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2008-09-03 04:50:04 +00:00
<p>Required reading: XFI: software guards for system address spaces.
<p>Problem: how to use untrusted code (an "extension") in a trusted
<li>Use untrusted jpeg codec in Web browser
<li>Use an untrusted driver in the kernel
<p>What are the dangers?
<li>No fault isolations: extension modifies trusted code unintentionally
<li>No protection: extension causes a security hole
<li>Extension has a buffer overrun problem
<li>Extension calls trusted program's functions
<li>Extensions calls a trusted program's functions that is allowed to
call, but supplies "bad" arguments
<li>Extensions calls privileged hardware instructions (when extending
<li>Extensions reads data out of trusted program it shouldn't.
<p>Possible solutions approaches:
<li>Run extension in its own address space with minimal
privileges. Rely on hardware and operating system protection
<li>Restrict the language in which the extension is written:
<li>Packet filter language. Language is limited in its capabilities,
and it easy to guarantee "safe" execution.
<li>Type-safe language. Language runtime and compiler guarantee "safe"
<li>Software-based sandboxing.
<h2>Software-based sandboxing</h2>
<p>Sandboxer. A compiler or binary-rewriter sandboxes all unsafe
instructions in an extension by inserting additional instructions.
For example, every indirect store is preceded by a few instructions
that compute and check the target of the store at runtime.
<p>Verifier. When the extension is loaded in the trusted program, the
verifier checks if the extension is appropriately sandboxed (e.g.,
are all indirect stores sandboxed? does it call any privileged
instructions?). If not, the extension is rejected. If yes, the
extension is loaded, and can run. If the extension runs, the
instruction that sandbox unsafe instructions check if the unsafe
instruction is used in a safe way.
<p>The verifier must be trusted, but the sandboxer doesn't. We can do
without the verifier, if the trusted program can establish that the
extension has been sandboxed by a trusted sandboxer.
<p>The paper refers to this setup as instance of proof-carrying code.
<h2>Software fault isolation</h2>
<p><a href="http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wahbe93efficient.html">SFI</a>
by Wahbe et al. explored out to use sandboxing for fault isolation
extensions; that is, use sandboxing to control that stores and jump
stay within a specified memory range (i.e., they don't overwrite and
jump into addresses in the trusted program unchecked). They
implemented SFI for a RISC processor, which simplify things since
memory can be written only by store instructions (other instructions
modify registers). In addition, they assumed that there were plenty
of registers, so that they can dedicate a few for sandboxing code.
<p>The extension is loaded into a specific range (called a segment)
within the trusted application's address space. The segment is
identified by the upper bits of the addresses in the
segment. Separate code and data segments are necessary to prevent an
extension overwriting its code.
<p>An unsafe instruction on the MIPS is an instruction that jumps or
stores to an address that cannot be statically verified to be within
the correct segment. Most control transfer operations, such
program-counter relative can be statically verified. Stores to
static variables often use an immediate addressing mode and can be
statically verified. Indirect jumps and indirect stores are unsafe.
<p>To sandbox those instructions the sandboxer could generate the
following code for each unsafe instruction:
DR0 <- target address
R0 <- DR0 >> shift-register; // load in R0 segment id of target
CMP R0, segment-register; // compare to segment id to segment's ID
BNE fault-isolation-error // if not equal, branch to trusted error code
STORE using DR0
In this code, DR0, shift-register, and segment register
are <i>dedicated</i>: they cannot be used by the extension code. The
verifier must check if the extension doesn't use they registers. R0
is a scratch register, but doesn't have to be dedicated. The
dedicated registers are necessary, because otherwise extension could
load DR0 and jump to the STORE instruction directly, skipping the
<p>This implementation costs 4 registers, and 4 additional instructions
for each unsafe instruction. One could do better, however:
DR0 <- target address & and-mask-register // mask segment ID from target
DR0 <- DR0 | segment register // insert this segment's ID
STORE using DR0
This code just sets the write segment ID bits. It doesn't catch
illegal addresses; it just ensures that illegal addresses are within
the segment, harming the extension but no other code. Even if the
extension jumps to the second instruction of this sandbox sequence,
nothing bad will happen (because DR0 will already contain the correct
segment ID).
<p>Optimizations include:
<li>use guard zones for <i>store value, offset(reg)</i>
<li>treat SP as dedicated register (sandbox code that initializes it)
<p>XFI extends SFI in several ways:
<li>Handles fault isolation and protection
<li>Uses control-folow integrity (CFI) to get good performance
<li>Doesn't use dedicated registers
<li>Use two stacks (a scoped stack and an allocation stack) and only
allocation stack can be corrupted by buffer-overrun attacks. The
scoped stack cannot via computed memory references.
<li>Uses a binary rewriter.
<li>Works for the x86
<p>x86 is challenging, because limited registers and variable length
of instructions. SFI technique won't work with x86 instruction
set. For example if the binary contains:
25 CD 80 00 00 # AND eax, 0x80CD
and an adversary can arrange to jump to the second byte, then the
adversary calls system call on Linux, which has binary the binary
representation CD 80. Thus, XFI must control execution flow.
<p>XFI policy goals:
<li>Memory-access constraints (like SFI)
<li>Interface restrictions (extension has fixed entry and exit points)
<li>Scoped-stack integrity (calling stack is well formed)
<li>Simplified instructions semantics (remove dangerous instructions)
<li>System-environment integrity (ensure certain machine model
invariants, such as x86 flags register cannot be modified)
<li>Control-flow integrity: execution must follow a static, expected
control-flow graph. (enter at beginning of basic blocks)
<li>Program-data integrity (certain global variables in extension
cannot be accessed via computed memory addresses)
<p>The binary rewriter inserts guards to ensure these properties. The
verifier check if the appropriate guards in place. The primary
mechanisms used are:
<li>CFI guards on computed control-flow transfers (see figure 2)
<li>Two stacks
<li>Guards on computer memory accesses (see figure 3)
<li>Module header has a section that contain access permissions for
<li>Binary rewriter, which performs intra-procedure analysis, and
generates guards, code for stack use, and verification hints
<li>Verifier checks specific conditions per basic block. hints specify
the verification state for the entry to each basic block, and at
exit of basic block the verifier checks that the final state implies
the verification state at entry to all possible successor basic
blocks. (see figure 4)
<p>Can XFI protect against the attack discussed in last lecture?
unsigned int j;
p=(unsigned char *)s->init_buf->data;
j= *(p++);
Where will <i>j</i> be located?
<p>How about the following one from the paper <a href="http://research.microsoft.com/users/jpincus/beyond-stack-smashing.pdf"><i>Beyond stack smashing:
recent advances in exploiting buffer overruns</i></a>?
void f2b(void * arg, size_t len) {
char buf[100];
long val = ..;
long *ptr = ..;
extern void (*f)();
memcopy(buff, arg, len);
*ptr = val;
What code can <i>(*f)()</i> call? Code that the attacker inserted?
Code in libc?
<p>How about an attack that use <i>ptr</i> in the above code to
overwrite a method's address in a class's dispatch table with an
address of support function?
<p>How about <a href="http://research.microsoft.com/~shuochen/papers/usenix05data_attack.pdf">data-only attacks</a>? For example, attacker
overwrites <i>pw_uid</i> in the heap with 0 before the following
code executes (when downloading /etc/passwd and then uploading it with a
modified entry).
FILE *getdatasock( ... ) {
setsockeope ( ...);
<p>How much does XFI slow down applications? How many more
instructions are executed? (see Tables 1-4)