Closes #244 Move PCI to arch Plus spelling Added new out and in functions Added new out and in to mocking Return pci devices as a list Improved comment Removed mask for the return Removed type for OUT Added new types
463 lines
13 KiB
463 lines
13 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.arch_mock_path;
const arch = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "arch_mock.zig") else @import("arch.zig");
/// The current year to be used for calculating the 4 digit year, as the CMOS return the last two
/// digits of the year.
const CURRENT_CENTURY: u8 = 2000;
/// The port address for the CMOS command register.
const ADDRESS: u16 = 0x70;
/// The port address for the CMOS data register.
const DATA: u16 = 0x71;
/// The register location for returning the seconds, (0 - 59).
const REGISTER_SECOND: u8 = 0x00;
/// The register location for returning the minute, (0 - 59).
const REGISTER_MINUTE: u8 = 0x02;
/// The register location for returning the hours, (0 - 23 or 0 - 12 depending if a 12hr or 24hr
/// clock).
const REGISTER_HOUR: u8 = 0x04;
/// The register location for returning the weekday, (0 - 6). Very unreliable, so will calculate
/// the day of the week instead.
const REGISTER_WEEKDAY: u8 = 0x06;
/// The register location for returning the day, (0 - 31).
const REGISTER_DAY: u8 = 0x07;
/// The register location for returning the month, (0 - 11).
const REGISTER_MONTH: u8 = 0x08;
/// The register location for returning the year, (0 - 99).
const REGISTER_YEAR: u8 = 0x09;
/// The register location for returning the century.
const REGISTER_CENTURY: u8 = 0x32;
/// The register location for return the status A register.
const STATUS_REGISTER_A: u8 = 0x0A;
/// The register location for return the status B register.
const STATUS_REGISTER_B: u8 = 0x0B;
/// The register location for return the status C register.
const STATUS_REGISTER_C: u8 = 0x0C;
/// The non-mockable interrupts are on the 8th bit of port 0x70 which is the register select port
/// for the CMOS. This will need to be disabled when selecting CMOS registers.
const NMI_BIT: u8 = 0x80;
/// The enum for selecting the status register to read from
pub const StatusRegister = enum {
/// Status register A
/// Status register B
/// Status register C
/// Get the register index for the status registers
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: StatusRegister - The enum that represents one of the 3 status registers.
/// Return: u8
/// The register index for one of the 3 status registers.
pub fn getRegister(reg: StatusRegister) u8 {
return switch (reg) {
/// The enum for selecting the real time clock registers.
pub const RtcRegister = enum {
/// The seconds register
/// The minutes register
/// The hours register
/// The days register
/// The months register
/// The year register
/// The century register
/// Get the register index for the RTC registers
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: RtcRegister - The enum that represents one of the RTC registers.
/// Return: u8
/// The register index for one of the RTC registers.
pub fn getRegister(reg: RtcRegister) u8 {
return switch (reg) {
/// Tell the CMOS chip to select the given register ready for read or writing to. This also
/// disables the NMI when disable_nmi is true.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: u8 - The register index to select in the CMOS chip.
/// IN comptime disable_nmi: bool - Whether to disable NMI when selecting a register.
inline fn selectRegister(reg: u8, comptime disable_nmi: bool) void {
if (disable_nmi) {
arch.out(ADDRESS, reg | NMI_BIT);
} else {
arch.out(ADDRESS, reg);
/// Write to the selected register to the CMOS chip.
/// Arguments:
/// IN data: u8 - The data to write to the selected register.
inline fn writeRegister(data: u8) void {
arch.out(DATA, data);
/// Read the selected register from the CMOS chip.
/// Return: u8
/// The value in the selected register.
inline fn readRegister() u8 {
return arch.in(u8, DATA);
/// Select then read a register from the CMOS chip. This include a I/O wait to ensure the CMOS chip
/// has time to select the register.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: u8 - The register index to select in the CMOS chip.
/// IN comptime disable_nmi: bool - Whether to disable NMI when selecting a register.
/// Return: u8
/// The value in the selected register.
inline fn selectAndReadRegister(reg: u8, comptime disable_nmi: bool) u8 {
selectRegister(reg, disable_nmi);
return readRegister();
/// Select then write to a register to the CMOS chip. This include a I/O wait to ensure the CMOS chip
/// has time to select the register.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: u8 - The register index to select in the CMOS chip.
/// IN data: u8 - The data to write to the selected register.
