Added the new testing to the OS files Some spelling INOUT => IN/OUT Added some doc comments to log Added the new runtime to the build + added the None test mode Moved some stuff around None test mode is the default to run/build the OS normally with no runtime tests. Add the new runtime testing to the CI Updated README and CI Increased timeout Print the log message Spelling Move runtime to test folder Add new RT to tty Add a log to use the unmapped memory to cause page fault in release Ensure the integer overflow happens even in release builds
691 lines
20 KiB
691 lines
20 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const panic = @import("../../panic.zig").panic;
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path;
const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig");
const log = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "log_mock.zig") else @import("../../log.zig");
/// The access bits for a GDT entry.
const AccessBits = packed struct {
/// Whether the segment has been access. This shouldn't be set as it is set by the CPU when the
/// segment is accessed.
accessed: u1,
/// For code segments, when set allows the code segment to be readable. Code segments are
/// always executable. For data segments, when set allows the data segment to be writeable.
/// Data segments are always readable.
read_write: u1,
/// For code segments, when set allows this code segments to be executed from a equal or lower
/// privilege level. The privilege bits represent the highest privilege level that is allowed
/// to execute this segment. If not set, then the code segment can only be executed from the
/// same ring level specified in the privilege level bits. For data segments, when set the data
/// segment grows downwards. When not set, the data segment grows upwards. So for both code and
/// data segments, this shouldn't be set.
direction_conforming: u1,
/// When set, the segment can be executed, a code segments. When not set, the segment can't be
/// executed, data segment.
executable: u1,
/// Should be set for code and data segments, but not set for TSS.
descriptor: u1,
/// Privilege/ring level. The kernel level is level 3, the highest privilege. The user level is
/// level 0, the lowest privilege.
privilege: u2,
/// Whether the segment is present. This must be set for all valid selectors, not the null
/// segment.
present: u1,
/// The flag bits for a GDT entry.
const FlagBits = packed struct {
/// The lowest bits must be 0 as this is reserved for future use.
reserved_zero: u1,
/// When set indicates the segment is a x86-64 segment. If set, then the IS_32_BIT flag must
/// not be set. If both are set, then will throw an exception.
is_64_bit: u1,
/// When set indicates the segment is a 32 bit protected mode segment. When not set, indicates
/// the segment is a 16 bit protected mode segment.
is_32_bit: u1,
/// The granularity bit. When set the limit is in 4KB blocks (page granularity). When not set,
/// then limit is in 1B blocks (byte granularity). This should be set as we are doing paging.
granularity: u1,
/// The structure that contains all the information that each GDT entry needs.
const GdtEntry = packed struct {
/// The lower 16 bits of the limit address. Describes the size of memory that can be addressed.
limit_low: u16,
/// The lower 24 bits of the base address. Describes the start of memory for the entry.
base_low: u24,
/// The access bits, see AccessBits for all the options. 8 bits.
access: AccessBits,
/// The upper 4 bits of the limit address. Describes the size of memory that can be addressed.
limit_high: u4,
/// The flag bits, see above for all the options. 4 bits.
flags: FlagBits,
/// The upper 8 bits of the base address. Describes the start of memory for the entry.
base_high: u8,
/// The TSS entry structure
const TtsEntry = packed struct {
/// Pointer to the previous TSS entry
prev_tss: u32,
/// Ring 0 32 bit stack pointer.
esp0: u32,
/// Ring 0 32 bit stack pointer.
ss0: u32,
/// Ring 1 32 bit stack pointer.
esp1: u32,
/// Ring 1 32 bit stack pointer.
ss1: u32,
/// Ring 2 32 bit stack pointer.
esp2: u32,
/// Ring 2 32 bit stack pointer.
ss2: u32,
/// The CR3 control register 3.
cr3: u32,
/// 32 bit instruction pointer.
eip: u32,
/// 32 bit flags register.
eflags: u32,
/// 32 bit accumulator register.
eax: u32,
/// 32 bit counter register.
ecx: u32,
/// 32 bit data register.
edx: u32,
/// 32 bit base register.
ebx: u32,
/// 32 bit stack pointer register.
esp: u32,
/// 32 bit base pointer register.
ebp: u32,
/// 32 bit source register.
esi: u32,
/// 32 bit destination register.
edi: u32,
/// The extra segment.
es: u32,
/// The code segment.
cs: u32,
/// The stack segment.
ss: u32,
/// The data segment.
ds: u32,
/// A extra segment FS.
