#!/usr/bin/env python3 template = """ .global {name} {name}: li a7, SYS_{name} ecall ret """.strip() def genstub(syscall: str): if not 3 >= len(syscall) <= 15: raise ValueError("Syscall {} is too short/long!".format(syscall[:35])) return template.format(name=syscall) syscalls = [ "fork", "exit", "wait", "pipe", "read", "write", "close", "kill", "exec", "open", "mknod", "unlink", "fstat", "link", "mkdir", "chdir", "dup", "getpid", "sbrk", "sleep", "uptime", "trace", "halt", ] assembly = "\n\n".join(map(genstub, syscalls)) # TODO: Perhaps do some more specific assertions on the code here assert len(assembly) > 0, "No assembly code generated. Something is fishy" with open("kernel/syscall.h", "r") as sfile: lines = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("#define"), sfile.readlines())) header_calls = set([line.split()[1] for line in lines]) calls = set(["SYS_" + call for call in syscalls]) if header_calls == calls: print("#All items match in both sets.") else: missing_in_calls = header_calls - calls missing_in_header_calls = calls - header_calls if missing_in_calls: print("#These items are in header_calls but not in calls:", missing_in_calls) if missing_in_header_calls: print( "#These items are in calls but not in header_calls:", missing_in_header_calls, ) print("# generated by usys.py - do not edit\n") print('#include "kernel/syscall.h"\n') print(assembly)