/// IN comptime disable_nmi: bool - Whether to disable NMI when selecting a register.
inline fn selectAndWriteRegister(reg: u8, data: u8, comptime disable_nmi: bool) void {
selectRegister(reg, disable_nmi);
/// Read a register that corresponds to a real time clock register.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: RtcRegister - A RTC register to select in the CMOS chip.
/// Return: u8
/// The value in the selected register.
pub fn readRtcRegister(reg: RtcRegister) u8 {
return selectAndReadRegister(reg.getRegister(), false);
/// Read a status register in the CMOS chip.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: StatusRegister - The status register to select.
/// IN comptime disable_nmi: bool - Whether to disable NMI when selecting a register.
/// Return: u8
/// The value in the selected register.
pub fn readStatusRegister(reg: StatusRegister, comptime disable_nmi: bool) u8 {
return selectAndReadRegister(reg.getRegister(), disable_nmi);
/// Write to a status register in the CMOS chip.
/// Arguments:
/// IN reg: StatusRegister - The status register to select.
/// IN data: u8 - The data to write to the selected register.
/// IN comptime disable_nmi: bool - Whether to disable NMI when selecting a register.
pub fn writeStatusRegister(reg: StatusRegister, data: u8, comptime disable_nmi: bool) void {
selectAndWriteRegister(reg.getRegister(), data, disable_nmi);
test "selectRegister" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_A });
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_A;
selectRegister(reg, false);
test "selectRegister no NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_A | NMI_BIT });
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_A;
selectRegister(reg, true);
test "writeRegister" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0xAA) });
const data = @as(u8, 0xAA);
test "readRegister" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x55) });
const expected = @as(u8, 0x55);
const actual = readRegister();
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "selectAndReadRegister NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_C });
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x44) });
arch.addConsumeFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_C;
const expected = @as(u8, 0x44);
const actual = selectAndReadRegister(reg, false);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "selectAndReadRegister no NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_C | NMI_BIT });
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x44) });
arch.addConsumeFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_C;
const expected = @as(u8, 0x44);
const actual = selectAndReadRegister(reg, true);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "selectAndWriteRegister NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_C, DATA, @as(u8, 0x88) });
arch.addConsumeFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_C;
const data = @as(u8, 0x88);
selectAndWriteRegister(reg, data, false);
test "selectAndWriteRegister no NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, STATUS_REGISTER_C | NMI_BIT, DATA, @as(u8, 0x88) });
arch.addConsumeFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const reg = STATUS_REGISTER_C;
const data = @as(u8, 0x88);
selectAndWriteRegister(reg, data, true);
test "readRtcRegister" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addRepeatFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const rtc_regs = [_]RtcRegister{ RtcRegister.SECOND, RtcRegister.MINUTE, RtcRegister.HOUR, RtcRegister.DAY, RtcRegister.MONTH, RtcRegister.YEAR, RtcRegister.CENTURY };
for (rtc_regs) |reg| {
const r = switch (reg) {
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, r });
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x44) });
const expected = @as(u8, 0x44);
const actual = readRtcRegister(reg);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readStatusRegister NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addRepeatFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const status_regs = [_]StatusRegister{ StatusRegister.A, StatusRegister.B, StatusRegister.C };
for (status_regs) |reg| {
const r = switch (reg) {
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, r });
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x78) });
const expected = @as(u8, 0x78);
const actual = readStatusRegister(reg, false);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "readStatusRegister no NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addRepeatFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const status_regs = [_]StatusRegister{ StatusRegister.A, StatusRegister.B, StatusRegister.C };
for (status_regs) |reg| {
const r = switch (reg) {
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, r | NMI_BIT });
arch.addTestParams("in", .{ DATA, @as(u8, 0x78) });
const expected = @as(u8, 0x78);
const actual = readStatusRegister(reg, true);
expectEqual(expected, actual);
test "writeStatusRegister NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addRepeatFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const status_regs = [_]StatusRegister{ StatusRegister.A, StatusRegister.B, StatusRegister.C };
for (status_regs) |reg| {
const r = switch (reg) {
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, r, DATA, @as(u8, 0x43) });
const data = @as(u8, 0x43);
writeStatusRegister(reg, data, false);
test "writeStatusRegister no NMI" {
defer arch.freeTest();
arch.addRepeatFunction("ioWait", arch.mock_ioWait);
const status_regs = [_]StatusRegister{ StatusRegister.A, StatusRegister.B, StatusRegister.C };
for (status_regs) |reg| {
const r = switch (reg) {
arch.addTestParams("out", .{ ADDRESS, r | NMI_BIT, DATA, @as(u8, 0x43) });
const data = @as(u8, 0x43);
writeStatusRegister(reg, data, true);