fs: u32,
/// A extra segment GS.
gs: u32,
/// The local descriptor table register.
ldtr: u32,
/// ?
trap: u16,
/// A pointer to a I/O port bitmap for the current task which specifies individual ports the program should have access to.
io_permissions_base_offset: u16,
/// The GDT pointer structure that contains the pointer to the beginning of the GDT and the number
/// of the table (minus 1). Used to load the GDT with LGDT instruction.
pub const GdtPtr = packed struct {
/// 16bit entry for the number of entries (minus 1).
limit: u16,
/// 32bit entry for the base address for the GDT.
base: u32,
/// The total number of entries in the GTD: null, kernel code, kernel data, user code, user data
/// and TSS
const NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES: u16 = 0x06;
/// The size of the GTD in bytes (minus 1).
const TABLE_SIZE: u16 = @sizeOf(GdtEntry) * NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES - 1;
// ----------
// The indexes into the GDT where each segment resides.
// ----------
/// The index of the NULL GDT entry.
const NULL_INDEX: u16 = 0x00;
/// The index of the kernel code GDT entry.
const KERNEL_CODE_INDEX: u16 = 0x01;
/// The index of the kernel data GDT entry.
const KERNEL_DATA_INDEX: u16 = 0x02;
/// The index of the user code GDT entry.
const USER_CODE_INDEX: u16 = 0x03;
/// The index of the user data GDT entry.
const USER_DATA_INDEX: u16 = 0x04;
/// The index of the task state segment GDT entry.
const TSS_INDEX: u16 = 0x05;
/// The null segment, everything is set to zero.
const NULL_SEGMENT: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 0,
.read_write = 0,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 0,
.descriptor = 0,
.privilege = 0,
.present = 0,
/// This bit pattern represents a kernel code segment with bits: readable, executable, descriptor,
/// privilege 0, and present set.
const KERNEL_SEGMENT_CODE: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 0,
.read_write = 1,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 1,
.descriptor = 1,
.privilege = 0,
.present = 1,
/// This bit pattern represents a kernel data segment with bits: writeable, descriptor, privilege 0,
/// and present set.
const KERNEL_SEGMENT_DATA: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 0,
.read_write = 1,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 0,
.descriptor = 1,
.privilege = 0,
.present = 1,
/// This bit pattern represents a user code segment with bits: readable, executable, descriptor,
/// privilege 3, and present set.
const USER_SEGMENT_CODE: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 0,
.read_write = 1,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 1,
.descriptor = 1,
.privilege = 3,
.present = 1,
/// This bit pattern represents a user data segment with bits: writeable, descriptor, privilege 3,
/// and present set.
const USER_SEGMENT_DATA: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 0,
.read_write = 1,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 0,
.descriptor = 1,
.privilege = 3,
.present = 1,
/// This bit pattern represents a TSS segment with bits: accessed, executable and present set.
const TSS_SEGMENT: AccessBits = AccessBits{
.accessed = 1,
.read_write = 0,
.direction_conforming = 0,
.executable = 1,
.descriptor = 0,
.privilege = 0,
.present = 1,
/// The bit pattern for all bits set to zero.
const NULL_FLAGS: FlagBits = FlagBits{
.reserved_zero = 0,
.is_64_bit = 0,
.is_32_bit = 0,
.granularity = 0,
/// The bit pattern for all segments where we are in 32 bit protected mode and paging enabled.
const PAGING_32_BIT: FlagBits = FlagBits{
.reserved_zero = 0,
.is_64_bit = 0,
.is_32_bit = 1,
.granularity = 1,
// ----------
// The offsets into the GDT where each segment resides.
// ----------
/// The offset of the NULL GDT entry.
pub const NULL_OFFSET: u16 = 0x00;
/// The offset of the kernel code GDT entry.
pub const KERNEL_CODE_OFFSET: u16 = 0x08;
/// The offset of the kernel data GDT entry.
pub const KERNEL_DATA_OFFSET: u16 = 0x10;
/// The offset of the user code GDT entry.
pub const USER_CODE_OFFSET: u16 = 0x18;
/// The offset of the user data GDT entry.
pub const USER_DATA_OFFSET: u16 = 0x20;
/// The offset of the TTS GDT entry.
pub const TSS_OFFSET: u16 = 0x28;
/// The GDT entry table of NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES entries.
