }; switch (build_options.test_mode) { .Initialisation => runtimeTests(rd_fs), else => {}, } return rd_fs; } }; /// /// Crate a raw ramdisk in memory to be used to initialise the ramdisk file system. This create /// three files: test1.txt, test2.txt and test3.txt. /// /// Arguments: /// IN allocator: *Allocator - The allocator to alloc the raw ramdisk. /// /// Return: []u8 /// The bytes of the raw ramdisk in memory. /// /// Error: Allocator.Error /// error.OutOfMemory - If there isn't enough memory for the in memory ramdisk. /// fn createInitrd(allocator: *Allocator) (Allocator.Error ||[]u8).WriteError)![]u8 { // Create 3 valid ramdisk files in memory const file_names = [_][]const u8{ "test1.txt", "test2.txt", "test3.txt" }; const file_contents = [_][]const u8{ "This is a test", "This is a test: part 2", "This is a test: the prequel" }; // Ensure these two arrays are the same length std.debug.assert(file_names.len == file_contents.len); var sum: usize = 0; const files_length = for ([_]usize{ 0, 1, 2 }) |i| { sum += @sizeOf(usize) + file_names[i].len + @sizeOf(usize) + file_contents[i].len; } else sum; const total_ramdisk_len = @sizeOf(usize) + files_length; var ramdisk_bytes = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_ramdisk_len); var ramdisk_stream =; // Copy the data into the allocated memory try ramdisk_stream.writer().writeIntNative(usize, file_names.len); inline for ([_]usize{ 0, 1, 2 }) |i| { // Name len try ramdisk_stream.writer().writeIntNative(usize, file_names[i].len); // Name try ramdisk_stream.writer().writeAll(file_names[i]); // File len try ramdisk_stream.writer().writeIntNative(usize, file_contents[i].len); // File content try ramdisk_stream.writer().writeAll(file_contents[i]); } // Make sure we are full expectEqual(try ramdisk_stream.getPos(), total_ramdisk_len); expectEqual(try ramdisk_stream.getPos(), try ramdisk_stream.getEndPos()); return ramdisk_bytes; } test "init with files valid" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); expectEqual(fs.files.len, 3); expectEqualSlices(u8, fs.files[0].name, "test1.txt"); expectEqualSlices(u8, fs.files[1].content, "This is a test: part 2"); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 0); } test "init with files invalid - invalid number of files" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); // Override the number of files std.mem.writeIntSlice(usize, ramdisk_bytes[0..], 10, builtin.endian); defer; var initrd_stream =; expectError(error.InvalidRamDisk, InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator)); // Override the number of files std.mem.writeIntSlice(usize, ramdisk_bytes[0..], 0, builtin.endian); expectError(error.InvalidRamDisk, InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator)); } test "init with files invalid - mix - bad" { // TODO: Craft a ramdisk that would parse but is invalid // This is possible, but will think about this another time // Challenge, make this a effective security vulnerability // P.S. I don't know if adding magics will stop this { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); // Override the first file name length, make is shorter std.mem.writeIntSlice(usize, ramdisk_bytes[4..], 2, builtin.endian); defer; var initrd_stream =; expectError(error.InvalidRamDisk, InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator)); } { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); // Override the first file name length, make is 4 shorter std.mem.writeIntSlice(usize, ramdisk_bytes[4..], 5, builtin.endian); // Override the second file name length, make is 4 longer std.mem.writeIntSlice(usize, ramdisk_bytes[35..], 13, builtin.endian); defer; var initrd_stream =; expectError(error.InvalidRamDisk, InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator)); } } /// The number of allocations that the init function make. const init_allocations: usize = 10; test "init with files cleans memory if OutOfMemory" { var i: usize = 0; while (i < init_allocations) : (i += 1) { { var fa = std.testing.FailingAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator, i); var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; expectError(error.OutOfMemory, InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, &fa.allocator)); } // Ensure we have freed any memory allocated std.testing.expectEqual(false, std.testing.allocator_instance.detectLeaks()); } } test "getRootNode" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); expectEqual(fs.fs.getRootNode(fs.fs), &fs.root_node.Dir); } test "open valid file" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); var file1_node = @ptrCast(*const vfs.Node, file1); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); expectEqualSlices(u8, fs.opened_files.get(file1_node).?.name, "test1.txt"); var file3_node = try"/test3.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file3_node.File.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 2); expectEqualSlices(u8, fs.opened_files.get(file3_node).?.content, "This is a test: the prequel"); var dir1 = try vfs.openDir("/", .NO_CREATION); expectEqual(&fs.root_node.Dir, dir1); var file2 = &(try"test2.txt", .NO_CREATION)).File; defer file2.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 3); } test "open fail with invalid flags" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openFile("/text10.txt", .CREATE_DIR)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openFile("/text10.txt", .CREATE_FILE)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openDir("/text10.txt", .CREATE_DIR)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openDir("/text10.txt", .CREATE_FILE)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openFile("/test/", .CREATE_DIR)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openFile("/test/", .CREATE_FILE)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openDir("/test/", .CREATE_DIR)); expectError(error.InvalidFlags, vfs.openDir("/test/", .CREATE_FILE)); } test "open fail with NoSuchFileOrDir" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); expectError(error.NoSuchFileOrDir, vfs.openFile("/text10.txt", .NO_CREATION)); expectError(error.NoSuchFileOrDir, vfs.openDir("/temp/", .NO_CREATION)); } test "open a file, out of memory" { var fa = std.testing.FailingAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator, init_allocations); var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, &fa.