Added the new testing to the OS files Some spelling INOUT => IN/OUT Added some doc comments to log Added the new runtime to the build + added the None test mode Moved some stuff around None test mode is the default to run/build the OS normally with no runtime tests. Add the new runtime testing to the CI Updated README and CI Increased timeout Print the log message Spelling Move runtime to test folder Add new RT to tty Add a log to use the unmapped memory to cause page fault in release Ensure the integer overflow happens even in release builds
596 lines
27 KiB
596 lines
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const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.mock_path;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const std = @import("std");
const bitmap = @import("bitmap.zig");
const pmm = @import("pmm.zig");
const mem = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "mem_mock.zig") else @import("mem.zig");
const tty = @import("tty.zig");
const log = @import("log.zig");
const panic = @import("panic.zig").panic;
const arch = @import("arch.zig").internals;
/// Attributes for a virtual memory allocation
pub const Attributes = struct {
/// Whether this memory belongs to the kernel and can therefore not be accessed in user mode
kernel: bool,
/// If this memory can be written to
writable: bool,
/// If this memory can be cached. Memory mapped to a device shouldn't, for example
cachable: bool,
/// All data that must be remembered for a virtual memory allocation
const Allocation = struct {
/// The physical blocks of memory associated with this allocation
physical: std.ArrayList(usize),
/// The size of each allocatable block, the same as the physical memory manager's block size
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = pmm.BLOCK_SIZE;
pub const MapperError = error{
/// Returns a container that can map and unmap virtual memory to physical memory.
/// The mapper can pass some payload data when mapping an unmapping, which is of type `Payload`. This can be anything that the underlying mapper needs to carry out the mapping process.
/// For x86, it would be the page directory that is being mapped within. An architecture or other mapper can specify the data it needs when mapping by specifying this type.
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the VMM-specific payload to pass when mapping and unmapping
/// Return: type
/// The Mapper type constructed.
pub fn Mapper(comptime Payload: type) type {
return struct {
/// Map a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory to physical memory. After a call to this function, the memory should be present the next time it is accessed.
/// The attributes given must be obeyed when possible.
/// Arguments:
/// IN virtual_start: usize - The start of the virtual memory to map
/// IN virtual_end: usize - The end of the virtual memory to map
/// IN physical_start: usize - The start of the physical memory to map to
/// IN physical_end: usize - The end of the physical memory to map to
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to this region of memory
/// IN/OUT allocator: std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when mapping, if required
/// IN spec: Payload - The payload to pass to the mapper
/// Error: std.mem.AllocatorError || MapperError
/// The causes depend on the mapper used
mapFn: fn (virtual_start: usize, virtual_end: usize, physical_start: usize, physical_end: usize, attrs: Attributes, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, spec: Payload) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void,
/// Unmap a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory from its physical memory. After a call to this function, the memory should not be accessible without error.