var gdt_entries: [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES]GdtEntry = [_]GdtEntry{
// Null descriptor
makeEntry(0, 0, NULL_SEGMENT, NULL_FLAGS),
// Kernel Code
// Kernel Data
// User Code
// User Data
// Fill in TSS at runtime
makeEntry(0, 0, NULL_SEGMENT, NULL_FLAGS),
/// The GDT pointer that the CPU is loaded with that contains the base address of the GDT and the
/// size.
var gdt_ptr: GdtPtr = GdtPtr{
.limit = TABLE_SIZE,
.base = undefined,
/// The task state segment entry.
var tss: TtsEntry = TtsEntry{
.prev_tss = 0,
.esp0 = 0,
.esp1 = 0,
.ss1 = 0,
.esp2 = 0,
.ss2 = 0,
.cr3 = 0,
.eip = 0,
.eflags = 0,
.eax = 0,
.ecx = 0,
.edx = 0,
.ebx = 0,
.esp = 0,
.ebp = 0,
.esi = 0,
.edi = 0,
.es = 0,
.cs = 0,
.ss = 0,
.ds = 0,
.fs = 0,
.gs = 0,
.ldtr = 0,
.trap = 0,
.io_permissions_base_offset = @sizeOf(TtsEntry),
/// Make a GDT entry.
/// Arguments:
/// IN base: u32 - The linear address where the segment begins.
/// IN limit: u20 - The maximum addressable unit whether it is 1B units or page units.
/// IN access: AccessBits - The access bits for the descriptor.
/// IN flags: FlagBits - The flag bits for the descriptor.
/// Return: GdtEntry
/// A new GDT entry with the give access and flag bits set with the base at 0x00000000 and
/// limit at 0xFFFFF.
fn makeEntry(base: u32, limit: u20, access: AccessBits, flags: FlagBits) GdtEntry {
return GdtEntry{
.limit_low = @truncate(u16, limit),
.base_low = @truncate(u24, base),
.access = AccessBits{
.accessed = access.accessed,
.read_write = access.read_write,
.direction_conforming = access.direction_conforming,
.executable = access.executable,
.descriptor = access.descriptor,
.privilege = access.privilege,
.present = access.present,
.limit_high = @truncate(u4, limit >> 16),
.flags = FlagBits{
.reserved_zero = flags.reserved_zero,
.is_64_bit = flags.is_64_bit,
.is_32_bit = flags.is_32_bit,
.granularity = flags.granularity,
.base_high = @truncate(u8, base >> 24),
/// Set the stack pointer in the TSS entry.
/// Arguments:
/// IN esp0: u32 - The stack pointer.
pub fn setTssStack(esp0: u32) void {
tss.esp0 = esp0;
/// Initialise the Global Descriptor table.
pub fn init() void {
log.logInfo("Init gdt\n", .{});
defer log.logInfo("Done gdt\n", .{});
// Initiate TSS
gdt_entries[TSS_INDEX] = makeEntry(@ptrToInt(&tss), @sizeOf(TtsEntry) - 1, TSS_SEGMENT, NULL_FLAGS);
// Set the base address where all the GDT entries are.
gdt_ptr.base = @ptrToInt(&gdt_entries[0]);
// Load the GDT
// Load the TSS
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(),
else => {},
fn mock_lgdt(ptr: *const GdtPtr) void {
expectEqual(TABLE_SIZE, ptr.limit);
expectEqual(@ptrToInt(&gdt_entries[0]), ptr.base);
test "GDT entries" {
expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), @sizeOf(AccessBits));
expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), @sizeOf(FlagBits));
expectEqual(@as(u32, 8), @sizeOf(GdtEntry));
expectEqual(@as(u32, 104), @sizeOf(TtsEntry));
expectEqual(@as(u32, 6), @sizeOf(GdtPtr));
const null_entry = gdt_entries[NULL_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0), @bitCast(u64, null_entry));
const kernel_code_entry = gdt_entries[KERNEL_CODE_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0xCF9A000000FFFF), @bitCast(u64, kernel_code_entry));
const kernel_data_entry = gdt_entries[KERNEL_DATA_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0xCF92000000FFFF), @bitCast(u64, kernel_data_entry));
const user_code_entry = gdt_entries[USER_CODE_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0xCFFA000000FFFF), @bitCast(u64, user_code_entry));
const user_data_entry = gdt_entries[USER_DATA_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0xCFF2000000FFFF), @bitCast(u64, user_data_entry));
const tss_entry = gdt_entries[TSS_INDEX];
expectEqual(@as(u64, 0), @bitCast(u64, tss_entry));
expectEqual(TABLE_SIZE, gdt_ptr.limit);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.prev_tss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, KERNEL_DATA_OFFSET), tss.ss0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cr3);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eip);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eflags);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eax);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ecx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.es);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ds);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.fs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.gs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ldtr);
expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), tss.trap);
// Size of TtsEntry will fit in a u16 as 104 < 65535 (2^16)
expectEqual(@as(u16, @sizeOf(TtsEntry)), tss.io_permissions_base_offset);
test "makeEntry NULL" {
const actual = makeEntry(0, 0, NULL_SEGMENT, NULL_FLAGS);
const expected: u64 = 0;
expectEqual(expected, @bitCast(u64, actual));
test "makeEntry alternating bit pattern" {
const alt_access = AccessBits{
.accessed = 1,
.read_write = 0,
.direction_conforming = 1,
.executable = 0,
.descriptor = 1,
