2018-10-02 08:12:01 -04:00

167 lines
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// This file contains definitions for the
// x86 memory management unit (MMU).
// Eflags register
#define FL_TF 0x00000100 // Trap Flag
#define FL_IF 0x00000200 // Interrupt Enable
// Control Register flags
#define CR0_PE 0x00000001 // Protection Enable
#define CR0_WP 0x00010000 // Write Protect
#define CR0_PG 0x80000000 // Paging
#define CR4_PSE 0x00000010 // Page size extension
// Segment selectors (indexes) in our GDTs.
// Defined by our convention, not the architecture.
#define KCSEG32 (1<<3) /* kernel 32-bit code segment */
#define KCSEG (2<<3) /* kernel code segment */
#define KDSEG (3<<3) /* kernel data segment */
#define TSSSEG (4<<3) /* tss segment - takes two slots */
#define UDSEG (6<<3) /* user data segment */
#define UCSEG (7<<3) /* user code segment */
#define NSEGS 8
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
struct segdesc {
uint16 limit0;
uint16 base0;
uint8 base1;
uint8 bits;
uint8 bitslimit1;
uint8 base2;
// SEGDESC constructs a segment descriptor literal
// with the given, base, limit, and type bits.
#define SEGDESC(base, limit, bits) (struct segdesc){ \
(limit)&0xffff, (base)&0xffff, \
((base)>>16)&0xff, \
(bits)&0xff, \
(((bits)>>4)&0xf0) | ((limit>>16)&0xf), \
((base)>>24)&0xff, \
// SEGDESCHI constructs an extension segment descriptor
// literal that records the high bits of base.
#define SEGDESCHI(base) (struct segdesc) { \
(((base)>>32)&0xffff), (((base)>>48)&0xffff), \
#define DPL_USER 0x3 // User DPL
#define SEG_A (1<<0) /* segment accessed bit */
#define SEG_R (1<<1) /* readable (code) */
#define SEG_W (1<<1) /* writable (data) */
#define SEG_C (1<<2) /* conforming segment (code) */
#define SEG_E (1<<2) /* expand-down bit (data) */
#define SEG_CODE (1<<3) /* code segment (instead of data) */
// User and system segment bits.
#define SEG_S (1<<4) /* if 0, system descriptor */
#define SEG_DPL(x) ((x)<<5) /* descriptor privilege level (2 bits) */
#define SEG_P (1<<7) /* segment present */
#define SEG_AVL (1<<8) /* available for operating system use */
#define SEG_L (1<<9) /* long mode */
#define SEG_D (1<<10) /* default operation size 32-bit */
#define SEG_G (1<<11) /* granularity */
// Application segment type bits
#define STA_X 0x8 // Executable segment
#define STA_W 0x2 // Writeable (non-executable segments)
#define STA_R 0x2 // Readable (executable segments)
// System segment type bits
#define SEG_LDT (2<<0) /* local descriptor table */
#define SEG_TSS64A (9<<0) /* available 64-bit TSS */
#define SEG_TSS64B (11<<0) /* busy 64-bit TSS */
#define SEG_CALL64 (12<<0) /* 64-bit call gate */
#define SEG_INTR64 (14<<0) /* 64-bit interrupt gate */
#define SEG_TRAP64 (15<<0) /* 64-bit trap gate */
// A virtual address 'la' has a six-part structure as follows:
// +--16--+---9---+------9-------+-----9----+----9-------+----12-------+
// | Sign | PML4 |Page Directory| Page Dir |Page Table | Offset Page |
// |Extend| Index | Pointer Index| Index | Index | in Page |
// +------+-------+--------------+----------+------------+-------------+
// \-PMX(va)-/\-PDPX(va)--/ \-PDX(va)-/ \-PTX(va)-/
// Page directory and page table constants.
#define NPDENTRIES 512 // # directory entries per page directory
#define PGSIZE 4096 // bytes mapped by a page
#define PGSHIFT 12 // offset of PTX in a linear address
#define PDXSHIFT 21 // offset of PDX in a linear address
#define PXMASK 0x1FF
#define PXSHIFT(n) (PGSHIFT+(9*(n)))
#define PDX(va) (((uint64)(va) >> PDXSHIFT) & PXMASK)
#define PX(n, va) ((((uint64) (va)) >> PXSHIFT(n)) & PXMASK)
#define L_PML4 3
// construct virtual address from indexes and offset
#define PGADDR(d, t, o) ((uint64)((d) << PDXSHIFT | (t) << PGSHIFT | (o)))
#define PGROUNDUP(sz) (((sz)+PGSIZE-1) & ~(PGSIZE-1))
#define PGROUNDDOWN(a) (((a)) & ~(PGSIZE-1))
// Page table/directory entry flags.
#define PTE_P 0x001 // Present
#define PTE_W 0x002 // Writeable
#define PTE_U 0x004 // User
#define PTE_PS 0x080 // Page Size
#define PTE_PWT 0x008 // Write-Through
#define PTE_PCD 0x010 // Cache-Disable
// Address in page table or page directory entry
#define PTE_ADDR(pte) ((uint64)(pte) & ~0xFFF)
#define PTE_FLAGS(pte) ((uint64)(pte) & 0xFFF)
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
typedef uint64 pml4e_t;
typedef uint64 pdpe_t;
typedef uint64 pte_t;
struct taskstate {
uint8 reserved0[4];
uint64 rsp[3];
uint64 ist[8];
uint8 reserved1[10];
uint16 iomba;
uint8 iopb[0];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
#define INT_P (1<<7) /* interrupt descriptor present */
struct intgate
uint16 rip0;
uint16 cs;
uint8 reserved0;
uint8 bits;
uint16 rip1;
uint32 rip2;
uint32 reserved1;
// INTDESC constructs an interrupt descriptor literal
// that records the given code segment, instruction pointer,
// and type bits.
#define INTDESC(cs, rip, bits) (struct intgate){ \
(rip)&0xffff, (cs), 0, bits, ((rip)>>16)&0xffff, \
(uint64)(rip)>>32, 0, \
// See section 4.6 of amd64 vol2
struct desctr
uint16 limit;
uint64 base;
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(16))); // important!