Add mocking of functions Added new function type Fixed up the mock testing Working mock_framework :), fixed up all tests for VGA and TTY Adding tests VGA testing done Fin vga and tty mock testing Fixed build Removed white spaces WIP Added tests for all build modes + reduced import string length for testing Added comments refactoring Re-added constants Added some comments Updated to master of zig Added unit tests to pipeline PR comments Fixed typos
94 lines
2.3 KiB
94 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const MemProfile = @import("mem_mock.zig").MemProfile;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const warn = std.debug.warn;
const mock_framework = @import("mock_framework.zig");
pub const initTest = mock_framework.initTest;
pub const freeTest = mock_framework.freeTest;
pub const addTestParams = mock_framework.addTestParams;
pub const addConsumeFunction = mock_framework.addConsumeFunction;
pub const addRepeatFunction = mock_framework.addRepeatFunction;
pub const InterruptContext = struct {
// Extra segments
gs: u32,
fs: u32,
es: u32,
ds: u32,
// Destination, source, base pointer
edi: u32,
esi: u32,
ebp: u32,
esp: u32,
// General registers
ebx: u32,
edx: u32,
ecx: u32,
eax: u32,
// Interrupt number and error code
int_num: u32,
error_code: u32,
// Instruction pointer, code segment and flags
eip: u32,
cs: u32,
eflags: u32,
user_esp: u32,
ss: u32,
pub fn init(mem_profile: *const MemProfile, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, comptime options: type) void {
//return mock_framework.performAction("init", void, mem_profile, allocator);
pub fn outb(port: u16, data: u8) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("outb", void, port, data);
pub fn inb(port: u16) u8 {
return mock_framework.performAction("inb", u8, port);
pub fn ioWait() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("ioWait", void);
pub fn registerInterruptHandler(int: u16, ctx: fn (ctx: *InterruptContext) void) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("registerInterruptHandler", void, int, ctx);
pub fn lgdt(gdt_ptr: *const gdt.GdtPtr) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("lgdt", void, gdt_ptr.*);
pub fn ltr() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("ltr", void);
pub fn lidt(idt_ptr: *const idt.IdtPtr) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("lidt", void, idt_ptr.*);
pub fn enableInterrupts() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("enableInterrupts", void);
pub fn disableInterrupts() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("disableInterrupts", void);
pub fn halt() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("halt", void);
pub fn spinWait() noreturn {
while (true) {}
pub fn haltNoInterrupts() noreturn {
while (true) {}