DrDeano d600be874c
Initial scheduler

Also change to .{} syntax where appropriate.
Added the SS segment
Fixed spelling

Refactoring GDT

Multitasking working for now

WIP scheduler

Refactored Bitmap a bit

WIP still

Task switching working

Handlers return the stack pointer that will be used to restore the tasks stack, normal handlers will return the same stack pointer it was called with where task switching will return the stack pointer of the next task and restore its state using the interrupt stub.

Initial scheduler done

Created a stage 2 init task

Change u32 to usize

Move Task to arch specific



Removed esp from task, replaced with stack_pointer

Removed the debug logs

Fixed init task stack

Change pickNextTask to pointer manipulation

This allows less allocations so faster switching

Temporary enable interrupts for some runtime tests

PIT and RTC need interrupts enabled to run their runtime tests

Renamed schedule => pickNextTask, comptime bitmap for pids not task init

And some other stuff: No pub for the task anymore
Use the leak detector allocator


Fix unit tests

And some other stuff :P

PR review

Moved Task out of arch and have the stack init in the arch file
Mocking clean up
Removed commented code
Renamed createTask to scheduleTask where the user will have to provide a task to schedule
Removed redundant pub in log runtime test
Removed global allocator for scheduler
Cleaner assembly in paging


Added new Scheduler test mode

Added new test mode to CI

Removed one of the prints

Added doc comment, task test for i386

Removed test


Runtime tests work

Have a global set in one task and reacted to in another. Also test that local variables are preserved after a task switch.

Removed new lines

Increased line length

Move the allocation of the bool above the task creation
2020-07-18 22:46:24 +01:00

