Removed I/O wait as it isn't needed and uses the syscall interrupt. Added runtime tests Fixed styling for TTY Fixed runtime tests Now they are fixed
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123 lines
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// Zig version: 0.4.0
const panic = @import("../../panic.zig").panic;
const idt = @import("idt.zig");
const arch = @import("arch.zig");
const pic = @import("pic.zig");
const NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES: u16 = 16;
const IRQ_OFFSET: u16 = 32;
// The external assembly that is fist called to set up the interrupt handler.
extern fn irq0() void;
extern fn irq1() void;
extern fn irq2() void;
extern fn irq3() void;
extern fn irq4() void;
extern fn irq5() void;
extern fn irq6() void;
extern fn irq7() void;
extern fn irq8() void;
extern fn irq9() void;
extern fn irq10() void;
extern fn irq11() void;
extern fn irq12() void;
extern fn irq13() void;
extern fn irq14() void;
extern fn irq15() void;
/// The list of IRQ handlers initialised to unhandled.
var irq_handlers: [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES]fn (*arch.InterruptContext) void = [_]fn (*arch.InterruptContext) void{unhandled} ** NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES;
/// A dummy handler that will make a call to panic as it is a unhandled interrupt.
/// Arguments:
/// IN context: *arch.InterruptContext - Pointer to the interrupt context containing the
/// contents of the register at the time of the interrupt.
fn unhandled(context: *arch.InterruptContext) void {
const interrupt_num: u8 = @truncate(u8, context.int_num - IRQ_OFFSET);
panic(null, "Unhandled IRQ number {}", interrupt_num);
/// The IRQ handler that each of the IRQ's will call when a interrupt happens.
/// Arguments:
/// IN context: *arch.InterruptContext - Pointer to the interrupt context containing the
/// contents of the register at the time of the interrupt.
export fn irqHandler(context: *arch.InterruptContext) void {
const irq_num: u8 = @truncate(u8, context.int_num - IRQ_OFFSET);
// Make sure it isn't a spurious irq
if (!pic.spuriousIrq(irq_num)) {
// Send the end of interrupt command
/// Open an IDT entry with index and handler. This will also handle the errors.
/// Arguments:
/// IN index: u8 - The IDT interrupt number.
/// IN handler: idt.InterruptHandler - The IDT handler.
fn openIrq(index: u8, handler: idt.InterruptHandler) void {
idt.openInterruptGate(index, handler) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IdtEntryExists => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Error opening IRQ number: {} exists", index);
/// Register a IRQ by setting its interrupt handler to the given function. This will also clear the
/// mask bit in the PIC so interrupts can happen.
/// Arguments:
/// IN irq_num: u8 - The IRQ number to register.
pub fn registerIrq(irq_num: u8, handler: fn (*arch.InterruptContext) void) void {
irq_handlers[irq_num] = handler;
/// Unregister a IRQ by setting its interrupt handler to the unhandled function call to panic. This
/// will also set the mask bit in the PIC so no interrupts can happen anyway.
/// Arguments:
/// IN irq_num: u16 - The IRQ number to unregister.
pub fn unregisterIrq(irq_num: u16) void {
irq_handlers[irq_num] = unhandled;
/// Initialise the IRQ interrupts by first remapping the port addresses and then opening up all
/// the IDT interrupt gates for each IRQ.
pub fn init() void {
// Open all the IRQ's
openIrq(32, irq0);
openIrq(33, irq1);
openIrq(34, irq2);
openIrq(35, irq3);
openIrq(36, irq4);
openIrq(37, irq5);
openIrq(38, irq6);
openIrq(39, irq7);
openIrq(40, irq8);
openIrq(41, irq9);
openIrq(42, irq10);
openIrq(43, irq11);
openIrq(44, irq12);
openIrq(45, irq13);
openIrq(46, irq14);
openIrq(47, irq15);