.privilege = 0b10,
.present = 0,
expectEqual(@as(u8, 0b01010101), @bitCast(u8, alt_access));
const alt_flag = FlagBits{
.reserved_zero = 1,
.is_64_bit = 0,
.is_32_bit = 1,
.granularity = 0,
expectEqual(@as(u4, 0b0101), @bitCast(u4, alt_flag));
const actual = makeEntry(0b01010101010101010101010101010101, 0b01010101010101010101, alt_access, alt_flag);
const expected: u64 = 0b0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101;
expectEqual(expected, @bitCast(u64, actual));
test "setTssStack" {
// Pre-testing
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.prev_tss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, KERNEL_DATA_OFFSET), tss.ss0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cr3);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eip);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eflags);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eax);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ecx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.es);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ds);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.fs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.gs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ldtr);
expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), tss.trap);
expectEqual(@as(u16, @sizeOf(TtsEntry)), tss.io_permissions_base_offset);
// Call function
// Post-testing
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.prev_tss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 100), tss.esp0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, KERNEL_DATA_OFFSET), tss.ss0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cr3);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eip);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eflags);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eax);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ecx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.es);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ds);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.fs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.gs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ldtr);
expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), tss.trap);
expectEqual(@as(u16, @sizeOf(TtsEntry)), tss.io_permissions_base_offset);
// Clean up
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.prev_tss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, KERNEL_DATA_OFFSET), tss.ss0);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss1);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss2);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cr3);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eip);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eflags);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.eax);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ecx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebx);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ebp);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.esi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.edi);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.es);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.cs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ss);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ds);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.fs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.gs);
expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), tss.ldtr);
expectEqual(@as(u16, 0), tss.trap);
expectEqual(@as(u16, @sizeOf(TtsEntry)), tss.io_permissions_base_offset);
test "init" {
// Set up
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("ltr", .{TSS_OFFSET});
arch.addConsumeFunction("lgdt", mock_lgdt);
// Call function
// Post testing
const tss_entry = gdt_entries[TSS_INDEX];
const tss_limit = @sizeOf(TtsEntry) - 1;
const tss_addr = @ptrToInt(&tss);
var expected: u64 = 0;
expected |= @as(u64, @truncate(u16, tss_limit));
expected |= @as(u64, @truncate(u24, tss_addr)) << 16;
expected |= @as(u64, 0x89) << (16 + 24);
expected |= @as(u64, @truncate(u4, tss_limit >> 16)) << (16 + 24 + 8);
// Flags are zero
expected |= @as(u64, @truncate(u8, tss_addr >> 24)) << (16 + 24 + 8 + 4 + 4);
expectEqual(expected, @bitCast(u64, tss_entry));
// Reset
gdt_ptr.base = 0;
gdt_entries[TSS_INDEX] = makeEntry(0, 0, NULL_SEGMENT, NULL_FLAGS);
/// Check that the GDT table was loaded properly by getting the previously loaded table and
/// compare the limit and base address.
fn rt_loadedGDTSuccess() void {
const loaded_gdt = arch.sgdt();
if (gdt_ptr.limit != loaded_gdt.limit) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: GDT not loaded properly: 0x{X} != 0x{X}\n", .{ gdt_ptr.limit, loaded_gdt.limit });
if (gdt_ptr.base != loaded_gdt.base) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: GDT not loaded properly: 0x{X} != {X}\n", .{ gdt_ptr.base, loaded_gdt.base });
log.logInfo("GDT: Tested loading GDT\n", .{});
/// Run all the runtime tests.
fn runtimeTests() void {