415 lines
11 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const expectError = std.testing.expectError;
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path;
const syscalls = @import("syscalls.zig");
const panic = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "panic_mock.zig").panic else @import("../../panic.zig").panic;
const idt = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "idt_mock.zig") else @import("idt.zig");
const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig");
const log = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "log_mock.zig") else @import("../../log.zig");
const interrupts = @import("interrupts.zig");
/// The error set for the ISR. This will be from installing a ISR handler.
pub const IsrError = error{
/// The ISR index is invalid.
/// A ISR handler already exists.
/// The type of a ISR handler. A function that takes a interrupt context and returns void.
const IsrHandler = fn (*arch.CpuState) usize;
/// The number of ISR entries.
const NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES: u8 = 32;
/// The exception messaged that is printed when a exception happens
const exception_msg: [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES][]const u8 = [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES][]const u8{
"Divide By Zero",
"Single Step (Debugger)",
"Non Maskable Interrupt",
"Breakpoint (Debugger)",
"Bound Range Exceeded",
"Invalid Opcode",
"No Coprocessor, Device Not Available",
"Double Fault",
"Coprocessor Segment Overrun",
"Invalid Task State Segment (TSS)",
"Segment Not Present",
"Stack Segment Overrun",
"General Protection Fault",
"Page Fault",
"Unknown Interrupt",
"x87 FPU Floating Point Error",
"Alignment Check",
"Machine Check",
"SIMD Floating Point",
/// Divide By Zero exception.
pub const DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: u8 = 0;
/// Single Step (Debugger) exception.
pub const SINGLE_STEP_DEBUG: u8 = 1;
/// Non Maskable Interrupt exception.
pub const NON_MASKABLE_INTERRUPT: u8 = 2;
/// Breakpoint (Debugger) exception.
pub const BREAKPOINT_DEBUG: u8 = 3;
/// Overflow exception.
pub const OVERFLOW: u8 = 4;
/// Bound Range Exceeded exception.
pub const BOUND_RANGE_EXCEEDED: u8 = 5;
/// Invalid Opcode exception.
pub const INVALID_OPCODE: u8 = 6;
/// No Coprocessor, Device Not Available exception.
pub const DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: u8 = 7;
/// Double Fault exception.
pub const DOUBLE_FAULT: u8 = 8;
/// Coprocessor Segment Overrun exception.
/// Invalid Task State Segment (TSS) exception.
pub const INVALID_TASK_STATE_SEGMENT: u8 = 10;
/// Segment Not Present exception.
pub const SEGMENT_NOT_PRESENT: u8 = 11;
/// Stack Segment Overrun exception.
pub const STACK_SEGMENT_FAULT: u8 = 12;
/// General Protection Fault exception.
pub const GENERAL_PROTECTION_FAULT: u8 = 13;
/// Page Fault exception.
pub const PAGE_FAULT: u8 = 14;
/// x87 FPU Floating Point Error exception.
pub const X87_FLOAT_POINT: u8 = 16;
/// Alignment Check exception.
pub const ALIGNMENT_CHECK: u8 = 17;
/// Machine Check exception.
pub const MACHINE_CHECK: u8 = 18;
/// SIMD Floating Point exception.
pub const SIMD_FLOAT_POINT: u8 = 19;
/// Virtualisation exception.
pub const VIRTUALISATION: u8 = 20;
/// Security exception.
pub const SECURITY: u8 = 30;
/// The of exception handlers initialised to null. Need to open a ISR for these to be valid.
var isr_handlers: [NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES]?IsrHandler = [_]?IsrHandler{null} ** NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES;
/// The syscall handler.
var syscall_handler: ?IsrHandler = null;
/// The exception handler that each of the exceptions will call when a exception happens.
/// Arguments:
/// IN ctx: *arch.CpuState - Pointer to the exception context containing the contents
/// of the register at the time of the exception.
export fn isrHandler(ctx: *arch.CpuState) usize {
// Get the interrupt number
const isr_num = ctx.int_num;
var ret_esp = @ptrToInt(ctx);
if (isValidIsr(isr_num)) {
if (isr_num == syscalls.INTERRUPT) {
// A syscall, so use the syscall handler
if (syscall_handler) |handler| {
ret_esp = handler(ctx);
} else {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Syscall handler not registered\n", .{});
} else {
if (isr_handlers[isr_num]) |handler| {
// Regular ISR exception, if there is one registered.
ret_esp = handler(ctx);
} else {
log.logInfo("State: {X}\n", .{ctx});
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "ISR {} ({}) triggered with error code 0x{X} but not registered\n", .{ exception_msg[isr_num], isr_num, ctx.error_code });
} else {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Invalid ISR index: {}\n", .{isr_num});
return ret_esp;
/// Open an IDT entry with index and handler. This will also handle the errors.
/// Arguments:
/// IN index: u8 - The IDT interrupt number.
/// IN handler: idt.InterruptHandler - The IDT handler.