/// Arguments:
/// IN virtual_start: usize - The start of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN virtual_end: usize - The end of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN spec: Payload - The payload to pass to the mapper
/// Error: std.mem.AllocatorError || MapperError
/// The causes depend on the mapper used
unmapFn: fn (virtual_start: usize, virtual_end: usize, spec: Payload) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void,
/// Errors that can be returned by VMM functions
pub const VmmError = error{
/// A memory region expected to be allocated wasn't
/// A memory region expected to not be allocated was
/// A physical memory region expected to not be allocated was
/// A physical region of memory isn't of the same size as a virtual region
/// Virtual addresses are invalid
/// Physical addresses are invalid
/// Construct a virtual memory manager to keep track of allocated and free virtual memory regions within a certain space
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the payload to pass to the mapper
/// Return: type
/// The constructed type
pub fn VirtualMemoryManager(comptime Payload: type) type {
return struct {
/// The bitmap that keeps track of allocated and free regions
bmp: bitmap.Bitmap(usize),
/// The start of the memory to be tracked
start: usize,
/// The end of the memory to be tracked
end: usize,
/// The allocator to use when allocating and freeing regions
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
/// All allocations that have been made with this manager
allocations: std.hash_map.AutoHashMap(usize, Allocation),
/// The mapper to use when allocating and freeing regions
mapper: Mapper(Payload),
/// The payload to pass to the mapper functions
payload: Payload,
const Self = @This();
/// Initialise a virtual memory manager
/// Arguments:
/// IN start: usize - The start of the memory region to manage
/// IN end: usize - The end of the memory region to manage. Must be greater than the start
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when allocating and freeing regions
/// IN mapper: Mapper - The mapper to use when allocating and freeing regions
/// IN payload: Payload - The payload data to be passed to the mapper
/// Return: Self
/// The manager constructed
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - The allocator cannot allocate the memory required
pub fn init(start: usize, end: usize, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, mapper: Mapper(Payload), payload: Payload) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Self {
const size = end - start;
var bmp = try bitmap.Bitmap(usize).init(std.mem.alignForward(size, pmm.BLOCK_SIZE) / pmm.BLOCK_SIZE, allocator);
return Self{
.bmp = bmp,
.start = start,
.end = end,
.allocator = allocator,
.allocations = std.hash_map.AutoHashMap(usize, Allocation).init(allocator),
.mapper = mapper,
.payload = payload,
/// Check if a virtual memory address has been set
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: *Self - The manager to check
/// IN virt: usize - The virtual memory address to check
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the address is set
/// Error: pmm.PmmError
/// Bitmap(u32).Error.OutOfBounds - The address given is outside of the memory managed
pub fn isSet(self: *const Self, virt: usize) bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError!bool {
return try self.bmp.isSet(virt / BLOCK_SIZE);
/// Map a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory to a specific region of memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to modify
/// IN virtual: mem.Range - The virtual region to set
/// IN physical: ?mem.Range - The physical region to map to or null if only the virtual region is to be set
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to the memory regions
/// Error: VmmError || Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError
/// VmmError.AlreadyAllocated - The virtual address has already been allocated
/// VmmError.PhysicalAlreadyAllocated - The physical address has already been allocated
/// VmmError.PhysicalVirtualMismatch - The physical region and virtual region are of different sizes
/// VmmError.InvalidVirtAddresses - The start virtual address is greater than the end address
/// VmmError.InvalidPhysicalAddresses - The start physical address is greater than the end address
/// Bitmap.BitmapError.OutOfBounds - The physical or virtual addresses are out of bounds
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - Allocating the required memory failed
/// MapperError.* - The causes depend on the mapper used
pub fn set(self: *Self, virtual: mem.Range, physical: ?mem.Range, attrs: Attributes) (VmmError || bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
var virt = virtual.start;
while (virt < virtual.end) : (virt += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (try self.isSet(virt))
return VmmError.AlreadyAllocated;
if (virtual.start > virtual.end) {
return VmmError.InvalidVirtAddresses;
if (physical) |p| {
if (virtual.end - virtual.start != p.end - p.start) {
return VmmError.PhysicalVirtualMismatch;
if (p.start > p.end) {
return VmmError.InvalidPhysAddresses;
var phys = p.start;
while (phys < p.end) : (phys += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (try pmm.isSet(phys)) {
return VmmError.PhysicalAlreadyAllocated;
var phys_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(self.allocator);
virt = virtual.start;
while (virt < virtual.end) : (virt += BLOCK_SIZE) {
try self.bmp.setEntry(virt / BLOCK_SIZE);
if (physical) |p| {
try self.mapper.mapFn(virtual.start, virtual.end, p.start, p.end, attrs, self.allocator, self.payload);
var phys = p.start;
while (phys < p.end) : (phys += BLOCK_SIZE) {
try pmm.setAddr(phys);
try phys_list.append(phys);
_ = try self.allocations.put(virt, Allocation{ .physical = phys_list });
/// Allocate a number of contiguous blocks of virtual memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to allocate for
/// IN num: usize - The number of blocks to allocate
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to the mapped memory
/// Return: ?usize
/// The address at the start of the allocated region, or null if no region could be allocated due to a lack of contiguous blocks.
