601 lines
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601 lines
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const build_options = @import("build_options");
const mock_path = build_options.mock_path;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const is_test = builtin.is_test;
const std = @import("std");
const bitmap = @import("bitmap.zig");
const pmm = @import("pmm.zig");
const mem = if (is_test) @import(mock_path ++ "mem_mock.zig") else @import("mem.zig");
const tty = @import("tty.zig");
const panic = @import("panic.zig").panic;
const arch = @import("arch.zig").internals;
/// Attributes for a virtual memory allocation
pub const Attributes = struct {
/// Whether this memory belongs to the kernel and can therefore not be accessed in user mode
kernel: bool,
/// If this memory can be written to
writable: bool,
/// If this memory can be cached. Memory mapped to a device shouldn't, for example
cachable: bool,
/// All data that must be remembered for a virtual memory allocation
const Allocation = struct {
/// The physical blocks of memory associated with this allocation
physical: std.ArrayList(usize),
/// The size of each allocatable block, the same as the physical memory manager's block size
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = pmm.BLOCK_SIZE;
pub const MapperError = error{
/// Returns a container that can map and unmap virtual memory to physical memory.
/// The mapper can pass some payload data when mapping an unmapping, which is of type `Payload`. This can be anything that the underlying mapper needs to carry out the mapping process.
/// For x86, it would be the page directory that is being mapped within. An architecture or other mapper can specify the data it needs when mapping by specifying this type.
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the VMM-specific payload to pass when mapping and unmapping
/// Return: type
/// The Mapper type constructed.
pub fn Mapper(comptime Payload: type) type {
return struct {
/// Map a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory to physical memory. After a call to this function, the memory should be present the next time it is accessed.
/// The attributes given must be obeyed when possible.
/// Arguments:
/// IN virtual_start: usize - The start of the virtual memory to map
/// IN virtual_end: usize - The end of the virtual memory to map
/// IN physical_start: usize - The start of the physical memory to map to
/// IN physical_end: usize - The end of the physical memory to map to
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to this region of memory
/// IN/OUT allocator: std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when mapping, if required
/// IN spec: Payload - The payload to pass to the mapper
/// Error: std.mem.AllocatorError || MapperError
/// The causes depend on the mapper used
mapFn: fn (virtual_start: usize, virtual_end: usize, physical_start: usize, physical_end: usize, attrs: Attributes, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, spec: Payload) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void,
/// Unmap a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory from its physical memory. After a call to this function, the memory should not be accessible without error.
/// Arguments:
/// IN virtual_start: usize - The start of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN virtual_end: usize - The end of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN spec: Payload - The payload to pass to the mapper
/// Error: std.mem.AllocatorError || MapperError
/// The causes depend on the mapper used
unmapFn: fn (virtual_start: usize, virtual_end: usize, spec: Payload) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void,
/// Errors that can be returned by VMM functions
pub const VmmError = error{
/// A memory region expected to be allocated wasn't
/// A memory region expected to not be allocated was
/// A physical memory region expected to not be allocated was
/// A physical region of memory isn't of the same size as a virtual region
/// Virtual addresses are invalid
/// Physical addresses are invalid
/// The boot-time offset that the virtual addresses are from the physical addresses
/// This is the start of the memory owned by the kernel and so is where the kernel VMM starts
extern var KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET: *u32;
/// Construct a virtual memory manager to keep track of allocated and free virtual memory regions within a certain space
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the payload to pass to the mapper
/// Return: type
/// The constructed type
pub fn VirtualMemoryManager(comptime Payload: type) type {
return struct {
/// The bitmap that keeps track of allocated and free regions
bmp: bitmap.Bitmap(usize),
/// The start of the memory to be tracked
start: usize,
/// The end of the memory to be tracked
