Closes #244 Move PCI to arch Plus spelling Added new out and in functions Added new out and in to mocking Return pci devices as a list Improved comment Removed mask for the return Removed type for OUT Added new types
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108 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const arch = @import("arch_mock.zig");
const mock_framework = @import("mock_framework.zig");
pub const initTest = mock_framework.initTest;
pub const freeTest = mock_framework.freeTest;
pub const addTestParams = mock_framework.addTestParams;
pub const addConsumeFunction = mock_framework.addConsumeFunction;
pub const addRepeatFunction = mock_framework.addRepeatFunction;
const PciRegisters = enum(u8) {
VenderId = 0x00,
DeviceId = 0x02,
Command = 0x04,
Status = 0x06,
RevisionId = 0x08,
ProgrammingInterface = 0x09,
Subclass = 0x0A,
ClassCode = 0x0B,
CacheLineSize = 0x0C,
LatencyTimer = 0x0D,
HeaderType = 0x0E,
BIST = 0x0F,
BaseAddr0 = 0x10,
BaseAddr1 = 0x14,
BaseAddr2 = 0x18,
BaseAddr3 = 0x1C,
BaseAddr4 = 0x20,
BaseAddr5 = 0x24,
CardbusCISPtr = 0x28,
SubsystemVenderId = 0x2C,
SubsystemId = 0x2E,
ExpansionROMBaseAddr = 0x30,
CapabilitiesPtr = 0x34,
InterruptLine = 0x3C,
InterruptPin = 0x3D,
MinGrant = 0x3E,
MaxLatency = 0x3F,
pub fn getWidth(comptime pci_reg: PciRegisters) type {
return switch (pci_reg) {
.RevisionId, .ProgrammingInterface, .Subclass, .ClassCode, .CacheLineSize, .LatencyTimer, .HeaderType, .BIST, .InterruptLine, .InterruptPin, .MinGrant, .MaxLatency, .CapabilitiesPtr => u8,
.VenderId, .DeviceId, .Command, .Status, .SubsystemVenderId, .SubsystemId => u16,
.BaseAddr0, .BaseAddr1, .BaseAddr2, .BaseAddr3, .BaseAddr4, .BaseAddr5, .CardbusCISPtr, .ExpansionROMBaseAddr => u32,
const PciAddress = packed struct {
register_offset: u8,
function: u3,
device: u5,
bus: u8,
reserved: u7 = 0,
enable: u1 = 1,
const PciDevice = struct {
bus: u8,
device: u5,
const Self = @This();
pub fn getAddress(self: Self, function: u3, comptime pci_reg: PciRegisters) PciAddress {
return PciAddress{
.bus = self.bus,
.device = self.device,
.function = function,
.register_offset = @enumToInt(pci_reg),
pub fn configReadData(self: Self, function: u3, comptime pci_reg: PciRegisters) pci_reg.getWidth() {
return mock_framework.performAction("PciDevice.configReadData", pci_reg.getWidth(), .{ self, function, pci_reg });
pub const PciDeviceInfo = struct {
pci_device: PciDevice,
function: u3,
vender_id: u16,
device_id: u16,
subclass: u8,
class_code: u8,
pub const Error = error{NoFunction};
pub fn create(pci_device: PciDevice, function: u3) Error!PciDeviceInfo {
return mock_framework.performAction("PciDeviceInfo.create", Error!PciDeviceInfo, .{ pci_device, function });
pub fn print(device: arch.Device) void {
std.debug.print("BUS: 0x{X}, DEV: 0x{X}, FUN: 0x{X}, VID: 0x{X}, DID: 0x{X}, SC: 0x{X}, CC: 0x{X}\n", .{
pub fn getDevices(allocator: *Allocator) Allocator.Error![]PciDeviceInfo {
return mock_framework.performAction("getDevices", Allocator.Error![]PciDeviceInfo, .{allocator});