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.AllocatorError.OutOfMemory: The required amount of memory couldn't be allocated
pub fn alloc(self: *Self, num: usize, attrs: Attributes) std.mem.Allocator.Error!?usize {
if (num == 0)
return null;
// Ensure that there is both enough physical and virtual address space free
if (pmm.blocksFree() >= num and self.bmp.num_free_entries >= num) {
// The virtual address space must be contiguous
if (self.bmp.setContiguous(num)) |entry| {
var block_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(self.allocator);
try block_list.ensureCapacity(num);
var i: usize = 0;
const vaddr_start = self.start + entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
var vaddr = vaddr_start;
// Map the blocks to physical memory
while (i < num) : (i += 1) {
const addr = pmm.alloc() orelse unreachable;
try block_list.append(addr);
// The map function failing isn't the caller's responsibility so panic as it shouldn't happen
self.mapper.mapFn(vaddr, vaddr + BLOCK_SIZE, addr, addr + BLOCK_SIZE, attrs, self.allocator, self.payload) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to map virtual memory: {}\n", .{e});
vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE;
_ = try self.allocations.put(vaddr_start, Allocation{ .physical = block_list });
return vaddr_start;
return null;
/// Free a previous allocation
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to free within
/// IN vaddr: usize - The start of the allocation to free. This should be the address returned from a prior `alloc` call
/// Error: Bitmap.BitmapError || VmmError
/// VmmError.NotAllocated - This address hasn't been allocated yet
/// Bitmap.BitmapError.OutOfBounds - The address is out of the manager's bounds
pub fn free(self: *Self, vaddr: usize) (bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || VmmError)!void {
const entry = vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE;
if (try self.bmp.isSet(entry)) {
// There will be an allocation associated with this virtual address
const allocation = self.allocations.get(vaddr) orelse unreachable;
const physical = allocation.value.physical;
defer physical.deinit();
const num_physical_allocations = physical.items.len;
for (physical.items) |block, i| {
// Clear the address space entry, unmap the virtual memory and free the physical memory
try self.bmp.clearEntry(entry + i);
pmm.free(block) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to free PMM reserved memory at 0x{X}: {}\n", .{ block * BLOCK_SIZE, e });
// Unmap the entire range
const region_start = entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
const region_end = (entry + num_physical_allocations) * BLOCK_SIZE;
self.mapper.unmapFn(region_start, region_end, self.payload) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to unmap VMM reserved memory from 0x{X} to 0x{X}: {}\n", .{ region_start, region_end, e });
// The allocation is freed so remove from the map
} else {
return VmmError.NotAllocated;
/// Initialise the main system virtual memory manager covering 4GB. Maps in the kernel code and reserved virtual memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile - The system's memory profile. This is used to find the kernel code region and boot modules
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when needing to allocate memory
/// Return: VirtualMemoryManager
/// The virtual memory manager created with all reserved virtual regions allocated
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - The allocator cannot allocate the memory required
pub fn init(mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) std.mem.Allocator.Error!VirtualMemoryManager(arch.VmmPayload) {
log.logInfo("Init vmm\n", .{});
defer log.logInfo("Done vmm\n", .{});
var vmm = try VirtualMemoryManager(arch.VmmPayload).init(BLOCK_SIZE, 0xFFFFFFFF, allocator, arch.VMM_MAPPER, arch.KERNEL_VMM_PAYLOAD);
// Map in kernel
// Calculate start and end of mapping
const v_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const v_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
const p_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.physaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const p_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.physaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
vmm.set(.{ .start = v_start, .end = v_end }, mem.Range{ .start = p_start, .end = p_end }, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = false, .cachable = true }) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed mapping kernel code in VMM: {}", .{e});
for (mem_profile.virtual_reserved) |entry| {
const virtual = mem.Range{ .start = std.mem.alignBackward(entry.virtual.start, BLOCK_SIZE), .end = std.mem.alignForward(entry.virtual.end, BLOCK_SIZE) };