end: usize,
/// The allocator to use when allocating and freeing regions
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
/// All allocations that have been made with this manager
allocations: std.hash_map.AutoHashMap(usize, Allocation),
/// The mapper to use when allocating and freeing regions
mapper: Mapper(Payload),
/// The payload to pass to the mapper functions
payload: Payload,
const Self = @This();
/// Initialise a virtual memory manager
/// Arguments:
/// IN start: usize - The start of the memory region to manage
/// IN end: usize - The end of the memory region to manage. Must be greater than the start
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when allocating and freeing regions
/// IN mapper: Mapper - The mapper to use when allocating and freeing regions
/// IN payload: Payload - The payload data to be passed to the mapper
/// Return: Self
/// The manager constructed
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - The allocator cannot allocate the memory required
pub fn init(start: usize, end: usize, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, mapper: Mapper(Payload), payload: Payload) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Self {
const size = end - start;
var bmp = try bitmap.Bitmap(usize).init(std.mem.alignForward(size, pmm.BLOCK_SIZE) / pmm.BLOCK_SIZE, allocator);
return Self{
.bmp = bmp,
.start = start,
.end = end,
.allocator = allocator,
.allocations = std.hash_map.AutoHashMap(usize, Allocation).init(allocator),
.mapper = mapper,
.payload = payload,
/// Check if a virtual memory address has been set
/// Arguments:
/// IN self: *Self - The manager to check
/// IN virt: usize - The virtual memory address to check
/// Return: bool
/// Whether the address is set
/// Error: pmm.PmmError
/// Bitmap(u32).Error.OutOfBounds - The address given is outside of the memory managed
pub fn isSet(self: *const Self, virt: usize) bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError!bool {
return try self.bmp.isSet((virt - self.start) / BLOCK_SIZE);
/// Map a region (can span more than one block) of virtual memory to a specific region of memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to modify
/// IN virtual: mem.Range - The virtual region to set
/// IN physical: ?mem.Range - The physical region to map to or null if only the virtual region is to be set
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to the memory regions
/// Error: VmmError || Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError
/// VmmError.AlreadyAllocated - The virtual address has already been allocated
/// VmmError.PhysicalAlreadyAllocated - The physical address has already been allocated
/// VmmError.PhysicalVirtualMismatch - The physical region and virtual region are of different sizes
/// VmmError.InvalidVirtAddresses - The start virtual address is greater than the end address
/// VmmError.InvalidPhysicalAddresses - The start physical address is greater than the end address
/// Bitmap.BitmapError.OutOfBounds - The physical or virtual addresses are out of bounds
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - Allocating the required memory failed
/// MapperError.* - The causes depend on the mapper used
pub fn set(self: *Self, virtual: mem.Range, physical: ?mem.Range, attrs: Attributes) (VmmError || bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
var virt = virtual.start;
while (virt < virtual.end) : (virt += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (try self.isSet(virt))
return VmmError.AlreadyAllocated;
if (virtual.start > virtual.end) {
return VmmError.InvalidVirtAddresses;
if (physical) |p| {
if (virtual.end - virtual.start != p.end - p.start) {
return VmmError.PhysicalVirtualMismatch;
if (p.start > p.end) {
return VmmError.InvalidPhysAddresses;
var phys = p.start;
while (phys < p.end) : (phys += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (try pmm.isSet(phys)) {
return VmmError.PhysicalAlreadyAllocated;
var phys_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(self.allocator);
virt = virtual.start;
while (virt < virtual.end) : (virt += BLOCK_SIZE) {
try self.bmp.setEntry((virt - self.start) / BLOCK_SIZE);
if (physical) |p| {
try self.mapper.mapFn(virtual.start, virtual.end, p.start, p.end, attrs, self.allocator, self.payload);
var phys = p.start;
while (phys < p.end) : (phys += BLOCK_SIZE) {
try pmm.setAddr(phys);
try phys_list.append(phys);
_ = try self.allocations.put(virtual.start, Allocation{ .physical = phys_list });
/// Allocate a number of contiguous blocks of virtual memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to allocate for
/// IN num: usize - The number of blocks to allocate
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to apply to the mapped memory
/// Return: ?usize
/// The address at the start of the allocated region, or null if no region could be allocated due to a lack of contiguous blocks.