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); expectError(error.OutOfMemory, vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION)); } test "open two of the same file" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); const file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); const file2 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file2.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 2); expect(file1 != file2); const b1 = try; defer; const b2 = try; defer; expectEqualSlices(u8, b1, b2); } test "close a file" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); var file1_node = @ptrCast(*const vfs.Node, file1); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); var file3_node = try"/test3.txt", .NO_CREATION); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 2); file1.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); var dir1 = try vfs.openDir("/", .NO_CREATION); expectEqual(&fs.root_node.Dir, dir1); var file2 = &(try"test2.txt", .NO_CREATION)).File; defer file2.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 2); file3_node.File.close(); expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); } test "close a non-opened file" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); // Open a valid file var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); // Only one file open expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); // Craft a Node var fake_node = try std.testing.allocator.create(vfs.Node); defer std.testing.allocator.destroy(fake_node); fake_node.* = .{ .File = .{ .fs = fs.fs } }; fake_node.File.close(); // Still only one file open expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); } test "read a file" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); const bytes1 = try; defer; expectEqualSlices(u8, bytes1, "This is a test"); const bytes2 = try; defer; expectEqualSlices(u8, bytes2, "This "); } test "read a file, out of memory" { var fa = std.testing.FailingAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator, init_allocations + 2); var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, &fa.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); expectError(error.OutOfMemory,; } test "read a file, invalid/not opened/crafted *const Node" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); // Open a valid file var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); // Only one file open expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); // Craft a Node var fake_node = try std.testing.allocator.create(vfs.Node); defer std.testing.allocator.destroy(fake_node); fake_node.* = .{ .File = .{ .fs = fs.fs } }; expectError(error.NotOpened,; // Still only one file open expectEqual(fs.opened_files.items().len, 1); } test "write does nothing" { var ramdisk_bytes = try createInitrd(std.testing.allocator); defer; var initrd_stream =; var fs = try InitrdFS.init(&initrd_stream, std.testing.allocator); defer fs.deinit(); vfs.setRoot(fs.root_node); // Open a valid file var file1 = try vfs.openFile("/test1.txt", .NO_CREATION); defer file1.close(); try file1.write("Blah"); // Unchanged file content expectEqualSlices(u8, fs.opened_files.get(@ptrCast(*const vfs.Node, file1)).?.content, "This is a test"); } /// See std.testing.expectEqualSlices. As need our panic. fn expectEqualSlicesClone(comptime T: type, expected: []const T, actual: []const T) void { if (expected.len != actual.len) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "slice lengths differ. expected {}, found {}", .{ expected.len, actual.len }); } var i: usize = 0; while (i < expected.len) : (i += 1) { if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "index {} incorrect. expected {}, found {}", .{ i, expected[i], actual[i] }); } } } /// /// Test that we can open, read and close a file /// /// Arguments: /// IN allocator: *Allocator - The allocator used for reading. /// fn rt_openReadClose(allocator: *Allocator) void { const f1 = vfs.openFile("/ramdisk_test1.txt", .NO_CREATION) catch |e| { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Failed to open file: {}\n", .{e}); }; const bytes1 = catch |e| { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Failed to read file: {}\n", .{e}); }; defer f1.close(); expectEqualSlicesClone(u8, bytes1, "Testing ram disk"); const f2 = vfs.openFile("/ramdisk_test2.txt", .NO_CREATION) catch |e| { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to open file: {}\n", .{e}); }; const bytes2 = catch |e| { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Failed to read file: {}\n", .{e}); }; defer f2.close(); expectEqualSlicesClone(u8, bytes2, "Testing ram disk for the second time"); // Try open a non-existent file _ = vfs.openFile("/nope.txt", .NO_CREATION) catch |e| switch (e) { error.NoSuchFileOrDir => {}, else => panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Expected error\n", .{}), };"Opened, read and closed\n", .{}); } /// /// The ramdisk runtime tests that will test the ramdisks functionality. /// /// Arguments: /// IN rd_fs: *InitrdFS - The initialised ramdisk to play with. /// fn runtimeTests(rd_fs: *InitrdFS) void { // There will be test files provided for the runtime tests // Need to init the VFS. This will be overridden after the tests. vfs.setRoot(rd_fs.root_node); rt_openReadClose(rd_fs.allocator); if (rd_fs.opened_files.items().len != 0) { panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Didn't close all files\n", .{}); } }