2020-05-30 23:24:45 +01:00

114 lines
3.7 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;
const log = @import("log.zig");
pub const Module = struct {
/// The region of memory occupied by the module
region: Range,
/// The module's name
name: []const u8,
pub const Map = struct {
/// The virtual range to reserve
virtual: Range,
/// The physical range to map to, if any
physical: ?Range,
/// A range of memory
pub const Range = struct {
/// The start of the range, inclusive
start: usize,
/// The end of the range, exclusive
end: usize,
pub const MemProfile = struct {
/// The virtual end address of the kernel code.
vaddr_end: [*]u8,
/// The virtual end address of the kernel code.
vaddr_start: [*]u8,
/// The physical end address of the kernel code.
physaddr_end: [*]u8,
/// The physical start address of the kernel code.
physaddr_start: [*]u8,
/// The amount of memory in the system, in kilobytes.
mem_kb: usize,
/// The modules loaded into memory at boot.
modules: []Module,
/// The virtual regions of reserved memory. Should not include what is tracked by the vaddr_* fields but should include the regions occupied by the modules. These are reserved and mapped by the VMM
virtual_reserved: []Map,
/// The phsyical regions of reserved memory. Should not include what is tracked by the physaddr_* fields but should include the regions occupied by the modules. These are reserved by the PMM
physical_reserved: []Range,
/// The allocator to use before a heap can be set up.
fixed_allocator: std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator,
/// The size of the fixed allocator used before the heap is set up. Set to 1MiB.
pub const FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
/// The kernel's virtual address offset. It's assigned in the init function and this file's tests.
/// We can't just use KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET since using externs in the virtToPhys test is broken in
/// release-safe. This is a workaround until that is fixed.
pub var ADDR_OFFSET: usize = undefined;
/// Convert a virtual address to its physical counterpart by subtracting the kernel virtual offset from the virtual address.
/// Arguments:
/// IN virt: var - The virtual address to covert. Either an integer or pointer.
/// Return: @TypeOf(virt)
/// The physical address.
pub fn virtToPhys(virt: var) @TypeOf(virt) {
const T = @TypeOf(virt);
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Pointer => @intToPtr(T, @ptrToInt(virt) - ADDR_OFFSET),
.Int => virt - ADDR_OFFSET,
else => @compileError("Only pointers and integers are supported"),
/// Convert a physical address to its virtual counterpart by adding the kernel virtual offset to the physical address.
/// Arguments:
/// IN phys: var - The physical address to covert. Either an integer or pointer.
/// Return: @TypeOf(virt)
/// The virtual address.
pub fn physToVirt(phys: var) @TypeOf(phys) {
const T = @TypeOf(phys);
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Pointer => @intToPtr(T, @ptrToInt(phys) + ADDR_OFFSET),
.Int => phys + ADDR_OFFSET,
else => @compileError("Only pointers and integers are supported"),
test "physToVirt" {
ADDR_OFFSET = 0xC0000000;
const offset: usize = ADDR_OFFSET;
expectEqual(physToVirt(@as(usize, 0)), offset + 0);
expectEqual(physToVirt(@as(usize, 123)), offset + 123);
expectEqual(@ptrToInt(physToVirt(@intToPtr(*align(1) usize, 123))), offset + 123);
test "virtToPhys" {
ADDR_OFFSET = 0xC0000000;
const offset: usize = ADDR_OFFSET;
expectEqual(virtToPhys(offset + 0), 0);
expectEqual(virtToPhys(offset + 123), 123);
expectEqual(@ptrToInt(virtToPhys(@intToPtr(*align(1) usize, offset + 123))), 123);