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.AllocatorError.OutOfMemory: The required amount of memory couldn't be allocated
pub fn alloc(self: *Self, num: usize, attrs: Attributes) std.mem.Allocator.Error!?usize {
if (num == 0)
return null;
// Ensure that there is both enough physical and virtual address space free
if (pmm.blocksFree() >= num and self.bmp.num_free_entries >= num) {
// The virtual address space must be contiguous
if (self.bmp.setContiguous(num)) |entry| {
var block_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(self.allocator);
try block_list.ensureCapacity(num);
var i: usize = 0;
const vaddr_start = self.start + entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
var vaddr = vaddr_start;
// Map the blocks to physical memory
while (i < num) : (i += 1) {
const addr = pmm.alloc() orelse unreachable;
try block_list.append(addr);
// The map function failing isn't the caller's responsibility so panic as it shouldn't happen
self.mapper.mapFn(vaddr, vaddr + BLOCK_SIZE, addr, addr + BLOCK_SIZE, attrs, self.allocator, self.payload) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to map virtual memory: {}\n", .{e});
vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE;
_ = try self.allocations.put(vaddr_start, Allocation{ .physical = block_list });
return vaddr_start;
return null;
/// Free a previous allocation
/// Arguments:
/// IN/OUT self: *Self - The manager to free within
/// IN vaddr: usize - The start of the allocation to free. This should be the address returned from a prior `alloc` call
/// Error: Bitmap.BitmapError || VmmError
/// VmmError.NotAllocated - This address hasn't been allocated yet
/// Bitmap.BitmapError.OutOfBounds - The address is out of the manager's bounds
pub fn free(self: *Self, vaddr: usize) (bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError || VmmError)!void {
const entry = (vaddr - self.start) / BLOCK_SIZE;
if (try self.bmp.isSet(entry)) {
// There will be an allocation associated with this virtual address
const allocation = self.allocations.get(vaddr) orelse unreachable;
const physical = allocation.physical;
defer physical.deinit();
const num_physical_allocations = physical.items.len;
for (physical.items) |block, i| {
// Clear the address space entry and free the physical memory
try self.bmp.clearEntry(entry + i);
pmm.free(block) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to free PMM reserved memory at 0x{X}: {}\n", .{ block * BLOCK_SIZE, e });
// Unmap the entire range
const region_start = entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
const region_end = (entry + num_physical_allocations) * BLOCK_SIZE;
self.mapper.unmapFn(region_start, region_end, self.payload) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed to unmap VMM reserved memory from 0x{X} to 0x{X}: {}\n", .{ region_start, region_end, e });
// The allocation is freed so remove from the map
} else {
return VmmError.NotAllocated;
/// Initialise the main system virtual memory manager covering 4GB. Maps in the kernel code and reserved virtual memory
/// Arguments:
/// IN mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile - The system's memory profile. This is used to find the kernel code region and boot modules
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use when needing to allocate memory
/// Return: VirtualMemoryManager
/// The virtual memory manager created with all reserved virtual regions allocated
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// std.mem.Allocator.Error.OutOfMemory - The allocator cannot allocate the memory required
pub fn init(mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) std.mem.Allocator.Error!VirtualMemoryManager(arch.VmmPayload) {
std.log.info(.tty, "Init\n", .{});
defer std.log.info(.tty, "Done\n", .{});
var vmm = try VirtualMemoryManager(arch.VmmPayload).init(@ptrToInt(&KERNEL_ADDR_OFFSET), 0xFFFFFFFF, allocator, arch.VMM_MAPPER, arch.KERNEL_VMM_PAYLOAD);
// Map in kernel
// Calculate start and end of mapping
const v_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const v_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
const p_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.physaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const p_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.physaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
vmm.set(.{ .start = v_start, .end = v_end }, mem.Range{ .start = p_start, .end = p_end }, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = false, .cachable = true }) catch |e| panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed mapping kernel code in VMM: {}", .{e});
for (mem_profile.virtual_reserved) |entry| {
const virtual = mem.Range{ .start = std.mem.alignBackward(entry.virtual.start, BLOCK_SIZE), .end = std.mem.alignForward(entry.virtual.end, BLOCK_SIZE) };