const physical: ?mem.Range = if (entry.physical) |phys| mem.Range{ .start = std.mem.alignBackward(phys.start, BLOCK_SIZE), .end = std.mem.alignForward(phys.end, BLOCK_SIZE) } else null;
vmm.set(virtual, physical, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true }) catch |e| switch (e) {
VmmError.AlreadyAllocated => {},
else => panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed mapping region in VMM {}: {}\n", .{ entry, e }),
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(arch.VmmPayload, vmm, mem_profile),
else => {},
return vmm;
test "alloc and free" {
const num_entries = 512;
var vmm = try testInit(num_entries);
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
var virtual_allocations = std.ArrayList(usize).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer virtual_allocations.deinit();
var entry: u32 = 0;
while (entry < num_entries) {
// Test allocating various numbers of blocks all at once
// Rather than using a random number generator, just set the number of blocks to allocate based on how many entries have been done so far
var num_to_alloc: u32 = if (entry > 400) @as(u32, 8) else if (entry > 320) @as(u32, 14) else if (entry > 270) @as(u32, 9) else if (entry > 150) @as(u32, 26) else @as(u32, 1);
const result = try vmm.alloc(num_to_alloc, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true });
var should_be_set = true;
if (entry + num_to_alloc > num_entries) {
// If the number to allocate exceeded the number of entries, then allocation should have failed
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), result);
should_be_set = false;
} else {
// Else it should have succeeded and allocated the correct address
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, vmm.start + entry * BLOCK_SIZE), result);
try virtual_allocations.append(result orelse unreachable);
// Make sure that the entries are set or not depending on the allocation success
var vaddr = entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
while (vaddr < (entry + num_to_alloc) * BLOCK_SIZE) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (should_be_set) {
// Allocation succeeded so this address should be set
std.testing.expect(try vmm.isSet(vaddr));
// The test mapper should have received this address
std.testing.expect(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
} else {
// Allocation failed as there weren't enough free entries
if (vaddr >= num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE) {
// If this address is beyond the VMM's end address, it should be out of bounds
std.testing.expectError(bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, vmm.isSet(vaddr));
std.testing.expectError(bitmap.Bitmap(u64).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
} else {
// Else it should not be set
std.testing.expect(!(try vmm.isSet(vaddr)));
// The test mapper should not have received this address
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
entry += num_to_alloc;
// All later entries should not be set
var later_entry = entry;
while (later_entry < num_entries) : (later_entry += 1) {
std.testing.expect(!(try vmm.isSet(vmm.start + later_entry * BLOCK_SIZE)));
std.testing.expect(!(try pmm.isSet(later_entry * BLOCK_SIZE)));
// Try freeing all allocations
for (virtual_allocations.items) |alloc| {
const alloc_group = vmm.allocations.get(alloc);
std.testing.expect(alloc_group != null);
const physical = alloc_group.?.value.physical;
// We need to create a copy of the physical allocations since the free call deinits them
var physical_copy = std.ArrayList(usize).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer physical_copy.deinit();
// Make sure they are all reserved in the PMM
for (physical.items) |phys| {
std.testing.expect(try pmm.isSet(phys));
try physical_copy.append(phys);
vmm.free(alloc) catch unreachable;
// This virtual allocation should no longer be in the hashmap
std.testing.expectEqual(vmm.allocations.get(alloc), null);
std.testing.expect(!try vmm.isSet(alloc));
// And all its physical blocks should now be free
for (physical_copy.items) |phys| {
std.testing.expect(!try pmm.isSet(phys));
test "set" {
const num_entries = 512;
var vmm = try testInit(num_entries);
const vstart = BLOCK_SIZE * 37;
const vend = BLOCK_SIZE * 46;
const pstart = vstart + 123;
const pend = vend + 123;
const attrs = Attributes{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true };
try vmm.set(.{ .start = vstart, .end = vend }, mem.Range{ .start = pstart, .end = pend }, attrs);
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
// The entries before the virtual start shouldn't be set
var vaddr = vmm.start;
while (vaddr < vstart) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
