// Zig version: 0.4.0 const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder; const Step = @import("std").build.Step; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const warn = std.debug.warn; const mem = std.mem; var src_files: ArrayList([]const u8) = undefined; fn concat(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, str: []const u8, str2: []const u8) !std.Buffer { var b = try std.Buffer.init(allocator, str); try b.append(str2); return b; } pub fn build(b: *Builder) void { src_files = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); const debug = b.option(bool, "debug", "build with debug symbols / make qemu wait for a debug connection") orelse false; var build_path = b.option([]const u8, "build-path", "path to build to") orelse "bin"; var src_path = b.option([]const u8, "source-path", "path to source") orelse "src"; var target = b.option([]const u8, "target", "target to build/run for") orelse "x86"; const builtin_target = if (mem.eql(u8, target, "x86")) builtin.Arch.i386 else unreachable; const iso_path = concat(b.allocator, build_path, "/pluto.iso") catch unreachable; src_files.append("kernel/kmain") catch unreachable; // Add the architecture init file to the source files var arch_init = concat(b.allocator, "kernel/arch/", target) catch unreachable; arch_init.append("/arch") catch unreachable; src_files.append(arch_init.toSlice()) catch unreachable; var objects_steps = buildObjects(b, builtin_target, build_path, src_path); var link_step = buildLink(b, builtin_target, build_path); const iso_step = buildISO(b, build_path, iso_path.toSlice()); for (objects_steps.toSlice()) |step| b.default_step.dependOn(step); b.default_step.dependOn(link_step); for (iso_step.toSlice()) |step| b.default_step.dependOn(step); buildRun(b, builtin_target, build_path, iso_path.toSlice(), debug); buildDebug(b); buildTest(b, src_path); } fn buildTest(b: *Builder, src_path: []const u8) void { const step = b.step("test", "Run all tests"); const src_path2 = concat(b.allocator, src_path, "/") catch unreachable; for (src_files.toSlice()) |file| { var file_src = concat(b.allocator, src_path2.toSlice(), file) catch unreachable; file_src.append(".zig") catch unreachable; const tst = b.addTest(file_src.toSlice()); tst.setMainPkgPath("."); step.dependOn(&tst.step); } } fn buildDebug(b: *Builder) void { const step = b.step("debug", "Debug with gdb"); const cmd = b.addSystemCommand([][]const u8{ "gdb", "-ex", "symbol-file bin/iso/boot/pluto.elf", "-ex", "target remote localhost:1234", }); step.dependOn(&cmd.step); } fn buildRun(b: *Builder, target: builtin.Arch, build_path: []const u8, iso_path: []const u8, debug: bool) void { const step = b.step("run", "Run with qemu"); const qemu = if (target == builtin.Arch.i386) "qemu-system-i386" else unreachable; var qemu_flags = ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); qemu_flags.appendSlice([][]const u8{ qemu, "-cdrom", iso_path, "-boot", "d", "-serial", "stdio", }) catch unreachable; if (debug) qemu_flags.appendSlice([][]const u8{ "-s", "-S", }) catch unreachable; const cmd = b.addSystemCommand(qemu_flags.toSlice()); step.dependOn(&cmd.step); } fn buildISO(b: *Builder, build_path: []const u8, iso_path: []const u8) ArrayList(*Step) { const grub_build_path = concat(b.allocator, build_path, "/iso/boot/") catch unreachable; const iso_dir_path = concat(b.allocator, build_path, "/iso") catch unreachable; const grub_cmd = b.addSystemCommand([][]const u8{ "cp", "-r", "grub", grub_build_path.toSlice() }); const iso_cmd = b.addSystemCommand([][]const u8{ "grub-mkrescue", "-o", iso_path, iso_dir_path.toSlice() }); var steps = ArrayList(*Step).init(b.allocator); steps.append(&grub_cmd.step) catch unreachable; steps.append(&iso_cmd.step) catch unreachable; return steps; } fn buildLink(b: *Builder, target: builtin.Arch, build_path: []const u8) *Step { const exec = b.addExecutable("pluto.elf", null); const elf_path = concat(b.allocator, build_path, "/iso/boot") catch unreachable; exec.setOutputDir(elf_path.toSlice()); exec.setLinkerScriptPath("link.ld"); exec.setTarget(target, builtin.Os.freestanding, builtin.Abi.gnu); for (src_files.toSlice()) |file| { var file_obj = concat(b.allocator, build_path, "/") catch unreachable; file_obj.append(file) catch unreachable; file_obj.append(".o") catch unreachable; exec.addObjectFile(file_obj.toSlice()); } return &exec.step; } fn buildObjects(b: *Builder, target: builtin.Arch, build_path: []const u8, src_path: []const u8) ArrayList(*Step) { var objects = ArrayList(*Step).init(b.allocator); const src_path2 = concat(b.allocator, src_path, "/") catch unreachable; for (src_files.toSlice()) |file| { var file_src = concat(b.allocator, src_path2.toSlice(), file) catch unreachable; file_src.append(".zig") catch unreachable; const obj = b.addObject(file, file_src.toSlice()); obj.setOutputDir(build_path); obj.setTarget(target, builtin.Os.freestanding, builtin.Abi.gnu); objects.append(&obj.step) catch unreachable; } return objects; }