Added finding the next free cluster Added name to long name Added long name to short name Added tests for above Added createLongNameEntry + tests Moved tests to bottom Added createShortNameEntry + test Used the RTC for the date and time for the created short entry Tidied createEntries A bit of refactor No symlinks for FAT32 findNextFreeCluster updates FAT Reordered tests to better follow the FAT32FS code FAT32 has no support for symlinks, so removed code around this. Removed open_args from createNode as it doesn't need it Added writeEntries + tests Write the short and long entries to disk findNextFreeCluster update cluster chain with parent cluster Added FAT32 write + tests This Added the ability to create files and directories and write to files. Added location of the short dir entry for the file so can update the size of the file on disk Added folders to the test FAT32 directory. Also fixed minor bug in mkfat32 Added check for destroying the filesystem Fixed error message for cluster size Simpler if condition 0x0FFFFFFF => 0xFFFFFFFF Spelling Fixed test
190 lines
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190 lines
5.1 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const mem = @import("../../../src/kernel/mem.zig");
const MemProfile = mem.MemProfile;
const pci = @import("pci_mock.zig");
const gdt = @import("gdt_mock.zig");
const idt = @import("idt_mock.zig");
const vmm = @import("../../../src/kernel/vmm.zig");
const paging = @import("paging_mock.zig");
const Serial = @import("../../../src/kernel/serial.zig").Serial;
const TTY = @import("../../../src/kernel/tty.zig").TTY;
const Keyboard = @import("../../../src/kernel/keyboard.zig").Keyboard;
const task = @import("../../../src/kernel/task.zig");
pub const Device = pci.PciDeviceInfo;
pub const DateTime = struct {
second: u32,
minute: u32,
hour: u32,
day: u32,
month: u32,
year: u32,
century: u32,
day_of_week: u32,
const mock_framework = @import("mock_framework.zig");
pub const initTest = mock_framework.initTest;
pub const freeTest = mock_framework.freeTest;
pub const addTestParams = mock_framework.addTestParams;
pub const addConsumeFunction = mock_framework.addConsumeFunction;
pub const addRepeatFunction = mock_framework.addRepeatFunction;
pub const CpuState = struct {
ss: u32,
gs: u32,
fs: u32,
es: u32,
ds: u32,
edi: u32,
esi: u32,
ebp: u32,
esp: u32,
ebx: u32,
edx: u32,
ecx: u32,
eax: u32,
int_num: u32,
error_code: u32,
eip: u32,
cs: u32,
eflags: u32,
user_esp: u32,
user_ss: u32,
pub const VmmPayload = u8;
pub const KERNEL_VMM_PAYLOAD: usize = 0;
pub const MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE: u32 = paging.PAGE_SIZE_4KB;
pub const STACK_SIZE: u32 = MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE / @sizeOf(u32);
pub const VMM_MAPPER: vmm.Mapper(VmmPayload) = undefined;
pub const BootPayload = u8;
pub const Task = task.Task;
// The virtual/physical start/end of the kernel code
var KERNEL_PHYSADDR_START: u32 = 0x00100000;
var KERNEL_PHYSADDR_END: u32 = 0x01000000;
var KERNEL_VADDR_START: u32 = 0xC0100000;
var KERNEL_VADDR_END: u32 = 0xC1100000;
var KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET: u32 = 0xC0000000;
pub fn out(port: u16, data: anytype) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("out", void, .{ port, data });
pub fn in(comptime Type: type, port: u16) Type {
return mock_framework.performAction("in", Type, .{port});
pub fn ioWait() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("ioWait", void, .{});
pub fn lgdt(gdt_ptr: *const gdt.GdtPtr) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("lgdt", void, .{gdt_ptr});
pub fn sgdt() gdt.GdtPtr {
return mock_framework.performAction("sgdt", gdt.GdtPtr, .{});
pub fn ltr(offset: u16) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("ltr", void, .{offset});
pub fn lidt(idt_ptr: *const idt.IdtPtr) void {
return mock_framework.performAction("lidt", void, .{idt_ptr});
pub fn sidt() idt.IdtPtr {
return mock_framework.performAction("sidt", idt.IdtPtr, .{});
pub fn enableInterrupts() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("enableInterrupts", void, .{});
pub fn disableInterrupts() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("disableInterrupts", void, .{});
pub fn halt() void {
return mock_framework.performAction("halt", void, .{});
pub fn spinWait() noreturn {
while (true) {}
pub fn haltNoInterrupts() noreturn {
while (true) {}
pub fn initSerial(boot_payload: BootPayload) Serial {
return .{ .write = undefined };
pub fn initTTY(boot_payload: BootPayload) TTY {
return .{
.print = undefined,
.setCursor = undefined,
.cols = undefined,
.rows = undefined,
.clear = null,
pub fn initMem(payload: BootPayload) Allocator.Error!mem.MemProfile {
return MemProfile{
.vaddr_end = @ptrCast([*]u8, &KERNEL_VADDR_END),
.vaddr_start = @ptrCast([*]u8, &KERNEL_VADDR_START),
.physaddr_end = @ptrCast([*]u8, &KERNEL_PHYSADDR_END),
.physaddr_start = @ptrCast([*]u8, &KERNEL_PHYSADDR_START),
// Total memory available including the initial 1MiB that grub doesn't include
.mem_kb = 0,
.fixed_allocator = undefined,
.virtual_reserved = undefined,
.physical_reserved = undefined,
.modules = undefined,
pub fn initTask(t: *Task, entry_point: usize, allocator: *Allocator) Allocator.Error!void {}
pub fn initKeyboard(allocator: *Allocator) Allocator.Error!?*Keyboard {
return null;
pub fn getDevices(allocator: *Allocator) Allocator.Error![]Device {
return &[_]Device{};
pub fn getDateTime() DateTime {
// TODO: Use the std lib std.time.timestamp() and convert
// Hard code 12:12:13 12/12/12 for testing
return .{
.second = 13,
.minute = 12,
.hour = 12,
.day = 12,
.month = 12,
.year = 2012,
.century = 2000,
.day_of_week = 4,
pub fn init(mem_profile: *const MemProfile) void {
// I'll get back to this as this doesn't effect the current testing.
// When I come on to the mem.zig testing, I'll fix :)
//return mock_framework.performAction("init", void, mem_profile);
// User defined mocked functions
pub fn mock_disableInterrupts() void {}
pub fn mock_enableInterrupts() void {}
pub fn mock_ioWait() void {}