// The entries up until the virtual end should be set
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
// The entries after the virtual end should not be set
while (vaddr < vmm.end) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
var test_allocations: ?bitmap.Bitmap(u64) = null;
var test_mapper = Mapper(u8){ .mapFn = testMap, .unmapFn = testUnmap };
/// Initialise a virtual memory manager used for testing
/// Arguments:
/// IN num_entries: u32 - The number of entries the VMM should track
/// Return: VirtualMemoryManager(u8)
/// The VMM constructed
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// OutOfMemory: The allocator couldn't allocate the structures needed
fn testInit(num_entries: u32) std.mem.Allocator.Error!VirtualMemoryManager(u8) {
if (test_allocations == null) {
test_allocations = try bitmap.Bitmap(u64).init(num_entries, std.heap.page_allocator);
} else |allocations| {
var entry: u32 = 0;
while (entry < allocations.num_entries) : (entry += 1) {
allocations.clearEntry(entry) catch unreachable;
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
const mem_profile = mem.MemProfile{
.vaddr_end = undefined,
.vaddr_start = undefined,
.physaddr_start = undefined,
.physaddr_end = undefined,
.mem_kb = num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE / 1024,
.fixed_allocator = undefined,
.virtual_reserved = &[_]mem.Map{},
.physical_reserved = &[_]mem.Range{},
.modules = &[_]mem.Module{},
pmm.init(&mem_profile, std.heap.page_allocator);
return try VirtualMemoryManager(u8).init(0, num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE, std.heap.page_allocator, test_mapper, 39);
/// A mapping function used when doing unit tests
/// Arguments:
/// IN vstart: usize - The start of the virtual region to map
/// IN vend: usize - The end of the virtual region to map
/// IN pstart: usize - The start of the physical region to map
/// IN pend: usize - The end of the physical region to map
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to map with
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use. Ignored
/// IN payload: u8 - The payload value. Expected to be 39
fn testMap(vstart: usize, vend: usize, pstart: usize, pend: usize, attrs: Attributes, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, payload: u8) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 39), payload);
var vaddr = vstart;
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
(test_allocations orelse unreachable).setEntry(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE) catch unreachable;
/// An unmapping function used when doing unit tests
/// Arguments:
/// IN vstart: usize - The start of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN vend: usize - The end of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN payload: u8 - The payload value. Expected to be 39
fn testUnmap(vstart: usize, vend: usize, payload: u8) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 39), payload);
var vaddr = vstart;
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
(test_allocations orelse unreachable).clearEntry(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE) catch unreachable;
/// Run the runtime tests.
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the payload passed to the mapper
/// IN vmm: VirtualMemoryManager(Payload) - The virtual memory manager to test
/// IN mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile - The mem profile with details about all the memory regions that should be reserved
/// IN mb_info: *multiboot.multiboot_info_t - The multiboot info struct that should also be reserved
fn runtimeTests(comptime Payload: type, vmm: VirtualMemoryManager(Payload), mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile) void {
const v_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const v_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
var vaddr = vmm.start;
while (vaddr < vmm.end - BLOCK_SIZE) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
const set = vmm.isSet(vaddr) catch unreachable;
var should_be_set = false;
if (vaddr < v_end and vaddr >= v_start) {
should_be_set = true;
} else {
for (mem_profile.virtual_reserved) |entry| {
if (vaddr >= std.mem.alignBackward(entry.virtual.start, BLOCK_SIZE) and vaddr < std.mem.alignForward(entry.virtual.end, BLOCK_SIZE)) {
should_be_set = true;
if (set and !should_be_set) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "An address was set in the VMM when it shouldn't have been: 0x{x}\n", .{vaddr});
} else if (!set and should_be_set) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "An address was not set in the VMM when it should have been: 0x{x}\n", .{vaddr});
log.logInfo("VMM: Tested allocations\n", .{});