const physical: ?mem.Range = if (entry.physical) |phys| mem.Range{ .start = std.mem.alignBackward(phys.start, BLOCK_SIZE), .end = std.mem.alignForward(phys.end, BLOCK_SIZE) } else null;
vmm.set(virtual, physical, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true }) catch |e| switch (e) {
VmmError.AlreadyAllocated => {},
else => panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "Failed mapping region in VMM {}: {}\n", .{ entry, e }),
switch (build_options.test_mode) {
.Initialisation => runtimeTests(arch.VmmPayload, vmm, mem_profile),
else => {},
return vmm;
test "alloc and free" {
const num_entries = 512;
var vmm = try testInit(num_entries);
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
var virtual_allocations = std.ArrayList(usize).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer virtual_allocations.deinit();
var entry: u32 = 0;
while (entry < num_entries) {
// Test allocating various numbers of blocks all at once
// Rather than using a random number generator, just set the number of blocks to allocate based on how many entries have been done so far
var num_to_alloc: u32 = if (entry > 400) @as(u32, 8) else if (entry > 320) @as(u32, 14) else if (entry > 270) @as(u32, 9) else if (entry > 150) @as(u32, 26) else @as(u32, 1);
const result = try vmm.alloc(num_to_alloc, .{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true });
var should_be_set = true;
if (entry + num_to_alloc > num_entries) {
// If the number to allocate exceeded the number of entries, then allocation should have failed
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, null), result);
should_be_set = false;
} else {
// Else it should have succeeded and allocated the correct address
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?usize, vmm.start + entry * BLOCK_SIZE), result);
try virtual_allocations.append(result orelse unreachable);
// Make sure that the entries are set or not depending on the allocation success
var vaddr = entry * BLOCK_SIZE;
while (vaddr < (entry + num_to_alloc) * BLOCK_SIZE) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
if (should_be_set) {
// Allocation succeeded so this address should be set
std.testing.expect(try vmm.isSet(vaddr));
// The test mapper should have received this address
std.testing.expect(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
} else {
// Allocation failed as there weren't enough free entries
if (vaddr >= num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE) {
// If this address is beyond the VMM's end address, it should be out of bounds
std.testing.expectError(bitmap.Bitmap(u32).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, vmm.isSet(vaddr));
std.testing.expectError(bitmap.Bitmap(u64).BitmapError.OutOfBounds, allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
} else {
// Else it should not be set
std.testing.expect(!(try vmm.isSet(vaddr)));
// The test mapper should not have received this address
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
entry += num_to_alloc;
// All later entries should not be set
var later_entry = entry;
while (later_entry < num_entries) : (later_entry += 1) {
std.testing.expect(!(try vmm.isSet(vmm.start + later_entry * BLOCK_SIZE)));
std.testing.expect(!(try pmm.isSet(later_entry * BLOCK_SIZE)));
// Try freeing all allocations
for (virtual_allocations.items) |alloc| {
const alloc_group = vmm.allocations.get(alloc);
std.testing.expect(alloc_group != null);
const physical = alloc_group.?.physical;
// We need to create a copy of the physical allocations since the free call deinits them
var physical_copy = std.ArrayList(usize).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer physical_copy.deinit();
// Make sure they are all reserved in the PMM
for (physical.items) |phys| {
std.testing.expect(try pmm.isSet(phys));
try physical_copy.append(phys);
vmm.free(alloc) catch unreachable;
// This virtual allocation should no longer be in the hashmap
std.testing.expectEqual(vmm.allocations.get(alloc), null);
std.testing.expect(!try vmm.isSet(alloc));
// And all its physical blocks should now be free
for (physical_copy.items) |phys| {
std.testing.expect(!try pmm.isSet(phys));
test "set" {
const num_entries = 512;
var vmm = try testInit(num_entries);
const vstart = BLOCK_SIZE * 37;
const vend = BLOCK_SIZE * 46;
const pstart = vstart + 123;
const pend = vend + 123;
const attrs = Attributes{ .kernel = true, .writable = true, .cachable = true };
try vmm.set(.{ .start = vstart, .end = vend }, mem.Range{ .start = pstart, .end = pend }, attrs);
// Make sure it put the correct address in the map
std.testing.expect(vmm.allocations.get(vstart) != null);
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
// The entries before the virtual start shouldn't be set
var vaddr = vmm.start;
while (vaddr < vstart) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