fn openIsr(index: u8, handler: idt.InterruptHandler) void {
idt.openInterruptGate(index, handler) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IdtEntryExists => {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Error opening ISR number: {} exists\n", .{index});
/// Checks if the isr is valid and returns true if it is, else false.
/// To be valid it must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES.
/// Arguments:
/// IN isr_num: u16 - The isr number to check
/// Return: bool
/// Whether a ISR handler index is valid.
pub fn isValidIsr(isr_num: u32) bool {
return isr_num < NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES or isr_num == syscalls.INTERRUPT;
/// Register an exception by setting its exception handler to the given function.
/// Arguments:
/// IN irq_num: u16 - The exception number to register.
/// Errors: IsrError
/// IsrError.InvalidIsr - If the ISR index is invalid (see isValidIsr).
/// IsrError.IsrExists - If the ISR handler has already been registered.
pub fn registerIsr(isr_num: u16, handler: IsrHandler) IsrError!void {
// Check if a valid ISR index
if (isValidIsr(isr_num)) {
if (isr_num == syscalls.INTERRUPT) {
// Syscall handler
if (syscall_handler) |_| {
// One already registered
return IsrError.IsrExists;
} else {
// Register a handler
syscall_handler = handler;
} else {
if (isr_handlers[isr_num]) |_| {
// One already registered
return IsrError.IsrExists;
} else {
// Register a handler
isr_handlers[isr_num] = handler;
} else {
return IsrError.InvalidIsr;
/// Initialise the exception and opening up all the IDT interrupt gates for each exception.
pub fn init() void {
log.logInfo("Init isr\n", .{});
defer log.logInfo("Done isr\n", .{});
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < 32) : (i += 1) {
openIsr(i, interrupts.getInterruptStub(i));
openIsr(syscalls.INTERRUPT, interrupts.getInterruptStub(syscalls.INTERRUPT));
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(),
else => {},
fn testFunction0() callconv(.Naked) void {}
fn testFunction1(ctx: *arch.CpuState) u32 {
return 0;
fn testFunction2(ctx: *arch.CpuState) u32 {
return 0;
fn testFunction3(ctx: *arch.CpuState) u32 {
return 0;
fn testFunction4(ctx: *arch.CpuState) u32 {
return 0;
test "openIsr" {
defer idt.freeTest();
const index: u8 = 0;
const handler = testFunction0;
const ret: idt.IdtError!void = {};
idt.addTestParams("openInterruptGate", .{ index, handler, ret });
openIsr(index, handler);
test "isValidIsr" {
comptime var i = 0;
inline while (i < NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES) : (i += 1) {
expectEqual(true, isValidIsr(i));
test "registerIsr re-register syscall handler" {
// Pre testing
expect(null == syscall_handler);
// Call function
try registerIsr(syscalls.INTERRUPT, testFunction3);
expectError(IsrError.IsrExists, registerIsr(syscalls.INTERRUPT, testFunction4));
// Post testing
expectEqual(testFunction3, syscall_handler.?);
// Clean up
syscall_handler = null;
test "registerIsr register syscall handler" {
// Pre testing
expect(null == syscall_handler);
// Call function
try registerIsr(syscalls.INTERRUPT, testFunction3);
// Post testing
expectEqual(testFunction3, syscall_handler.?);
// Clean up
syscall_handler = null;
test "registerIsr re-register isr handler" {
// Pre testing
for (isr_handlers) |h| {
expect(null == h);
// Call function
try registerIsr(0, testFunction1);
expectError(IsrError.IsrExists, registerIsr(0, testFunction2));
// Post testing
for (isr_handlers) |h, i| {
if (i != 0) {
expect(null == h);
} else {
expectEqual(testFunction1, h.?);
// Clean up
isr_handlers[0] = null;
test "registerIsr register isr handler" {
// Pre testing
for (isr_handlers) |h| {
expect(null == h);
// Call function
try registerIsr(0, testFunction1);
// Post testing
for (isr_handlers) |h, i| {
if (i != 0) {
expect(null == h);
} else {
expectEqual(testFunction1, h.?);
// Clean up
isr_handlers[0] = null;
test "registerIsr invalid isr index" {
expectError(IsrError.InvalidIsr, registerIsr(200, testFunction1));
/// Test that all handlers are null at initialisation.
fn rt_unregisteredHandlers() void {
// Ensure all ISR are not registered yet
for (isr_handlers) |h, i| {
if (h) |_| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Handler found for ISR: {}-{}\n", .{ i, h });
if (syscall_handler) |h| {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: Pre-testing failed for syscall: {}\n", .{h});
log.logInfo("ISR: Tested registered handlers\n", .{});
/// Test that all IDT entries for the ISRs are open.
fn rt_openedIdtEntries() void {
const loaded_idt = arch.sidt();
const idt_entries = @intToPtr([*]idt.IdtEntry, loaded_idt.base)[0..idt.NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES];
for (idt_entries) |entry, i| {
if (isValidIsr(i)) {
if (!idt.isIdtOpen(entry)) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "FAILURE: IDT entry for {} is not open\n", .{i});
log.logInfo("ISR: Tested opened IDT entries\n", .{});
/// Run all the runtime tests.
pub fn runtimeTests() void {