// The entries up until the virtual end should be set
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE));
// The entries after the virtual end should not be set
while (vaddr < vmm.end) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
std.testing.expect(!(try allocations.isSet(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE)));
var test_allocations: ?bitmap.Bitmap(u64) = null;
var test_mapper = Mapper(u8){ .mapFn = testMap, .unmapFn = testUnmap };
/// Initialise a virtual memory manager used for testing
/// Arguments:
/// IN num_entries: u32 - The number of entries the VMM should track
/// Return: VirtualMemoryManager(u8)
/// The VMM constructed
/// Error: std.mem.Allocator.Error
/// OutOfMemory: The allocator couldn't allocate the structures needed
fn testInit(num_entries: u32) std.mem.Allocator.Error!VirtualMemoryManager(u8) {
if (test_allocations == null) {
test_allocations = try bitmap.Bitmap(u64).init(num_entries, std.heap.page_allocator);
} else |allocations| {
var entry: u32 = 0;
while (entry < allocations.num_entries) : (entry += 1) {
allocations.clearEntry(entry) catch unreachable;
var allocations = test_allocations orelse unreachable;
const mem_profile = mem.MemProfile{
.vaddr_end = undefined,
.vaddr_start = undefined,
.physaddr_start = undefined,
.physaddr_end = undefined,
.mem_kb = num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE / 1024,
.fixed_allocator = undefined,
.virtual_reserved = &[_]mem.Map{},
.physical_reserved = &[_]mem.Range{},
.modules = &[_]mem.Module{},
pmm.init(&mem_profile, std.heap.page_allocator);
return try VirtualMemoryManager(u8).init(0, num_entries * BLOCK_SIZE, std.heap.page_allocator, test_mapper, 39);
/// A mapping function used when doing unit tests
/// Arguments:
/// IN vstart: usize - The start of the virtual region to map
/// IN vend: usize - The end of the virtual region to map
/// IN pstart: usize - The start of the physical region to map
/// IN pend: usize - The end of the physical region to map
/// IN attrs: Attributes - The attributes to map with
/// IN/OUT allocator: *std.mem.Allocator - The allocator to use. Ignored
/// IN payload: u8 - The payload value. Expected to be 39
fn testMap(vstart: usize, vend: usize, pstart: usize, pend: usize, attrs: Attributes, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, payload: u8) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 39), payload);
var vaddr = vstart;
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
(test_allocations orelse unreachable).setEntry(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE) catch unreachable;
/// An unmapping function used when doing unit tests
/// Arguments:
/// IN vstart: usize - The start of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN vend: usize - The end of the virtual region to unmap
/// IN payload: u8 - The payload value. Expected to be 39
fn testUnmap(vstart: usize, vend: usize, payload: u8) (std.mem.Allocator.Error || MapperError)!void {
std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 39), payload);
var vaddr = vstart;
while (vaddr < vend) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
(test_allocations orelse unreachable).clearEntry(vaddr / BLOCK_SIZE) catch unreachable;
/// Run the runtime tests.
/// Arguments:
/// IN comptime Payload: type - The type of the payload passed to the mapper
/// IN vmm: VirtualMemoryManager(Payload) - The virtual memory manager to test
/// IN mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile - The mem profile with details about all the memory regions that should be reserved
/// IN mb_info: *multiboot.multiboot_info_t - The multiboot info struct that should also be reserved
fn runtimeTests(comptime Payload: type, vmm: VirtualMemoryManager(Payload), mem_profile: *const mem.MemProfile) void {
const v_start = std.mem.alignBackward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_start), BLOCK_SIZE);
const v_end = std.mem.alignForward(@ptrToInt(mem_profile.vaddr_end) + mem.FIXED_ALLOC_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
var vaddr = vmm.start;
while (vaddr < vmm.end - BLOCK_SIZE) : (vaddr += BLOCK_SIZE) {
const set = vmm.isSet(vaddr) catch unreachable;
var should_be_set = false;
if (vaddr < v_end and vaddr >= v_start) {
should_be_set = true;
} else {
for (mem_profile.virtual_reserved) |entry| {
if (vaddr >= std.mem.alignBackward(entry.virtual.start, BLOCK_SIZE) and vaddr < std.mem.alignForward(entry.virtual.end, BLOCK_SIZE)) {
should_be_set = true;
if (set and !should_be_set) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "An address was set in the VMM when it shouldn't have been: 0x{x}\n", .{vaddr});
} else if (!set and should_be_set) {
panic(@errorReturnTrace(), "An address was not set in the VMM when it should have been: 0x{x}\n", .{vaddr});
std.log.info(.tty, "Tested allocations\n", .{});